"My dear brother, long time no see!Looks like you've been doing well lately!" Morgan walked up to Li Yichen and said playfully as he stroked Li Yichen's cheek with his hand.

This is the third day after defeating Jing Ke, and Morgan has also come to Jicheng.

Looking at Morgan's frivolous appearance, Illya and Rin Tosaka felt uncomfortable for a while.

This damn adult heart woman!(ノ'Д)ノ,How can you make such an action?,You've only seen it a few times!?

Is it that the next time we meet, you will have to discuss life?

You're not brothers and sisters!So pay attention to a little influence in your movements!Especially the little Lori Illya is even more uncomfortable in her heart, like Rin Tosaka is fine, and even wishes that someone would share the pressure, but Illya is different.

This damn monster is amazing!

"It's okay!" Li Yichen chuckled: "Has the God of Wisdom been found?"

Speaking of the god of wisdom, Morgan's originally seductive demeanor has also become serious, and Morgan still cares about the god of wisdom, Yukeshi.

Although Yuki's appearance is not very high, his strength is not strong, and he has dead fish eyes, but Yukexi has helped himself and allowed him to have the wisdom of a normal human, which gives Morgan a lot of self-confidence, even if he does not become a legendary Pokémon trainer like his sister Artoria, Morgan doesn't think he is any worse.

She can change countless people with her wisdom.

Similarly, Morgan today is one of Camelot's most indispensable figures, and his importance is not in any way lower than that of Artoria.

Knowing that something happened to Yukexi, Morgan naturally couldn't sit idly by, as for whether he could get Yukexi's approval and make it his collaborator, although Morgan had some ideas, he was not particularly eager.

After all, the legendary Pokémon that Morgan likes the most has never been Yuki!

Well, at least it has to be three holy mushrooms!

"Well, the approximate location has been found, but the Shadow Regiment seems to have been looking for Yukiki all along!" Morgan said with a very ugly face.

"It's the Shadow Regiment again!" Li Yichen was also surprised, sure enough, the Shadow Regiment is the-stirring stick of this world, no, if the Shadow Regiment is a-stirring stick, then the legendary Pokémon is...

The Shadow Circle is indeed the source of cholera in this world!

Then give yourself a small goal and eliminate these damn bastards!

As for whether Skaha's side will come to find trouble, is he Li Yichen afraid?

"Well, in fact, Artoria has always wanted to deal with the affairs of the Shadow Troupe, but her character, you know!" Then Morgan said with a wry smile: "After all, the Bald Eagle Alliance and the Shadow Regiment have a close relationship, and even most of the forces of the Shadow Regiment are within the Bald Eagle Alliance." She doesn't bully other areas. Unless the Shadow Regiment does something angry, in this case, she will take advantage of the situation to deal with the Shadow Troupe. "

Li Yichen looked at the sky silently, sure enough, Artoria is still Artoria, and her integrity is a little too much, right?

"Maybe she's the only one who will be like this!?" Li Yichen thought about himself, Hei Zhen, Ying Zheng and the others, if they knew that the Shadow Regiment might be related to the Bald Eagle Alliance, they didn't care if there was evidence or not, they investigated it directly, and then said, what kind of crime can be blamed!

As long as I feel that you are related, then you are related.

Even Skaha, Golden Shining and others will have this attitude, they are the collaborators of the legendary Pokémon, the guardians of this world, and someone wants to drag them back, which they absolutely do not allow.

It's a little better like Li Yichen, if Yingzheng comes, I'm afraid he will destroy his country and exterminate his seedling, Gilgamesh will not be much inferior to Yingzheng in doing things, and even more willful than Yingzheng.

And the original Joan of Arc's words would not do such a thing, her attitude will be very similar to Artoria, but it's a pity that Joan of Arc here is black Zhen, not the original Joan of Arc, although she is still the village girl, but she is honest!

"Yes, maybe she is the only one who will, after all, the last one who was willing to believe in humanity has also been betrayed!" Morgan said with some embarrassment.

Li Yichen was a little silent, that person was Heizhen, and Heizhen was the same as Artoria in the past, but humans wanted to use her, and finally betrayed her, and then Joan of Arc became what she is now.

Of course, even if it is "blackened", Joan of Arc is still very kind.

"So when are we leaving, I'm worried about Yuki's affairs!" Morgan continued.

Artoria and Li Yichen's personalities can complement each other, although her sister is also very mature, but she has more of her own ideals and bottom line, but Li Yichen is biased towards reality and understands what a real human being is.

"Then tomorrow, where is Yukexi!" Li Yichen asked suspiciously.

"The Great Lakes region of the Bald Eagle Alliance. And there are a lot of dark elves around there, and even Pokémon from dark legends! Yuki's situation is not very good!" Morgan said in a deep voice.

Although there are many dark elves around the world, the Bald Eagle Alliance seems to be particularly numerous.

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