Under everyone's curious gaze, the wooden pillar that was originally surrounded by it also slowly opened, revealing Xie Mi's figure inside.

Even after experiencing the previous fire, Xie Mi was not affected too much, at most he was a little tired, but his condition was much better than that of the crystal lamp fire spirit on the other side.

Ying Yin Yan sighed slightly, she knew that this time the crystal lamp fire spirit was also very auspicious, and it was almost a matter of victory and defeat.

This battle, although Li Yichen's other Pokémon strength has not been forced out, but this is enough, at least Xie Mi's situation can almost be judged.

As for other Pokémon, Ying Yin Yan is looking forward to it, whether this guy Li Yichen will give everyone an unexpected surprise, Xie Mi is definitely not Li Yichen's hole card, with her understanding of Li Yichen, this guy is definitely secretly cultivating an existence that no one can imagine.

Mewtwo? Probably not!

Li Yichen doesn't care much about this, the alliance knows it, anyway, he is not afraid of being known and discovered.

When he first got Xie Mi, he didn't have a master ball, so he just used the ordinary luxury ball to subdue Xie Mi, and finally it was known by the alliance, but Latias and Shui Jun are different, they are both subdued by the master ball, even the alliance doesn't know, Li Yichen, don't mind giving everyone a surprise when the time comes.

However, Li Yichen's performance is enough to give them an explanation, even if it is not Reshram, this guy is unique, maybe one day in the future, Li Yichen can really become the strongest Pokémon trainer in the world.

"Xie Mi, the last tree realm is born!" As Li Yichen's words fell, countless trees grew out again, covering the entire competition venue in an instant, enveloping the crystal lantern fire spirit.

Even the trees that were still burning on the playing field before were instantly annihilated after being covered by these trees.

"Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit, break free!" Qin Jiuze still wanted to continue fighting.

There is no doubt that if the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit is in its heyday, or when it has more physical strength, it is not particularly difficult to break free from the Tree Realm.

It's just that the crystal lamp fire spirit is very sad at the moment, and it has been constantly using flames before, which has consumed a lot of its physical strength, and it is caught off guard, in the face of Xie Mi's tree realm birth, even the crystal lamp fire spirit has been involved, and it has become difficult to break free after that.

"It's useless!" Li Yichen chuckled, the current Xie Mi is a champion-level Pokémon, where is it so easy to deal with?

It's also a legendary Pokémon, and you can't underestimate Shemmy because of her cute appearance, otherwise, you'll see what real cruelty is.

Sure enough, under Xie Mi's control, those trees flocked to the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit one after another, even if the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit burned some trees with flames, in the end, they still couldn't break free from these trees, and they were squeezed out of the last trace of physical strength, completely losing their ability to fight.

"This time, I lost!" Qin Jiuze said with a wry smile as he looked at the crystal lamp fire spirit that had lost his ability to fight.

"You're also very good!" Li Yichen said with a chuckle.

As a gym trainer, Qin Jiuze's strength is obviously very good.

After all, the king or even the champion Pokémon is not something that anyone can have.

However, Qin Jiuze still smiled bitterly, if his understanding was correct, the other party was only a little over sixteen years old now, right!?

Think about what you were doing when you were sixteen?

You've just been on a trip, working hard to breed Pokémon, and looking for interesting gym challenges, right?

He couldn't help but mourn for the participants of this national competition, it was really sad to encounter such a hanging wall!

Qin Jiuze glanced at Yingyin Yan on the side, and then silently took out the badge: "This is my Rongcheng badge, I hope you will perform well in the national competition." "

"Yes!" Li Yichen showed a confident look, but it was a pity that he didn't get any lottery opportunities this time, but this is not particularly important.

It's a big deal to find the dark elves to brush it later.

In this battle, Li Yichen fought quite coolly.

It's not the same as the feeling of a dark elf battle!

After saying goodbye to Qin Jiuze, Li Yichen asked Yingyin Yan, "When are we going to Xijing?"

"Two more days!" Ying Yinyan thought about it and said: "After all, the damage caused by this earthquake is still quite large, I need to preside over the reconstruction search and rescue work here, and someone will replace me in two days!"

"Yes!" Li Yichen didn't refuse this, anyway, he didn't have anything to do, and he didn't care about training for so many days, so he should take a vacation for his Pokémon!


said that it was two days, and when Li Yichen and the others came to Xijing, it was already three days later, and during this period, Yingyin Yan spent another day arranging some things.

It's just that when Li Yichen came to the door of Yingyin's house, the whole person was confused, he knew from Morgan that she and Artoria both lived in the castle, but Yingyin's family lived in the palace...

(Ask for flowers, ask for 10 evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for automatic subscriptions, Mo Mo Da.) )

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