It is night, the moon is high, and the stars are shining in the sky.

The quiet moonlight fell on the figures in the room along the transparent windows, outlining the contours of the muscles with clear textures.

Lin Feng supported the floor with two fingers, his body stood upside down, and he supported back and forth.

Wearing only a pair of shorts, he had a slight sweat stain on his body, dripping down the ground along the contours of his well-textured muscles.

The bear apprentice on the side was also standing on the floor, his body rising and falling, and his eyes were tough.

It’s a warm-up every night and a side dish before the official training.

Lin Feng’s posture is very standard, he has been planning to exercise since he was a child, after all, in this dangerous world, his physical fitness is also extremely important.

Maybe when a shot of 100,000 volts will come at you, you don’t need to have a super real new physique, but at least you have to reach the level of hard resistance to ordinary skills.

Well, it would be better to take the destruction of the death light.

Moreover, according to the well-known elf research doctor in Donghuang, training with the elves can effectively improve the tacit understanding between the two.

“Okay, that’s it for today’s training.”

A moment later, Lin Feng supported the floor with his palm, flicked slightly, and stood directly and steadily.

The bear apprentice on the side also stopped moving and cast a puzzled gaze towards Lin Feng.

Why train for such a while today!!!

No, I still have to train!!

I want to get stronger!!

Looking at the appearance of Xiong’s apprentice, Lin Feng smiled slightly, since this kid listened to the enlightenment story, he has been training very hard, and the amount of training is amazing.

“That’s it for today’s training, you go to the refrigerator and get two bottles of Kole.” Lin Feng pointed to the location of the refrigerator.


Although the bear apprentice had doubts in his heart, when he heard that he could drink ice and music in advance, happiness suddenly filled his simple brain, and he no longer thought about anything else.

You should know that in normal times, ice is only drunk after all training.

Seeing the bear apprentice running to the refrigerator, Lin Feng felt out a black bag from under the sofa coffee table and hid it behind him.

Apprentice Xiong quickly came back and handed Lin Feng a bottle of cold Kole, and the two of them pulled the pull ring at the same time and gurgled down.



Of course, only the first sip of ice will make people feel unspeakable pleasure.

It is a pity that Lin Feng likes Pepsi, and the bear apprentice prefers deliciousness, and one person and one pet often make their faces red because of this.

“Apprentice Xiong, I bought you a gift.” Lin Feng suddenly spoke.


Lin Feng took out Fang Cai’s black bag from behind him, tore it open, and took out a small black vest from inside.

On this vest, a large “Wu” character is written in white characters.

“Apprentice Xiong, it’s nice to meet you, this is my gift to you, I hope you will like it.” Lin Feng looked at the disbelievable Xiong apprentice and slowly spoke.


The bear apprentice, who couldn’t believe it, saw Lin Feng nodding heavily, and it shouted, took the vest, and put it on with Lin Feng’s help.

Then, it looked down, and the word “Wu” on the vest became more and more majestic and pleasing to the eye.

It jerked its legs, jumped off the couch, and then started running around the coffee table.

The bear apprentice was full of wind, shouting and running, and Lin Feng watched this scene with a sip of Kule.

Finally, when Apprentice Xiong stopped, he sat panting on the sofa, his eyes still resting on his vest.

“Apprentice Xiong, now that your strength has reached the primary level, tomorrow we will go to the Elf Association for the primary trainer certification.”

“Huh~” Apprentice Xiong replied absentmindedly.

Lin Feng continued to mutter, “After becoming a junior trainer, you can increase the level of sparring partner tomorrow, so that you can earn more money and buy more Kole.” ”


The bear apprentice who heard this word suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining and staring at Lin Feng.

“By the way, do you want to listen to the follow-up to that story from last time?” Lin Feng asked again.

Hearing this, Apprentice Xiong nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

For the follow-up content, it has been thinking about it for a long time.

“Last time, the bear apprentice who trained hard met the elves who had bullied it.”

“This time, it punched a bear, and after transformation, it easily defeated those elves, and it stood in front of the fallen elves and laughed.”

(o?▽?) o!!

Hearing this, Apprentice Xiong was very happy, and his fists slammed into the sofa.

Its blood is boiling, as if it is the bear apprentice, and all the enemies fall to the ground, only it is invincible!

“After defeating the elf who bullied him, Apprentice Bear was…”

At this moment, the mobile phone charged in the bedroom lit up white, and messages flashed in the group chat named “Little World of Class 2 and 5”.

Jiang Ning: “Dear students, Lin Feng, a classmate in our class, has recently been a part-time sparring partner at the Elf Battle Center, and students with combat needs can find Lin Feng to sparring.” ”

Jiang Ning: “I have personally experienced, Lin Feng’s command level is excellent, and it is the first choice for students to fight!” ”

Jiang Fang: “Excellent??” ”

[Jiang Fang has been banned by the group master Jiang Ming for ten minutes].

Su Han: “The class leader is right, I fought against Lin Feng, Lin Feng’s command level is very high, and his elves are very rare!” ”

Xu Jiazhi: “My evaluation is: no matter how rare it is, it is not as good as a mini dragon. ”

Ren Bang: “Since the squad leader said so, let’s go to the battle center tomorrow afternoon to find Lin Feng, just to give you a glimpse of my elves.” ”

Under this message, several “1s” appeared instantly.

At this time, Lin Feng was telling the story of “Fist Town Mountains and Rivers” for Xiong’s apprentice, and he didn’t know anything about the mobile phone.

Tonight, he and Apprentice Xiong will rest well and go to the Elf Association for primary trainer certification in the best condition.

Even after reaching the primary level of Xiong Apprentice’s strength, the quality of all aspects of the whole body has been raised by a notch, and the comprehensive strength has greatly increased.

But in the face of tomorrow’s certification test, it is still not to be taken lightly.

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