“I know I’m handsome, but you don’t look at me that way.” Lin Feng, who was under everyone’s gaze, was slightly uncomfortable, and made a little joke.


There was a lot of boos in the classroom, and immediately everyone looked at the bear apprentice beside Lin Feng and began to discuss fiercely.

“Is this the elf of Boss Lin? It’s impressive. ”

Today’s Xiong apprentice is a full circle larger than at the beginning, wearing a black martial arts uniform, his eyes are scorching, and he is not afraid of the scene under everyone’s gaze.

The most surprising thing was that golden electricity flashed in the black eyes of the bear apprentice from time to time.

“It’s worthy of being an elf of a junior trainer, and my green caterpillar doesn’t dare to look at it.”

“My assessment is that it’s not as good as my Jeni turtle.”

“In other words, do you know what courses we have this semester?”

Fortunately, the curiosity of the young girl came and went quickly, and soon the topic of discussion was biased to other places.

In fact, this is also because several people have now been promoted to junior trainers, and they no longer need to look up to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the bear apprentice back to the Spirit Ball, the classroom area is not large, and the simultaneous existence of people and elves will be particularly crowded.

He returned to his familiar desk during the lively discussion of his classmates, and Jiang Fang at the back table immediately leaned over and stuck his head forward.

“Madman, I went to the Elf Association building yesterday to certify as a junior trainer.” Jiang Fang said with a smile.

Lin Feng sounded an exclamation just in time, causing Jiang Fang behind to laugh proudly.

Jiang Fang’s wrist strength is no stranger to him, although the two have little contact in the battle center because of the different levels, they have met several times in the training ground.

That wrist strength qualification is good, and the training is particularly hard, in fact, the reason for the hard work is largely because of the wrist strength of the elf, and the training strength cannot catch up with Jiang Fang….

Lin Feng often secretly guessed who would be better if Jiang Fang fought with his wrist power.

Jiang Fang, who was promoted to junior trainer before the start of school, is already a leader among his peers.


The two were having a conversation without a word, the class bell rang, and along with the bell came a middle-aged man with a national character face wearing black-framed glasses, this was their homeroom teacher, Lao Wang.

“It seems that the classmates have been reunited after a long absence, plus they have finally become trainers, and they are a little excited, and I understand your feelings.” Lao Wang said with a smile, paused, and then spoke again:

“However, since the new semester has begun, everyone still needs to get back on track, maintain a humble and serious attitude towards learning, and focus on learning.”

The familiar tirade began again.

Lin Feng was sitting in front of him, and the data panel of Xiong’s apprentice appeared in his mind.

[Race: Bear Apprentice


Grade: LV18 (1050/1500).

Characteristics: Mental power

Skills: Glaring, Holding, Rock Crushing, Thunder Fist, Digging, Yan Return, Ghost Face, Frozen Fist, Tile Splitting

Props: None].

Compared with the original panel, today’s data is extremely luxurious, and the level has reached level eighteen, which is very close to the intermediate level.

Moreover, Apprentice Xiong also independently learned the two skills of Yan Hui and Ghost Face, plus the frozen fist and splitting tile obtained by Lin Feng’s lottery, and now the skill strike surface is far beyond before.

With only one Flame Fist left, the bear apprentice can unlock the Farmer’s Three Fist achievement.

The reason why experience points have increased so quickly is also thanks to that power amplifier.

As the strength of the bear apprentice increases, the amount of electricity it can absorb each time also increases, and the experience points it gains are more.

Until now, the power amplifier is still providing experience points for Xiong Apprentice.

Thoughts kept flashing, Lao Wang’s speech suddenly attracted his attention, and Lin Feng looked up at Lao Wang who was spitting on the podium.

“In a month’s time, Anhan City will host the Young Eagle Cup.”

“Many students have long heard of the Young Eagle Cup, as an annual Young Eagle Cup, the participants are newcomers who have just won the elf, and as a competition led by the Elf Association, the prizes are very rich.” Lao Wang said.

“Every year, trainers have grown by leaps and bounds because of the rewards.”

“Many trainers will use the Eagle Cup as a platform to test the results of their cultivation in a month, and compete with trainers of the same level to show your true level.”

“The Young Eagle Cup is one of the most famous events in Anhan City, and the number of participants is estimated to be much higher than all the students of the second middle school combined, even if it is a preliminary round, it is not so easy to pass.” An informed student said.

“Everyone go back and think about it, and interested students will sign up with the class president tomorrow. Of course, I recommend that all students can participate and feel the atmosphere of the competition, which will help themselves and the elves a lot. ”

“Okay, the class leader takes care of discipline and prepares for class.”

After saying this, Lao Wang picked up the thermos cup on the podium and took a few sips.

When Lao Wang walked out of the classroom, the classroom instantly became a riot, and Jiang Ming hurriedly stood up and began to greet everyone to be quiet.

The excitement of starting school continued until the end of the afternoon.

Yes, after school in the afternoon, in this world, even if it is a busy senior year of high school, there is no late self-study.

After the afternoon class, everyone can go back to their respective homes.

Lin Feng took Xiong’s apprentice on the way home, took out his mobile phone to listen to the song, but saw several missed messages on his mobile phone.

“Erbang, I’ll go back to Anhan City with your dad today, the plane arrives at eight o’clock in the evening, you come to the airport to pick us up!”

“Smash ??!!”

“In ???”

Lin Feng silently typed back a “good”, and a red exclamation mark immediately appeared, showing that he had been blacked out by the other party.

He sighed silently, glanced at the gradually dimming sky, rubbed the head of the bear apprentice beside him, and said, “Go, Anhan City Airport.” ”

Anhan City Airport is located in the suburbs, and it used to take about forty minutes by taxi, and by the time you arrived outside the airport, the sky was completely dark.

Looking at the payment message ringing on his mobile phone, Lin Feng’s face was ugly, and this fare made his already shriveled wallet even worse.

Soon came to the pick-up passage, the marble floor was bright, and Lin Feng was bored staring at the Anhan City tourism promotion video on the big screen on the wall.

The people who picked up the airport next to him walked by one after another, and finally the pointer walked past eight o’clock in Lin Feng’s waiting.

In the long corridor, a familiar conversation sounded, accompanied by the sound of crisp and calm high heels.

The first thing that catches your eye is Lin’s father and mother wearing sunglasses, they are carrying suitcases and two pairs of eyes are looking around.

And right next to Lin’s father and mother Lin, there is also a dazzling blonde hair.

Wearing a black trench coat with black wide-leg pants underneath and delicate black high heels.

She wears sunglasses, and her face is like a spring breeze, but it seems to be a somewhat alienated smile.

Da, da-

The breath-taking sound of high-heeled boots stops.

The blonde woman stopped, raised her dark gray eyes, and looked at Lin Feng with Lin’s father and mother.


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