The next morning, the sleepy-eyed Lin Feng had just stepped into the gate of the battle center, and a breathless voice sounded behind him.

“Fengzi, wait for me.”

This rough voice was somewhat familiar, Lin Feng turned his head to look, and a tall man with a burly body appeared in front of him.

“Jiang Fang, why are you here?” Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Jiang Fang is his best friend in the class, the two live very close, and the parents of both sides are also old acquaintances, and they are very familiar with each other.

However, after receiving the elves during this time, the two were immersed in the joy of obtaining the elves, and they had never met.

After all, which serious boy will chat with buddies from time to time during the holidays, and if either party is looking for each other, then it must be related to game halls, Internet cafes and other places.

Therefore, Lin Feng is very familiar with his buddies, and he has never been able to see him in a place that costs money such as the battle center.

Seeing Lin Feng’s surprised expression, Jiang Fang smiled: “Like you, we have all become glorious sparring partners.” ”

“Wait, we?”

“Yes, and us.” Suddenly, a pleasant female voice sounded from behind.

Jiang Ming and Jiang Fang appeared in front of Lin Feng, and after the latter stopped, he bent down and gasped.

Jiang Ning looked at Lin Feng, who was slightly confused in front of him, and smiled: “Classmate Lin, everyone will be colleagues in the future, please give more advice.” ”

Lin Feng: “…”


“So, in order to quickly increase your strength, you chose to become a sparring partner?” Lin Feng was a little crying and laughing, but he didn’t expect that the three people in front of him chose to become sparring partners because of themselves.

Hearing Lin Feng’s words, Ren Bang snorted heavily and said, “What you can do, I can too.” ”

The four stood in the hall and talked for a while, and then Lin Feng took them to the training ground and released their elves separately.

Jiang Ming’s six tails didn’t need to say more, and as soon as they came out, they jumped into Jiang Ming’s arms.

And Jiang Fang’s elf is a gray humanoid elf, the ribs of the chest are clearly visible, but standing next to Jiang Fang, it looks very small.

[Elf: Wrist power

Grade: LV7

Characteristic: Perseverance].

“You stand with the wrist force, I can’t tell for a moment who is an elf and who is a human.” Lin Feng looked at the two standing together and couldn’t help but complain.

The huge Jiang Fang is like carrying a cub.

Jiang Ming and Ren Bang nodded repeatedly.

“Cut, wrist strength, show them the results of our training.” Jiang Fang pouted, and then rolled up his short sleeves to reveal his strong arms, and his wrist strength seemed to be learning Jiang Fang’s movements.

“Vulgar, or my Jeni turtle cute.” Ren Bang pushed the golden frame and looked at the Jeni turtle with soft eyes.


The Jeni Turtle and the Little Fire Dragon are both Kanto Gozoya, and their final form is called “Little Gaioka”, and its characteristic torrent often turns against the wind in battles.

The humble and cool Jeni turtle is one of Lin Feng’s favorite elves.

[Elf: Jeni Turtle

Grade: LV8

Characteristics: Rapids].

Ren Bang’s Jeni turtle level is even higher than the six-tailed and wrist power, and it is already very close to the primary level.

Lin Feng had long heard that Ren Bang’s family was very good, and his parents were both high-ranking officials of the alliance, and seeing this well-qualified Jeni turtle could be regarded as verifying this idea.

Without waiting for the four to continue communicating, Lin Feng’s mobile phone vibrate.

“Work number 0777, please arrive at venue 21 in three minutes.”

Lin Feng, who was coming, had to end the conversation and start today’s work, and the remaining three also began their own training.


That night, a tired-looking Lin Feng dragged Xiong’s apprentice back home.

Today was the most difficult day of the sparring task so far, and the Xiong apprentice, who had just possessed primary strength, was obviously unable to do so in battle.

It has fought with elves above level fifteen more than once, and in the face of elves whose level is obviously superior to itself, the bear apprentice has turned into a qualified sandbag.

Well, this time it’s really a qualified sparring partner.

Fortunately, as a bear apprentice, he was very resistant to beating, and although he was beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, he at least improved his ability to withstand pressure to a certain extent.

Because of this, the experience gained by the bear apprentice in battle was obviously much slower, but fortunately, the speed of the experience gained from training did not decrease, so the daily improvement in strength was still very objective.

After resting on the sofa for a while, Lin Feng remembered that today’s daily lottery opportunity had not yet been used.

“System! Lottery! ”

In his mind, the black question mark began to beat, and in an instant, a yellow square object appeared in front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

Power amplifier: A box that stores huge amounts of electrical energy.

“Oh? After carrying this thing, the electric shock beast seems to be able to exchange wires and evolve into an electric shock beast. Lin Feng had an impression of the power amplifier in his heart.

“In this period, I don’t know if the conditions for the evolution of electric shock beasts have been discovered, if not, you can take it to publish a paper.” Lin Feng’s thoughts flashed, and an idea popped up in his heart.

If you can become an elven scholar like Lin’s father and mother, you will have a lot of social benefits, and your growth path will be much smoother.

“But this thing should be of little use to me now.” Lin Feng was a little disappointed, and was about to put the power amplifier into the warehouse, when suddenly a brilliant light flashed in his mind.

He muttered in a low voice, “Wait, there is a lot of electrical energy stored in this thing, can it be used to train electrical skills?” ”

Thinking of this, he waved his hand for the bear apprentice to come over and stand in front of the power amplifier.


What is it?

“Apprentice Xiong, use the Thunder Fist on it.” Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and spoke.


Hearing the words of his own trainer, Xiong Apprentice did not doubt anything else, his fists were wrapped in thunder light, and he hit the power amplifier.

Cracking sound!

The moment Xiong’s apprentice’s fist collided with the power amplifier, a surge of electricity spread from his arms to his whole body, and his limbs were hundreds of remains.

The paralyzing sensation that swarmed upward, as if there was a touch of lightning exploding in the body, made the bear apprentice feel very peculiar.

“Are you all right?” Lin Feng watched Xiong’s apprentice’s every move nervously, holding the healing spray in his right hand and the antidote in his left hand.

“Huh~” Apprentice Xiong opened his mouth, spit out a faint arc of electricity, then patted his stomach, and finally looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the bear apprentice who spat out the arc of electricity, and suddenly froze in place.

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