Boom –

With a huge roar and the ground that was constantly cracking, the entire ruins began to shake violently.

In fact, when Lin Feng saw those holes before, he had a bad premonition, these holes would lead to the instability of the internal structure of the ruins, so the two specially accelerated their speed and tried to go out early.

In fact, this is also because this ruins are of little value to the research of archaeologists, otherwise the alliance will send people to stay here for a long time.

It is both a trainer to protect those who may stray, and to protect this especially precious ancient ruin.

In the battle just now, the three Mountain Kings took turns digging holes to make the already fragile ground crumbling, and an earthquake from the rumbling stone was the last straw that crushed the camel!

The big needle bee sensed something strange and flew towards Lin Feng as soon as possible.

Overturned edifices often only take a moment, and Ibrahimovic’s face changed, and he grabbed Hirona’s pants in fright.

Having not experienced enough experience, it showed panic at this moment.

Suddenly, the ground under the feet of the two trembled violently, and the whole person could not control his figure, and fell down with the collapsed rock.


The big needle bee screamed, constantly dodging the falling rocks from above, and chased towards the falling Lin Feng.

It has watched Lin Feng grow up since he was a child, and has always regarded him as a junior.

On this trip to the ruins, Dad Lin let him accompany him, undoubtedly trusting the strength of the big needle bee.



A roar, accompanied by a pierced golden figure.

In the cold blood-colored eyes, there was only Lin Feng’s figure.

The large needle bee appeared at the large rock above Lin Feng’s head, and with a cross scissor move, the rock was split into pieces.

The large rock was shattered, but the small rock could still be resisted.

Bang bang bang –

Several elves take turns using their skills to smash the falling small rocks into ashes, making them incapable of posing a threat to the two.

The big needle bee’s wings vibrated one after another, catching up with Lin Feng and Shirona, who had fallen.


The big needle bee shouted at Lin Feng with a little guilt, blaming himself for not being able to appear at Lin Feng’s side in time just now.

But it is also true that the change came too suddenly, and the rocks that kept falling above also greatly hindered its ability to move.

“Flower rock monster, Eevee, hold on!”

With a snort, a dark blue superpower barrier appeared above the two of them.

In the next second, they fell heavily on the ground, stirring up a burst of dust, but because of Hirona’s timely command, the two fell to the ground without any damage.

“Thanks.” Lin Feng thanked Shirona.

“No injuries, right?” Hirona said.

Lin Feng looked down at his body up and down, and said with a bow: “No, you are not injured, right?” ”


“Don’t know where we are?” Hirona stood up, patted the dust stained on her clothes, turned on the flashlight, and the white light lit up.

The position of the two at this time was estimated to be tens of meters away from the previous place, and they couldn’t see any light when they looked up.

“Can’t go back where they are.” Hirona observed for a moment and said in a deep voice.

“We don’t know what’s going on up there now, and the ground structure is still unstable, so if rocks fall, it’s too much of a threat to us.”

Lin Feng nodded.


The eyes of the two fell on the dark cave with no end in sight.

It is not known when the cave was formed, and it is not clear whether archaeologists have found such a cave beneath the ruins.

But no matter what the reason, the cave in front of him was unknown and mysterious to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned his head to look, but saw that Shirona’s face was actually a little excited.

Seeing Lin Feng’s gaze, Shirona’s gaze was awe-inspiring and said, “For trainers, the unknown is even more fascinating, isn’t it? ”

She continued: “This is not the first time I have encountered this situation, and I have encountered unexpected situations in the ruins before, but I believe that we can get through this together. ”

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded heavily, and he saw the shadow of the future Divine Mystery Champion from Shirona’s body at this time.

After feeding the energy cube for the elf, the two repaired for a moment, took a flashlight, and walked towards the bottomless cave in front of them.


Apprentice Xiong stayed by Lin Feng’s side, not leaving an inch, his black eyes vigilant to prevent sudden attacks.

The stone walls of the cave are rocky, and the sharp stalactites hanging overhead, which is daunting, the terrain gradually declines, and the sound of running water appears around it.

In this dim, secluded cave, it appears extremely clear.

The ground is also corroded by running water, and the pits are potholed and full of stagnant water.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng whispered, “It seems that this cave has existed for a particularly long time. ”

Hirona nodded in agreement, the stalactite in front of her was the product of the evolution of time, and it would only be born after a long enough time.

As he went deeper, Lin Feng’s face began to gradually become solemn.

It had been a long time since they had come down, but they still hadn’t reached the end, and they could clearly feel that the terrain had been declining.

According to the appearance of the cave being corroded, Lin Feng estimated that this cave was estimated to have existed for a long time, and the older it was, the more it indicated danger.


The large needle bee hovered around Lin Feng, its scarlet compound eyes were alert to the surroundings, and it suddenly seemed to feel danger, emitting an icy warning sound.


A trivial voice came.

Lin Feng looked over instantly, and a shadow disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

“What’s that?”

Lin Feng was alarmed in his heart, and something seemed to run over just now, but because the speed was too fast, plus the light around him was not very good, he didn’t see it clearly.

“An elf.”

Hirona’s eyes flickered, and she commanded the flower rock monster beside her: “Flash.” ”

The white light comes on.

In the dark cave, two figures were revealed.

Lin Feng was stunned: “This is…”

(Conditional brothers can support support!!) This is very important to me!! )

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