Anhan City Spirit Center.

“This is the first time I’ve seen Apprentice Xiong.” Miss Joy, who was wearing pink and white work clothes, looked at the bear apprentice in front of her, half-squatted and smiled slightly.

“Bear apprentices are extremely rare, presumably your parents worked hard to accept this bear apprentice for you.” Miss Joy straightened up and said to Lin Feng on the side.

Rao is Miss Joy, who is accustomed to seeing all kinds of rare elves, and can’t help but sigh that Lin Feng’s parents are lucky, and actually accepted a bear apprentice for their child.

Lin Feng was silent, he had followed his parents to the elf center before, and he knew this Miss Joy, whose job was to enter trainer information.

The way to receive elves is not limited to elf breeding houses, the initial elves of the children of the large family are almost the descendants of the powerful elves in the family, and there are lucky ones who have formed a bond with the wild elves and become partners.

However, elves such as bear apprentices are too rare, and over the years, some experts and scholars have even believed that martial arts bear masters belong to “legendary spirits”, making them more popular.

However, fortunately, Lin Feng’s parents, as elf researchers, have traveled to many regions over the years, including the Galar area, which provides a theoretical basis for the emergence of the bear apprentice.

The Elf Alliance does not impose specific restrictions on receiving Elves, but rookie trainers need to come to the Elf Alliance for rookie trainer certification after accepting the first elf.

Only those who are officially certified as trainers can legally enter the Elf Center, the Elf Shop, the Battle Center, the community, etc.

After successful certification, you can become a newcomer trainer recognized by the alliance, and there will be an extra conspicuous column on the resident ID card – rookie trainer.

In Donghuang, the rookie trainer base is large, at the lowest end of the trainer, so it has few benefits.

To put it bluntly, as long as you have an elf, you can be certified as a rookie trainer, King Carp can, and Caterpillar can too.

However, as the trainer’s level increases, the social benefits will also increase, and after becoming an elite trainer, you can get free treatment in the elf center.

Because the time to receive the elves in the third year of high school has just begun, most of the students are still carefully selecting the elves with their parents, and there are only a few like Lin Feng who have come to the trainer certification on the first day.

Coupled with Miss Joy’s increased work efficiency, Lin Feng completed the certification in only half an hour and successfully became a rookie trainer.

After bidding farewell to Miss Joy, Lin Feng left the elf center and went to the elf shop on the side to buy energy cubes.

Energy cube is a kind of Pokéco cube with a lot of nutritional value, the raw materials of the energy cube are some tree fruits and some auxiliary materials, moo fresh milk, large needle bee honey, etc. can be used as auxiliary materials.

Moreover, different tree fruits can be combined with different auxiliary materials and the use of tree fruit mixers to make energy cubes.

It seems simple, but the production process is very tedious, and if you don’t pay attention to it, it will lead to failure, and ordinary families simply cannot afford it.

Therefore, energy cubes can only be made by cultivators, and each cultivator is the result of a lot of money.

Because of its particularity, the output of energy cubes is inefficient and the price is high, which is difficult for ordinary families to afford. However, Lin Feng heard that among the elves in the big family, weekday food is energy cubes.

Elves who feed a large number of energy cubes are superior to ordinary elves in all aspects.

Although ordinary food can fill the elves, for the bear apprentice who is pinned on by Lin Feng, the auxiliary bonus of the energy cube is required.

“One thousand yuan for the primary energy cube, one thousand yuan for the intermediate level, and the advanced one…” Lin Feng did not dare to continue looking, forcibly pulled his gaze back, calculated the balance in his heart, and then spoke:

“Hello, get me ten primary energy blocks.”

“Okay, you wait.” The good-looking salesman spoke.

Beginner Energy Blocks are suitable for any Elf, while Intermediate and Advanced Energy Blocks are targeted and cultivated according to the characteristics of different Elves and are more expensive.

“Ten energy cubes, eat one every two days, can last twenty days.” Lin Feng looked at the balance in the card and sighed secretly.

His remaining money can only buy ten more energy cubes, but he definitely can’t spend all of them, and his own expenses on weekdays must also be counted in it.

As elven researchers, the salary of his parents is not very high, only compared to ordinary trainers, they have many social benefits, such as the small bungalow where Lin Feng lives is a gift from the elf alliance.

Lin Feng, who was accustomed to independence, did not want to continue to ask his parents for money, he preferred to bear the cost of cultivating Xiong’s apprentice.

“You have to find a way to make money.” On the way home, Lin Feng pondered the possibility of making money.

Trainer is originally a profession that costs money, and the cultivation of elves cannot be separated from the support of money, which is the most important reason why countless trainers have failed to climb to high places.

Back in the small bungalow, Lin Feng looked at the bear apprentice playing in the yard and thought, “The rookie trainer certification has ended, it’s time for elf enlightenment.” ”

Young elves have different hearts, some playful, some lazy, and some hot-tempered.

So elven initiation is needed.

If the enlightenment is good, a series of subsequent cultivation and training will come naturally.

In modern times, enlightenment generally has many methods.

For example, give elves to watch bloody battles between elves; Tell stories between trainers and elves; Expose elves to powerful and wonderful move skills; Listen to blood or moving music, etc.

Different elves have different methods of enlightenment.

“A good elf should start with a love of training.” Lin Feng’s gaze fell on the bear apprentice chasing butterflies in the yard, thinking secretly.

“Apprentice Xiong, come here.”

“Huh~” Apprentice Xiong reluctantly left the flying butterfly and came to Lin Feng’s side, his black eyes staring at him curiously.

Lin Feng took out a pen and a pile of A4 paper and beckoned Apprentice Xiong to sit on the stool.

He used a brush in the center of the paper to draw a small bear apprentice.

“This is you.” Lin Feng said.

Lin Feng’s painting skills are very high, and the bear apprentice he painted is vivid, just like the bear apprentice next to him.


Apprentice Xiong nodded happily, and a pair of big eyes stared curiously at himself on the paper.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng continued to take out a piece of A4 paper, and the brush walked on the paper like a dragon snake, just a moment later.

Lin Feng pointed the drawing paper at Apprentice Xiong.

The wind blew through the room, and a black bear appeared on the paper.

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