Three days later.

“The little fire dragon lost its combat effectiveness, and the victor was Lin Feng.”

As the referee’s whistle sounded, Wang Guang looked at the fainted little fire dragon on the field with a remorseful face, and shouted: “Just a little, just close to defeating the bear apprentice!” ”

Hearing this, Lin Feng looked at the bear apprentice who was panting heavily in the field with a smile, and sighed in his heart: The acting skills of the bear apprentice are really getting better and better.

In order not to discourage Wang Guang and the little fire dragon’s enthusiasm, the battle between the bear apprentice and the little fire dragon was particularly fierce every time, and he won the latter a little every time.

Wang Guang would never have thought that the seemingly exhausted Xiong apprentice was still full of physical strength and vitality.

“However, Apprentice Xiong is still short of the last bit of experience to reach level ten, and he has to say goodbye to the big rich man in front of him.”

Deep down, although Lin Feng had the joy of improving his strength, he was more reluctant.

I don’t want this Wang Guang, who gives him hundreds of oceans every day.

In these three days, Wang Guang came to the battle center to fight Lin Feng several times a day, and he also provided a lot of experience points while sending money.

Today, the data panel of Xiong Apprentice is as follows:

[Race: Bear Apprentice


Grade: LV9 (280/300).

Characteristics: Mental power

Skills: Glaring, Holding, Rock Crushing, Thunder Fist, Gas Gathering, Digging

Props: None].

Thanks to the surge in the number of rookie trainers in the past few days, Lin Feng was full of sparring tasks from morning to night every day.

No way, the huge Anhan City Elf Battle Center, rookie trainer-level sparring partners, there are only nine.

Most of them are high school seniors like Lin Feng who applied to become sparring partners for various reasons.

Moreover, in these three days, Lin Feng also met several classmates, and then used the bear apprentice to make them understand the sinister society.

Therefore, in these three days, the level of the bear apprentice has increased rapidly, and now it is only one step away from reaching the tenth level.

And learned two new skills, of which the next set kick was obtained from yesterday’s lottery, which is also an additional attack skill.

After reaching level ten, he needs to go to the Elf Association for the primary trainer certification, and after the certification is successful, the sparring partner level will also be improved.

In this way, the salary will increase, but unfortunately, it will no longer be able to fight passionately against the dear rich man Wang Guang.

“Do you want to continue?” Looking at Wang Guang, who was skilled in using the healing spray to deal with injuries with small fire dragons, Lin Feng asked.

“If you don’t come, you won’t come, come back tomorrow.” Wang Guang waved his hand.

Lin Feng was silent for a moment, and after a long time, he said, “You should not be able to see me tomorrow.” ”

Wang Guang stopped the movement in his hand and raised his head, casting a puzzled gaze: “Why?” ”

During these three days of contact, Wang Guang also knew that Lin Feng in front of him was not from a poor family, but just wanted to independently earn the cultivation fee of Xiong’s apprentice.

“Are you too tired? Can’t hold on? Wang Guang guessed.

“Tomorrow I’ll go to the Elf Guild to apply to become a junior trainer, so…”

“Oh… This way. Wang Guang replied, and then stared at Lin Feng sharply, his dark eyes full of disbelief:

“Junior Trainer ?!!!!”

“Aren’t you and I just receiving elves?”

Lin Feng looked at Wang Guang, who was in disbelief in front of him, and said slowly: “Maybe Apprentice Xiong is working harder.” ”


The bear apprentice on the side narrowed his eyes and responded happily.

Hearing this, Wang Guang looked at the little fire dragon in his arms for a while, and looked at the spirited bear apprentice for a while, he sighed, but did not speak.

“Come on.” Lin Feng patted Wang Guang’s shoulder and left the battle room with the bear apprentice.

A pair of resentful eyes stared motionlessly at Lin Feng’s departing back…

Lin Feng took the bear apprentice to say hello all the way and quickly returned to the lounge, but as soon as the butt sat down, he received a message on his mobile phone.

“Work number 0777, please arrive at venue 6 within three minutes.”

Looking at the information above, Lin Feng stood up expressionlessly and walked towards the No. 6 venue.

These days, this kind of foot-to-foot situation is the norm, as long as you survive this peak period and persist for another 10 days, the high school juniors start classes, and the heat of the battle center will slowly decrease.

As soon as he entered the No. 6 venue, Lin Feng saw a familiar figure.

“Squad leader?”

The girl on the opposite side turned around and saw Lin Feng, her eyebrows crooked.

This girl’s eyes are watery, her goose egg face is extremely beautiful, her skin is greasy and white, and her thin red lips are slightly open.

She wears a white short sleeve on the upper body and a pair of shorts printed with a duck pattern underneath, and her legs are white and slender, looking full of youthful vitality.

“I heard from my classmates that you are a part-time sparring partner here, and it just so happened that I passed by the battle center today, so I came in and took a look.” The corner of the girl’s mouth flashed with a slight smile.

This girl is Lin Feng’s class leader, named Jiang Ning, tall and beautiful, and her grades have always been at the top of her grade.

“Thank you for taking care of the squad leader, let me pay for an extra meal, I will definitely accompany the squad leader.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

Although Jiang Ning has excellent conditions in all aspects, and the rumored family lineage is even more unfathomable, her personality is not arrogant and she has a good relationship with her classmates.

Although Lin Feng did not have much contact with this squad leader, he still had some good impressions of him.

Hearing this, a shallow smile bloomed on Jiang Ming’s face, and she glanced at the bear apprentice who followed Lin Feng’s side, and her smile was even bigger:

“Then, let’s fight the elves.”

“No problem.” Lin Feng was surprised by Jiang Ming’s decisive action, and without too many pleasantries, his eyes met and he began to fight.

However, he appreciates this style and saves each other time to the fullest.

“The rules of the battle are one-on-one, until one side completely loses the ability to fight, the battle is over.” The referee was already waiting quietly, and as the two were ready, the game officially began.

And with the referee’s order, Jiang Ning’s momentum changed abruptly, as if he had changed someone, and even his eyes became sharp.

“Go, Rokuo!”

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