Beep, beep...

Wang Chen's space watch rang. The callers were his three subordinates.

"Master Wang Chen, the plan has been completed. A total of two researchers secretly hid ancient elf fossils in the Shining Cave. Now we have found all of them, a total of six pieces."

This is the message sent by Chester and Owen

"Master Wang Chen, I have been exploring the Shining Cave madly and finally found a fossil of an ancient elf.

This is the message from the tomb robber Carter.

"Okay, I declare the mission over. We will immediately return with the ancient elves' fossils.

As for the technicians and practitioners, give them a month's funding first, so that they can continue to play with the researchers in Guxiang Town."Wang Chen replied.

Three hours later, Owen, Chester and Carter met with Wang Chen at the beach of Guxiang Town.

"We got a total of seven ancient elf fossils in this mission. We should be able to get a lot of benefits when we return, so let's go now." Wang Chen said

"Yes! Master Wang Chen!"

Then the four of them sped up and returned to the Flash Team's base in Shixiang Town.

Two days later, the Flash Team base in Shixiang Town

"It's been less than a month, and you have completed the task and obtained seven ancient elf fossils in one go. Wang Chen, I was right about you! You are really a talent!"Kevin said with satisfaction.

"It is my honor to serve Lord Kevin. Please accept these seven ancient elf fossils."Wang Chen said respectfully.

"Hahaha! Good! This ancient elf fossil can be exchanged for 20,000 points in the points mall. Seven pieces means 140,000 points. According to the rules, I will take 70%.

Wang Cheng, you can take 20%, and the remaining 10% will be divided between Owen and the others.

Here are 42,000 points. You can take them for now, and remember to share them with your subordinates. I will take all these fossils."Kevin said

"Yes, sir!" Wang Chen replied respectfully.

"Your performance this time is very good. I will propose to the higher-ups to promote you to squadron leader. Perform well and you will be promoted soon!"Kevin said calmly.

""Thank you very much for your kindness, sir! I will definitely perform well!" Wang Chen said respectfully.

Of course, Wang Chen also knew that Kevin was most likely just talking big, just like some leaders in the company in his previous life, who often said nonsense like"Work hard, the future will be yours."

Wang Chen didn't believe a word of this.

Wang Chen didn't care much about whether he could get a promotion in the Flash Team.

After all, he had already got in touch with Susanna, and now Susanna should have reported to the alliance that Wang Chen was his informant. Wang

Chen didn't want to stay in the Flash Team and finally perish with the Flash Team.

Sooner or later, Wang Chen would throw himself into the arms of the alliance. After clearing his identity, he would have much more room for maneuver.

So now, whether Kevin took advantage of him or Kevin made big promises for him, he didn't care, he would just endure it first.

"Well, you can be free for the next month or so, but I'm curious, where are you going to be free?" Kevin asked

""Your Excellency, I am going to Aromatherapy City." Wang Chen responded.

Wang Chen was not lying. He did plan to go to Aromatherapy City next to train elves and make money.

Aromatherapy City can also be said to be an indispensable part of Wang Chen's future strategy. It is extremely important to Wang Chen.

"Aromatherapy City? Okay, okay! Then remember, don't come back for more than a month, just stay in Aromatherapy City, and we will need your cooperation when the time comes."Kevin said

""Yes, sir!"

Kevin then waved his hand and asked Wang Chen to leave.

Wang Chen deposited 28,000 points into his account, gave the rest to his three subordinates, and then went back.

At this moment, Wang Chen had a full 36,000 points in his hand.

"My free time will expire in more than a month, and they still want me to stay in Aromatherapy City and not come back. Staying in Aromatherapy City requires me to"cooperate" instead of doing tasks alone. Is it possible?……"

After returning to his residence, Wang Chen thought carefully.

From Kevin's words just now, Wang Chen heard a lot of things. This Flash Flame Team might have a big move in Aromatherapy City!

"In the original novel, Team Flare directly robbed the Poké Ball factory in Aroma City, and Poké Ball manufacturing is one of the pillar industries of Aroma City. Team Flare will severely damage Aroma City after the rob...

And according to the nature of Team Flare in the real world, they robbed the Poké Ball factory, but I am afraid that other places in Aroma City will also suffer. This is an opportunity for me."

The more Wang Chen thought about it, the more he felt that there was a chance. If Team Flare was going to attack Aroma City so soon, then Wang Chen's plan could be advanced a lot.

"After Aroma City is looted by the Flash Team, it will most likely cause panic, and many merchants will probably not dare to stay in Aroma City.

Aroma City may be greeted by economic recession and depression, but this situation will not last forever. I can take advantage of this window period to operate in Aroma City."

The period from when Aroma City was looted by the Flash Team to when the panic in Aroma City ended is a huge window period, during which some industries in Aroma City can be purchased at a low price.

And Wang Chen can also bring the practitioners of special industries in Miare City who were accepted before to Aroma City, and they can completely resume their old jobs there.

The gentle countryside created by this special industry can be said to be Wang Chen's weapon to corrupt people from all walks of life.

"Phew! The plan is already in my mind, but I still have to do it step by step. First, let Owen and Chester take those practitioners to Aroma City.

I will use the points to exchange for some resources for training Pokémon, and then bring them all to Aroma City to train a wave of Pokémon well, and strive to make Nidoking and Slowpoke reach the level of gym owner!"Wang Chen thought.

Then Wang Chen used the space watch to send a message to his three subordinates, telling them what to do next.

After receiving the message, the three subordinates rushed to the Aromatherapy City and began the arrangements Wang Chen said.

Wang Chen spent a full 6,000 points and exchanged a lot of good things in the Flash Team's Points Mall.

He wanted to make sure that his elves used the best things he could provide so far.

For example, energy cubes must be at least advanced.

It's not that Wang Chen doesn't want to use top-level energy cubes, but this level of energy cubes is rare in the Flash Team's Points Mall, and there is no recipe for top-level energy cubes.

The elf cultivation method has also been comprehensively upgraded.

Combining the methods given to him by Susanna and the other two girls, and combining them with the advanced elf cultivation methods in the Flash Team's Points Mall, it can be said that everything has been considered.

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