Listening to the discussion of the parameter players around him, the time was unconsciously approaching ten o’clock.

After seeing that the time was about the same, Lin Feng walked towards the No. 7 field in Area B, and when the last battle was over, the referee called out the name with a loudspeaker, Lin Feng raised his hand and walked into the isolated battle field.

“I’ll go!! It’s Guy Lin!! ”

On the stands in Area B, a male student in Lin Feng’s class saw Lin Feng’s figure and shouted excitedly.

He took out his phone, quickly edited the content, and sent it to the class group:

“Big Guy Lin is in Area B No. 7 venue!!”

At the same time, Lin Feng saw his opponent in the first battle of the qualifiers.

Opposite is a petite and cute girl with round-rimmed glasses.

After she saw Lin Feng’s appearance, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said with a grin: “Handsome man, what is your elf?” Can I go to coffee together after a game? ”

Lin Feng smiled and refused: “I prefer to drink milk tea.” ”

The girl still wanted to continue talking, but the referee in the middle coughed and said solemnly:

“The battle rule is 1v1, please send your elves now, either side loses the battle first and the battle will be lost.”

In the official venue of a match like this, except for the battle, the elves cannot be left outside casually to prevent unexpected situations.

Moreover, because everyone has only recently become a trainer, there is one elf as standard, and a trainer like Lin Feng who has two elves is a very small minority.

Therefore, there is no first-hand rule, the process is simple and rude, as long as the referee gives an order, the fight can begin.

Looking at Lin Feng’s calm face, the girl was a little worried, and said: “Handsome man, please give more advice, and your subordinates will be merciful.” ”

Lin Feng didn’t say anything, threw a spirit ball, red light flashed, and the blue crow appeared in front of the girl.

Lin Feng now has two elves, of which the strength of the bear apprentice has exceeded that of the elves of the same period too much, and under the suppression of level and hard power, it does not play a training role at all.

The previous battles can be completely handed over to the crows who have trained hard in recent times.

“Not an elf in our area?” She sighed in amazement, trying to scour her mind for information about the blue crow.

The girl also took out the Pokeball and pressed it to release the walking grass.

Walking grass saw the blue crow hovering in midair, blood-colored eyes staring at him coldly, his body couldn’t help but tremble slightly, and his soul trembled.

This fourteenth-level grass plus poisonous walking grass, hit the blue crow with its head!

“Raven, solve it!” Lin Feng ordered.

The voice fell.

The blue crow flapped its wings and soared into the air, and the strong air immediately turned into air flow and fell behind him, forming a brilliant arc.

However, in the blink of an eye, the walking grass, which was still trembling and majestic, only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the blue raven on the opposite side had suddenly disappeared from its sight.

Then, the blue crow, which was nearly one meter tall, was like a behemoth, wrapped in a huge sense of oppression, and had already come to the walking grass.

The sharp beak of the bird, shining with white light, has burst into front of the walking grass.

“So fast!”

“Get out of the way! Walking grass…”

The girl’s voice had not yet fallen, and the walking grass did not have time to react at all, and was hit by the blue crow’s attack!

In the next second, the walking grass had fallen to the ground and lost its combat effectiveness.

There is no doubt that this girl is a naked rookie and lacks actual combat experience, and this level cannot even beat soy sauce.

“The walking grass loses its combat effectiveness, the winner is Lin Feng, please pay attention to the next battle information on the official website.”

After the referee announced the result, Lin Feng withdrew the blue crow and left the field calmly.

Victory is inevitable, and he doesn’t feel anything.

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of something, his heart moved, and he took out his mobile phone and opened the class chat group.

“The first battle is over, cut a little Lada under the horse!”

“Hahahahahaga! I won! ”

“I feel that the strength of these players is not good, and the command level is not as good as mine!”

“Laugh! After all, we are students of Anhan City No. 2 Middle School! Except for one middle school, who have you been afraid of?! ”

“Big Guy Lin is in Area B No. 7 venue!!”

Lin Feng saw a message about himself, he looked down and smiled, Xu is a classmate who was just in Area B.

Then, the classmate sent another message in the back.

“The game is over! The total time of the Lin Guy competition is no more than five seconds, and the command time is more than three seconds, and the girl on the opposite side is afraid that she can’t sleep at night! ”

Closing the chat group, Lin Feng rested for a while, looked at the next battle information on his mobile phone, and rushed to the end.

It’s still Area B, but this time it’s at Site 3.

The sun is blazing, and the scorching sun spreads over the earth.

Inside the Anhan City Gymnasium, there is a cool breeze.

Site 3 in Area B.

“I checked the information of your last match on the official website of the event, and your elf is a blue crow, right?”

After each battle, the use of sprites and battle results of each battle will appear at the bottom of the player interface on the official website of the event, and others can also check it.

“It’s a pity, my elf is a zebra, and it has the advantage in attributes.”

This muscular male trainer, who had many words, began to use language to suppress psychology as soon as they met, trying to shake Lin Feng’s confidence before the battle began.

Fighting against attributes is a difficult challenge for many trainers.

But Zhiye’s classic phrases shine in the long river of time and space, and will never fade:

No matter what elf I use, I will win in the end!

Lin Feng ignored the muscle man’s trash talk, and with the referee’s order, the two released the elves at the same time.

Opposite is a zebra from other regions.

Like ordinary zebras, the main colors of the zebra are black and white, with an electric white horn extending from the top of the head, and blue eyes quietly looking at the blue crow.

[Elf: Zebra

Grade: LV16

Features: Lightning rod].

“Blue Raven, move at high speed!”

“Zebra, recharge!”

The conductors on both sides are quite robust, and a layer of BUFF is superimposed on the first meeting.

After the blue crow moves at high speed, its body becomes lighter, and its posture flies back and forth, and its speed is greatly improved.

“Rush over! Pecking! ”

When the blue crow heard Lin Feng’s voice, it flapped its wings, and after the blessing of high-speed movement, it suddenly turned into a black lightning, and the beak of the bird glowing with white light was extremely sharp!

“Electric shock…” The muscle man looked at the sudden attack of the blue crow, instantly panicked, and shouted out a skill.

But the zebra’s vision could not keep up with the speed of the blue jay after high-speed movement, and when the zebra reacted, a pain spread throughout the body.

The zebra screamed!

“Air chop!”

Lin Feng did not have the slightest sense of pity, chasing after the victory, the real battle is like this, seizing all the gaps to attack!

The blue crow flew into the air, its wings flapped suddenly, the air stirred, and one after another white air blades wrapped in a fierce breath, hitting the body of the zebra!

Bang bang!

Gunsmoke and dust.

By the time his vision was restored, the zebra had fallen to the ground, and its eyes turned into circles.

Seeing his zebra being solved cleanly like this, the muscle man’s expression instantly froze.

“How is it possible, this is bought from abroad for a lot of money.”

He muttered, his face full of disbelief, unable to believe this ending.

“The zebra lost its combat effectiveness, and the victor was Lin Feng.” The referee glanced at Lin Feng in surprise.

Previously, he was also the judge for Lin Feng, because there were many players in the Young Eagle Cup, and he had to contact dozens or hundreds of players at the end of the day, and he did not have much impression of most trainers.

However, Lin Feng in front of him successfully remembered him with two crushing battles.

“Lin Feng… Another strong contender for the championship? ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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