Of course, some things are just thinking about it, and for the time being, Artoria and Li Yichen will not get married, after all, the other party is still just a child, a little more than sixteen years old, and they got married a little early.

She is not against the relationship with Li Yichen, the words of her parents' matchmaker are still useful for a family like Artoria, and because of the hostility and bond between Zekrom and Reshiram, the relationship between Li Yichen and Artoria will be more or less influenced by Zekrom and Reshiram.

Just like the reincarnation of Asura and Indra in the Hokage, they will be rivals, but they will also become bonds.

This is a subtle influence, and Artoria and Li Yichen are a man and a woman, and neither of them intends to become enemies, so the possibility of having a good impression of each other has greatly increased.

As for the fact that Li Yichen has a lot of sisters around him, Artoria doesn't care, there is only one queen of Camelot, and that is her, as for the rest, maybe it's important, maybe it's not important, it depends on your own measurement, at least for Artoria, it's not important for the time being, is there any bond that can be compared to the bond between Zekrom and Reshiram?

"Thank you so much this time!" Li Yichen thanked him from the bottom of his heart, it was still quite dangerous to let Artoria help him protect the Initial Tree of the World.

In this regard, Artoria only shook her head slightly: "No, I still want to thank you!" After a pause, Artoria continued: "Actually, when I came, I was ready to sacrifice Camelot, after all, for the whole world, the World Origin Tree is more important than Camelot, even if I will be very heartbroken, I will be in self-blame after that, I will also come to save the World Origin Tree, even if there is no invitation from you, I know about it, I will come!" I'm even ready to avenge them afterwards! The god of the sea is something you have invited! Without it, Camelot, I'm afraid, would no longer exist! "

Li Yichen was a little silent, if Camelot wasn't there, this sister would be very painful, right?

Even live in self-blame and guilt for the rest of your life!

Compared to Artoria, Li Yichen is much more selfish, and after thinking about it, Li Yichen also asked, "Isn't there anything you want to ask me?" For example, why did you come to the Tree of the Beginning of the World, instead of directly asking Lokia, the god of the sea, to come over? You know, because of you, you may make Camelot's people think that you have turned your back on them, which will affect your status in the hearts of the people of Camelot! "

"No, I'm more suitable to come here than Lokia, the god of the sea, if Lokia, the god of the sea, is here, Dark Guraton and Dark Mewtwo may not dare to come here at will, and this war can't be fought!" Artoria said directly: "This operation is undoubtedly a huge victory, even this world has not won such a victory for thousands of years, it is worth paying some price, and besides, isn't there no problem with Camelot?" When I become king, I will be ready to bear infamy!"

Li Yichen was a little silent, this king who understands people's hearts is still King Arthur!

Even if she has a human heart, her character will not change, unless one day she is blackened, in fact, even if my king is blackened, she is still a good person.

However, the king who understands people's hearts really understands people's hearts! understands Li Yichen's good intentions, and at the same time, he will understand himself.

"But after this battle, the dark elf world should stop for a while, right?" Then Artoria said again.

During this time, she was under a lot of pressure, after all, Camelot was not in the Dragon Alliance, there were so many excellent Pokémon trainers, and many times, her so-called Knights of the Round Table needed to go out to destroy those dark elves, even Artoria herself needed to be busy for a long time.

Especially during this time, the invasion of the dark elves is getting more and more intensive.

"I don't know, but I feel that the other party may hurry up the time to attack!" Li Yichen is not particularly optimistic, although the two worlds seem to be facing each other now, Li Yichen feels as if the other party still has the advantage.

And Pokémon like Guraton have never said that there is only one!

And that's not the only legendary Pokémon!

Even Dark Mewtwo may not be the only one!

Even in Li Yichen's opinion, what the Dark Elf World did before was more like preparing for the invasion, but now they felt that they were almost ready, so they started to invade.

Even the invading side has an advantage!

"Hurry up the time to attack?" Artoria was silent, and the two didn't say anything after that, but she pillowed her head on Li Yichen's shoulder and silently watched the battle in front of her.

With the addition of Dream, Reshram, and Zekrom, the battle on the side of the Tree of the Beginning of the World is simply one-sided, not to look down on those dark elves, among them even have Pokémon in dark legends, but in the face of three first-level gods, there is even a dream in a state of anger, what else to fight? Is it bad to choose a dog leash directly?

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