"Boom!" A wave of qi erupted from Mewtwo's body and swept in all directions, if it weren't for the fact that Li Yichen and Dream's strength was not inferior to Mewtwo at the moment, or even stronger than Mewtwo, I am afraid that the momentum displayed by Mewtwo would be enough to suffocate ordinary Pokémon.

In particular, Mewtwo's superpower is not as gentle as Dream's superpower, and it is inherently destructive.

"How does it feel?" Li Yichen asked curiously.

"It's never been better!" Mewtwo stretched out his right hand and shook his cat's paws, at this moment Mewtwo felt that he was about to be invincible, but after feeling the dream's superpowers, Mewtwo wilted, incomparable, incomparable.

There is no comparison between them at all, if his superpower has changed from a stream to a lake, then the dream in front of him is a sea of Wang Yang.

And even Li Yichen's superpowers are not inferior to his own, he really can't float!

What's more, the previous Dark Mewtwo was also stronger than himself, and he was not killed by Li Yichen and Artoria, which made Mewtwo unable to float at all, Li Yichen's "killing chickens and making an example of monkeys" was really good!

"Well, it looks like you can control your body!" This time, even Li Yichen himself was surprised and asked curiously.

"Yes!" Mewtwo nodded slightly, looking at Li Yichen's eyes full of gratitude.

If it weren't for Li Yichen's help, I'm afraid it wouldn't know when it would be able to control its body, not to mention, it also has a good strength now, and it can be seen from the dark Mewtwo's side that this is not all its strength, and it still has a good room for growth.

"In that case, let's eat this too!" Li Yichen took out another candy-sized energy crystal, full of mysterious charm.

"What is this?" Even the dream is also confused at the moment, why can Li Yichen always come up with some strange things, it has never seen this thing, but it can sense the special energy in it. Even if you get this thing yourself, I'm afraid you can get more or less benefits.

"Godhead, too, is a priesthood! The world is rewarded!" Li Yichen exerts his stinky and shameless spirit, and everything that seems unbelievable is attributed to the world's rewards.

In fact, he didn't lie, it's just a system or something, it's really hard to say!

Dream nodded thoughtfully, it can naturally feel that this is the product of the will of the world, if you get this so-called godhead, you can be recognized by the world and become a real god, not the kind that is simply achieved by strength.

Such a thing can only be attributed to the product of the world's will, and it is the world's reward for Li Yichen.

Thinking about the fact that Li Yichen defeated two Pokémon from the Dark Legend before, it seems that it is reasonable to give such a reward.

It's just that Li Yichen asked Mewtwo to swallow this thing, is it really useful? Isn't it something else? Or is everything based on food these days?

"Duty?" Mewtwo took a deep look at Li Yichen, this guy really regards himself as a relative!

If you don't understand Mewtwo before, but Mewtwo, who has been with dreams for a long time, how can you not know that the prestige of the job is valuable?

This seems to be the gap between himself and the real super bosses of Dream, the previous dark Mewtwo, precisely because he had no position, was suppressed by Zekrom from beginning to end.

Now Li Yichen wants to tell himself that this thing can bring him a position, although there is also a gap between gods and gods, but Mewtwo said, now it, does it have a choice?

It's impossible to expect Li Yichen to give himself a godhead of a creation god, right?

Mewtwo also put this emotion in his heart, and made up his mind to protect Li Yichen and protect the world.

After taking over the division crystal, Mewtwo didn't have time to swallow it, the division crystal had been integrated into Mewtwo's body, and the momentum on Mewtwo's body exploded again briefly, at this moment, it felt something different, as if it had truly become a part of this world.

"God of War? It turns out that the world thinks so too, and is full of expectations for me! Mewtwo muttered as she felt the difference.

He felt that compared to Dark Mewtwo, he was undoubtedly lucky, and he had just consciously met his family, Li Yichen!

After that, I became a family with Dream.,It's not as lonely and confused as Dark Mewtwo.,It has its own life goals.,Now even the world recognizes itself.,I hope I become the god of war in this world.,Protect this world.。

Mewtwo is full of motivation at the moment!

Kill those abominable dark elves!

Dream is stunned again at the moment, God of War? It is undeniable that Mewtwo does seem to be more suitable as a god of war than himself, and the world does need a god of war now, it is sincerely happy for Mewtwo, but also has worries, and then Mewtwo will be very dangerous, this taunt will be about the same as himself, and there will be countless dark elves who want to get rid of it!

(I woke up in the morning, but I found that more than 20 of my old books had been banned, and I was a little confused...) )

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