"Let's get started!" Mewtwo is a little eager to try, mega evolution! I just don't know how far I can grow, Mewtwo swears that once his strength is enough, he will protect this world, kill those dark elves, and protect the happy smile of humans and Pokémon in this world.

Today, only war can end war!

It's Mewtwo, the Pokémon that came to end this war!

"Mewtwo, MEGA EVOLUTION!" Along with Li Yichen's evolution keystone, the two MEGA evolution stones in Mewtwo's hand began to emit their own light.

This is embarrassing, it is obviously unscientific to let Mewtwo perform two mega evolutions at the same time!

Fortunately, Mewtwo quickly made a choice, chose a MEGA evolution stone that was more suitable for him, and introduced the power emitted by the MEGA evolution stone into his body, and then saw Mewtwo's figure covered by the colorful light.

Looking at this scene, the dream on the side said that he was sour, and this feeling was even more uncomfortable than Cha Lemon.

It would be nice if I could MEGA evolve myself, thinking of this, the dream is to puff up my little mouth, uncomfortable!

Soon, as the colorful MEGA evolution light dissipated, Mewtwo also revealed its appearance after MEGA evolution.

"It's Super Mewtwo Y!" Li Yichen looked at Mewtwo, whose appearance had changed dramatically, and said.

"I feel like I've at least doubled my superpowers!" Mewtwo also said in disbelief.

"Want to try another piece? That's what increases your strength! Li Yichen pointed to another MEGA Evolution Stone and said.

He didn't tell Mewtwo, even if you become Super Mewtwo Y, your superpower is still far from Dream, but for the average legendary Pokémon, Mewtwo at this moment is strong enough.

"Good!" This time, Mewtwo did not let Li Yichen use the Evolution Keystone, but instead took the initiative to guide the power on the Mega Evolution Stone and directly carried out the Mega Evolution.

Looking at this scene, Li Yichen didn't know what to say, should he say that it was Mewtwo? Mega Evolution says that he can learn if he learns, and looking at Mewtwo's appearance, he can already carry out mega evolution on his own.

Think about your own Ladias, you can also do mega evolution, and I don't know if you can evolve like Mewtwo, self-reliant!

However, if Pokémon can mega evolve on its own, what should trainers do?

This is a food for thought.

"It's very good, not only the strength, but also the physical strength, which is also a lot stronger than before!" Mewtwo, who transformed into Super Mewtwo X, clenched his fists and said.

"That's pretty good, isn't it? When you face an opponent, perform a necessary MEGA evolution! Li Yichen chuckled, it felt that Mewtwo seemed to be more like the world's own son than Dream.

It's a legendary Pokémon that is extremely strong.,You can also evolve mega according to the weakness of your opponent.,Change your state at any time.,It's like a pro-son treatment.。

Even if it's a cracked empty seat, there is no such treatment, right? Li Yichen even felt that as long as Mewtwo was given time, the Cracked Sky Seat would definitely not be its opponent.

"Thank you!" Mewtwo said in a serious tone, hesitated, and continued to speak: "I'm sorry, I may not be able to accompany you in battle like Reshiram all the time, but in the future, as long as you need it, no matter where it is, I will rush to your side as soon as possible!" "

"Have you found your purpose?" Li Yichen was not angry about this, although he also wanted to take Mewtwo with him, if he took Mewtwo out to yo-o, or play in the league competition, it would definitely be the pinnacle of life.

But he knows that Mewtwo already has a life of its own, and it now belongs to this world!

What's more, you don't lose anything!

Could it be that when there is a need to fight in the future, will Mewtwo not help him?

It's not that important to be by your side.

It's like a dream, even if you're not around, you can contact yourself at any time through the Tree of the Beginning of the World, and at the same time teleport to your side.

Mewtwo can teleport to his side without the help of the World Origin Tree, but at critical moments, it's still okay to be a tool man, right?

And if Mewtwo is outside, to be honest, it is much more dangerous than following Li Yichen's side.

"Well, I want to protect this world and cleanse the dark elves of the evils, although many of them are intelligent lifeforms, but ordinary dark elves are no longer lifeforms!" Mewtwo said sonorously.

"Yes, but it's a dangerous road!" Regarding Mewtwo's choice, Li Yichen didn't stop it, but just reminded him.

Don't look at Mewtwo's strength, but if the other party also comes to a trap and chases and intercepts Mewtwo, then Mewtwo will be in danger.

Think about it this time, isn't the other party's dark Mewtwo just a rollover? What's more, the other party not only has Dark Mewtwo, but even Dark Guratun.

In fact, Li Yichen himself is still quite apprehensive, if Dark Mewtwo and Dark Guraton will not be the primary target on the Initial Tree of the World, but choose to sneak attack themselves, well, it seems that with Li Yichen's character, he will still choose to escape, or even run away.

But if it's a sneak attack on Artoria at Camelot, I'm afraid something big will happen!

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