"Boom!!" At about eight o'clock the next day, a deafening voice resounded throughout Xijing City.

This sound directly woke up Rin Tosaka beside Li Yichen, and the corners of Li Yichen's mouth also showed a smile: "Dark Elf, it's finally here!"

After speaking, he got up directly, and at the same time said to Rin Tosaka on the side: "Hurry up and prepare, there is something!"

Then Li Yichen used his superpowers to urge Illya's little Lori next door.

"Hmm, in just five minutes, have there been more than ten places in Xijing City that have been invaded by dark elves?" Li Yichen's face showed a playful smile: "And some dark elves have directly invaded important places in Xijing, interesting, really interesting!"

"Come out! Reshiram, go and deal with those dark elves first!" Li Yichen took the lead in releasing Reshiram.

However, he himself did not go with Reshram, but let Reshram fight alone, and he himself began to wait for the appearance of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Since Dark Mewtwo is ready to calculate against himself, then it can't be just these simple acts, Li Yichen decided to sell himself first, he already knows that Heizhen is already in this city, once there is a problem, Heizhen will also take action, which depends on the tacit understanding between the two parties.

If Hei Zhen sells himself, then Li Yichen can only run away, or go directly to Reshiram.

Li Yichen himself is still very confident in his superpowers, ordinary Pokémon can't do anything to him at all, as for Dark Mewtwo himself, Li Yichen even wishes to do so!

It's just a pity that Dark Mewtwo is not in Xijing City, and Li Yichen didn't perceive the breath of Dark Mewtwo, it seems that he went to the Initial Tree of the World.

Is this just a feint?

"I need your help!" Not long after Li Yichen released Reshiram, Ying Yinyan came here and said to Li Yichen in a serious tone.

"I've already let Reshiram out!" Li Yichen spread his hands: "And don't you feel that this time things are very strange?"

Li Yichen's words made Ying Yinyan's heart sink, in fact, even she felt that things were different: "You mean that this time, someone is planning behind it!

Li Yichen nodded slightly, he didn't tell Ying Yin Yan about the dark Mewtwo, but Ying Yin Yan saw the problem.

Sure enough, the other party's IQ is not ordinarily high.

"Who knows, but I didn't feel the breath of darkness in Xijing!" Li Yichen smiled noncommittally: "However, this is also very interesting, isn't it?"

Ying Yin Yan was speechless for a moment, is this still interesting?

I'm afraid you don't know, it's already a mess outside, of course, what worries Yingyin Yan the most is that the other party is familiar with Xijing's defensive system.

Before the explosion, they didn't even know that there were so many dark elves mixed in Xijing. If there is no problem in this, Yingyin Yan will not believe anything.

Even if Dark Mewtwo came by himself, Ying Yin Yan didn't believe it, Dark Mewtwo could directly avoid all the monitoring facilities and the defense system of Xijing City, did anyone else here be controlled? And it was also a high-level in Xijing!

"So what do you think is going on behind this matter?" Ying Yin Yan looked at Li Yichen a little speechless and asked.

"Why didn't they attack early or late, but they wanted to attack at this time?" Li Yichen chuckled: "Their purpose is probably me!!"

Then he threw two more Pokéballs: "Shemy, Pokkiss, go deal with those dark elves, and if you encounter a powerful one, run!"

Ying Yin Yan was also speechless, and when she encountered a powerful run, Li Yichen could say it.

But Li Yichen didn't care, did he need this kind of face? Now that Reshiram has gone out to brush up on experience, it is obvious that this time the strength of the dark elves sent by Dark Mewtwo is quite not weak, anyway, Li Yichen's Pokémon level brush is flying.

Then let Pokkiss cooperate with Shemi to brush up experience, as long as it is not too dangerous opponent, they can be treated at will. If the experience is slow and Heizhen makes a move, where can I find such a good place to brush experience?

"What are you sending out the strongest Pokémon out now?" Ying Yin Yan asked as she looked at Li Yichen suspiciously.

"No, I'm not the strongest Pokémon!" Li Yichen shook his head, why is he so confident, it's not because he himself is a hanger!

He hadn't told anyone else that in fact, his Li Yichen's superpowers had reached the level of a god, which was also the reason for his self-confidence.

He doesn't think he's worse than those legendary Pokémon with superpowers.

Yingyin Yan glanced at Li Yichen thoughtfully, almost forgetting that this guy was a hanger, and she also heard that the reason why Li Yichen got Reshiram was also because Li Yichen thought he was the most powerful, and Reshiram wanted to protect his truth.

Even if there is no Reshiram, Li Yichen still thinks shamelessly that he is the strongest, and there is no one else.

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