There is no doubt that Hu Hai was hesitant at first, no matter how brain-dead he was, he was also Ying Zheng's son, but he hadn't seen Ying Zheng a few times.

Hu Hai couldn't believe Dark Mewtwo's words, and he was also worried that the other party would directly control him.

However, it turned out that Dark Mewtwo didn't do this, originally Hu Hai was still a little hesitant, but after being defeated by Li Yichen, Hu Hai couldn't stand it, this group of damn bastards, these people who have legendary Pokémon, are damn annoying.

He decisively approached Dark Mewtwo and expressed his willingness to cooperate with Dark Mewtwo.

As for how big the result will be, what does this have to do with him Huhai?

Now that he has made a decision, then he Hu Hai will definitely not regret it!

Even if this incident will make Ying Zheng angry, but so what? Who made Ying Zheng himself biased, he doesn't have much affection for Ying Zheng, and even has hatred, if he can destroy everything about him, it seems to be a good choice.

Hu Hai packed all these Pokéballs in a bag, took a deep look at Dark Mewtwo, and left directly.

Dark Mewtwo looked at Xijing in the distance, he needed to be careful when he came here, there was a guy with a similar aura to himself, if he was not careful, he was sensed, then his plan would be in trouble.

Dark Mewtwo knows a lot about his identity, but he can't figure out why a human has superpowers similar to his own, which is not scientific!

Even Dark Mewtwo once suspected that in this world, Mewtwo was not created, instead, they used this technology to create similar humans.

However, after a series of investigations, it learned that there are Mewtwo in this world, but it has just been born, and it doesn't even control its body.

During this time, Dark Mewtwo has been looking for Mewtwo's traces, until not long ago, I found the corresponding information...

But Li Yichen's problem is a problem that Dark Mewtwo has to face, it is not easy to deal with Li Yichen, not to mention that once he gets close to Li Yichen, he will be easily discovered by the other party, it is Reshiram, and it is not a weak legendary Pokémon.

Even Dark Mewtwo himself is not sure of victory, and once he is discovered by other legendary Pokémon, he can only be unlucky at that time.

If the Dark Super Dream wants to achieve its goal, it must delay Li Yichen here!

Hu Hai is the best chess piece!

No one would doubt that Hu Hai would cooperate with him, and more than a hundred Heavenly Kings and even dark elves above the champion level were enough for the other party to be busy for a while.

With all that in mind, Mewtwo soared into the sky and flew towards the sky.


However, what Dark Mewtwo didn't know was that when Dark Mewtwo handed over the Dark Elf to Hu Hai, Li Yichen's system also issued a mission: "Ding, release a temporary mission: Dark Mewtwo's plan! Dark Mewtwo is trying to launch a conspiracy against Dream, Mewtwo, and the host, please ask the host to defeat Dark Mewtwo's conspiracy." "

Seeing the prompt sound of the system, Li Yichen was a little confused, and sure enough, Dark Mewtwo was not ordinary, and they all began to engage in conspiracy. even launched a conspiracy.

But how is it going to start a conspiracy against itself?

Dream and Mewtwo are now in the Initial Tree of the World, does this mean that Dark Mewtwo is going to invade the Initial Tree of the World?

It is the safest place in the world, and with the particularity of the World Origin Tree, Dream even has the strength to rival Arceus near the World Origin Tree.

Even Dark Mewtwo can't be a match for Dream.

And there are not a few legendary Pokémon out there.

So how does Dark Mewtwo target and lure Dream out? This seems to be doable, as long as he attacks Li Yichen and asks Dream for help, Dream will inevitably help, and then wipe them out.

And the identity of Dark Mewtwo is a problem, Dream said that the World Initial Tree is the most suitable place for Mewtwo to grow, does that also mean that Dark Mewtwo can also enter the World Initial Tree?

That's not a good thing!

If Dark Mewtwo invades the Initial Tree of the World while the Dream is not there, that is the most dangerous thing, and if there is a problem with the Initial Tree of the World, then there will be a problem in this world.

So is it possible for Dark Mewtwo to attack himself and the Tree of the Beginning of the World?

But now that the system prompts, it won't take too long to think about it, and I can arrange it quickly.

There was almost no hesitation, he made a phone call to Hei Zhen, and Hei Zhen on the other side was also a little curious about Li Yichen's call: "What, dear, are you planning to cooperate with me? It is said that the Bald Eagle Alliance was looking for trouble with you some time ago, or we will work together to destroy them!"

In fact, the relationship between Li Yichen and Heizhen is also very good, aside from some things, Heizhen's personality is very hearty and suitable for being friends.

Li Yichen didn't mind chatting with her, of course, he was more greedy for her, after all, the other party's popularity was not inferior to his two sisters!

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