Chapter 62: True and False Lin Feng.

Lin Feng returned to the lounge, and then continued to stay to watch the other players fight.

Because there are only four matches today, the entire duration of the match will be short if there is no other schedule. After all, this is only a low-level event, each trainer has only one elf, and there are no 6v6 battles.

The official arrangement of the event has specially arranged some cabaret performances, and brought several guest exhibition competitions. Time ticked on, until around 3 p.m., when all four games were over.

“Audience friends, now all four successful players have finally appeared, which are Lin Feng and Xiong Apprentice, Zhu Tong and Big Rock Snake, Zhao Bo and Wind Speed Dog and the winner just now, Qi Wan and Qilurian!”

“Let’s congratulate them with a round of applause!”

Then, under the expectation of everyone, the host looked at the manual in his hand and began to announce the list of tomorrow’s matches: “The first game at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Zhao Bo players will fight Qi Wan!” ”

Hearing the first sentence, the crowd has begun to stop listening to the second sentence.

“Then everyone must know very well in the second game, Lin Feng vs. Zhu Tong!”

In the lounge, Lin Feng had a faint smile on his face.

The bear apprentice of the fighting department will fight against the big rock snake of the rock system, and the methods of the bear apprentice will be very cruel.

In another break, a boy with a strong body of 597 had an ugly face when he heard the battle list.

“Lying groove, draw the next sign!”

He bowed his head and cursed, but had to accept this cruel truth.

Of the remaining three players, he most wanted to encounter the wind speed dog of the fire system, followed by Chillulian, and the last thing he wanted to encounter was the bear apprentice.

The reverse attribute battle is actually good, and Zhu Tong has not fought the reverse attribute battle.

Mainly after watching the complete video of the battle between the bears and apprentices, the first response in his mind was: This is a headshot?

They have already reached the final four, and everyone has not taken down their weight-bearing equipment, which makes it clear that there is no pressure to fight. Zhu Tong sighed heavily, rubbed his head, calmed down and began to slowly think about how to fight Lin Feng.

On the other side, Lin Feng left the gymnasium directly, learned from past experience, put on a mask, and hid his handsome appearance. Hailed a taxi, followed by Elf Shop Seven.

It has been five days since the last time I went to the No. 7 Elf Store, and in the past few days, Zhu Hao said that the energy cube has been fermented by word of mouth, and the sales are good.

It happened that today’s game ended early, and Lin Feng decided to find out for himself. In the elf shop number seven, a replay of the battle between the bear apprentice and the Kami turtle is playing on TV. Today, the business in the store is very good, and Dong Jia is also helping in the store.

“Store manager, I heard that there is a new intermediate energy cube in your store that has recently arrived with high quality?”

A balding middle-aged man asked.

As soon as these words came out, several customers next to them turned their heads and said: “The quality is quite high, but it is a little expensive.” ”

“Don’t you say, that elf in my family, since eating this energy cube, can’t look at anything else?”

“It’s really expensive, usually the cost is quite large, recently the elves are obsessed with eating this only cube, alas.”

Hearing everyone’s evaluation, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but exclaim: “So amazing? ”

At this time, Dong Jia smiled and said slowly: “Guest, the intermediate energy cube you mentioned has been verified and is indeed of extremely high quality, so the price is higher than that of the same level. ”

“If you are interested, I recommend buying less first, let your elves taste it, whether it suits the taste.”

Dong Jia stretched out his slender hand and pointed to the conspicuous position of the shelf.

The middle-aged man was very curious, quickly looked over, looked at the crystal clear intermediate energy cube and nodded.

His child learns under a cultivator, and subtly, he has mastered the basic knowledge of energy cube identification. This energy cube looks much better than the same level.

“Which cultivator would this be?”

He muttered and decided to buy less first.

The middle-aged man bent down and decided to take out a few medium-grade energy cubes by himself, and at this moment, he suddenly glanced at a line of black writing under the jar.

【Lin Feng Production】

This line of black words is particularly small, if you don’t pay attention, you will subconsciously ignore it.

This is the rule of the Elf Association, and the name of the maker of the energy cube is pasted below, and if something happens, the maker can be found as soon as something happens.

“Lin Feng?”

He muttered in a low voice. Wait a minute!

The middle-aged man turned his head sharply and looked at the TV hanging on the wall, on the screen, the bear apprentice was punching the flying Kami turtle, and then the picture turned, and Lin Feng’s figure appeared.

“Yes! This player is also called Lin Feng! ”

He had seen the short Eagle Cup battle clip today and was deeply impressed by this trainer who commanded the bear apprentice.

The man turned around and asked Dong Jia behind him, “Store manager, the maker of this energy cube is also called Lin Feng?” ”

His voice was so loud that several customers who had spoken before him looked sideways.

“What? Lin Feng? ”

Someone exclaimed.

Dong Jia’s face was calm, and he spoke: “According to the regulations of the Elf Association, the specific information of the energy cube maker is confidential information, and we have no right to know it. ”

Dong Jia would not take the liberty of leaking his information casually without Lin Feng’s consent.

Although in her opinion, the news that the producer is actually himself will attract more customers. However, for a trainer like Lin Feng, who has an unlimited amount of money in the future, he can’t look at this little money.

Hearing Dong Jia’s answer, the middle-aged man was silent for a long time, and said with a casual smile: “It’s me who said more, this Lin Feng player on TV is perverted enough, if I can still make intermediate energy cubes, I simply find a piece of tofu to crash.” ”

Dong Jia pursed his lips slightly and was silent.

The two waiters in front of the counter looked at each other and saw the smile in each other’s eyes.

“Hahahaha too, those who can make intermediate energy cubes are cultivators who have been immersed for many years, but we think too much.”

“Also, Lin Feng’s name, I estimate that in our Donghuang, it is estimated that there are thousands of people, I see, you are confused by training, this kind of thing has to be asked.”

An old man said with a smile.


In the store, there was laughter. At this time, the door of the No. 7 Elf Store automatically opened, and a tall and thin figure walked into the store.

“Welcome to the Elf Shop Seven!”

The two waiters bowed their heads, immediately looked up, suddenly saw a familiar voice, and were surprised: “Dong Jia, it’s Lin Feng!” ”

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the store. One by one, his eyes fell on Lin Feng, who was covered in face.

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