“One piece is not enough, I want two, greedy.” Looking at Bobo, who cast a hopeful gaze, Lin Feng said and scared him away.

Zhu Hao was amazed in the back, and immediately came to Lin Feng’s side, and asked curiously: “Where did you buy that intermediate energy cube just now?” Good high quality. ”

He bought the Intermediate Energy Cubes to feed Bibi Bird and Black Ruga at the Elf Shop, where the supply was reliable and the price was more affordable.

But after seeing the expressions of Kuruga and Bobo, Zhu Hao pondered to buy a few better quality energy cubes for them to taste.

Lin Feng did not shy away, and directly asked and answered: “This is my own production, there should be no sale outside.” ”

Lin Feng had also thought about hiding the news that he could make intermediate energy cubes, but after thinking about it carefully, he often told a lie and needed countless panics to fill.

If you don’t pay attention to it, you may leak your mouth.

What’s more, the world is too big, all kinds of geniuses emerge endlessly, and even trainers can become champions in a year.

This bit of talent of his own may be very good in Anhan City, but getting the entire Donghuang and the entire elf world may not be worth mentioning.

Instead of being worried and living in a lie, it is better to confess at the beginning, and the upper echelons will pay more attention to themselves and obtain more resources.

As soon as these words came out, there was silence around them.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, who had a calm face, with a strange gaze, as if looking at a monster.

“Seventeen-year-old intermediate cultivator…” someone gasped.

Everyone understands how difficult it is to become an intermediate cultivator, and in the huge Anhan City, there are no more than fifty registered intermediate cultivators.

And if you add a prefix before this sentence – seventeen years old, the gold content will increase exponentially.

This is even more shocking and incredible than a seventeen-year-old intermediate trainer.

Such a perverted guy is actually their classmate.

If in the past, there were still some students who were not convinced and wanted to catch up with Lin Feng in front of them, but after this outing, everyone could only look up to him.

Everyone knows that Lin Feng, who has such potential, will definitely have great achievements in the future and will become a big person who affects countless people.

Therefore, each student’s attitude changed quickly, since he was destined to not be able to catch up with Lin Feng in front of him, he could only look up to him, so he would do everything possible to establish a good relationship.

In the future, maybe it was just a small favor from Lin Feng that would change someone’s fate.

Lin Feng waved his hand helplessly and explained, “I’m not an intermediate cultivator, I’m just a little interested in making energy cubes, and I tossed it around.” ”

Can you make a mid-level energy cube with a toss?

If you study it carefully, can’t you still make better quality and higher energy blocks?

As a result, everyone’s eyes looking at Lin Feng were even more admiring and adoring.

Lin Feng looked at everyone’s eyes looking at him, a little helpless, but the matter had come to this, the more he explained the more everyone thought about it, and he simply didn’t explain.

“Teacher Zhu, I still have a little extra energy cube here, you can take it and give one piece each to Heiruga and Bibi Bird, and I have to bother them to help today.”

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng took out a few crystal clear intermediate energy cubes from his backpack again.

Zhu Hao eased from the shock, looked at Lin Feng’s eyes more and more satisfied, and sighed in a low voice: “My daughter’s daughter is too young, otherwise… It’s a pity. ”

While sighing, he took two energy cubes from Lin Feng’s hand and handed one of them to Hei Ruga, who was impatient next to him.

He then called for Bibi to fly down and feed the second piece to Bibi.

The two elves showed an expression of enjoyment at the same time, and Heruga let out a long howl, startling a wave.

“Student Lin, if these two intermediate energy cubes are placed on the market, they can be at least twice as valuable as the energy cubes of the same level.”

“It’s not easy to make energy cubes, I’ll transfer the money to you.” After speaking, Zhu Hao took out his mobile phone.

“Don’t don’t, Mr. Zhu, you look down on me like this. Today is a special situation, you and the two elves are very hard, to keep an eye on each of us, I just do my best to make the two elves happy. ”

After speaking, Lin Feng squatted down and rubbed Hei Luga’s head.

Hearing this, Zhu Hao no longer insisted, put back the mobile phone, and said solemnly: “Good.” ”

However, this incident was deeply remembered by Zhu Hao.

Lin Feng called the bear apprentice and the blue crow again, and fed an energy cube each.

Just as the two elves were eating with relish, Jiang Ming walked over slowly.

“Classmate Lin Feng, can you sell me an intermediate energy cube?” She lowered her head slightly, seemed a little embarrassed, and spoke in a much quieter voice than usual.

Lin Feng was slightly startled and began to think about this problem.

If he gave Zhu Hao two energy cubes before, it was out of the friendship between teachers and students, and today Zhu Hao was very hard, always paying attention to everyone’s every move along the way.

At this time, Jiang Ming’s request made him a little entangled.

Should there be interests between classmates?

But soon, he came up with the answer. Classmates are classmates, interests are interests, and there is no necessary connection between the two.

Although these energy cubes are his masterpieces, after all, they have taken time and raw materials, and have been highly praised by Shirona and Zhu Hao.

In this case, if it is not particularly good to have a good relationship, why give it to others for free.

At most, it is only for the sake of the face of classmates, and the discount is some.

If you are not realistic and rational, others will think that you are good to talk to, and it is always yourself who suffers.

“This energy cube may be a little expensive.” Lin Feng reminded.

A medium-grade energy cube on the market is 10,000 yuan, and Zhu Hao said that the energy cube made by Lin Feng is worth twice as much, that is, 20,000.

Twenty thousand intermediate energy cubes, for them who are still students and have no financial resources, can be called expensive.

“It’s okay, just sell it to me.” Hearing Lin Feng’s answer, Jiang Ming smiled sweetly and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Her biggest worry was that Lin Feng would not sell it to herself.

“Classmate Lin, bring me three pieces.” After that, she immediately transferred money on her mobile phone, not giving Lin Feng the slightest chance to repent.

Three pieces… That’s 60,000.

Lin Feng heard the sound of the mobile phone arrived, his eyes lit up, and he answered excitedly, immediately put down his backpack, and took out three energy cubes.

“I want two pieces too!” Seeing that Jiang Ming successfully bought it, Ren Bang, who was already watching from the sidelines, immediately rushed over and shouted, and at the same time quickly tapped his mobile phone to transfer money on his mobile phone.

“Me me me!! And me! ”

“I want a piece too!!”

All right! You big dogs!

I usually don’t see so many rich people in the class!

Lin Feng’s smile became brighter and he responded enthusiastically to every student.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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