Sirona never doubted the IQ of some people, they were really stupid, didn't the original Wind King also be attacked by those guys?

No matter how angry the legendary Pokémon is, there won't be any big problem, it's a big deal if Arceus doesn't appear in the future.

These legendary Pokémon have a very good temper, even if they have been betrayed, they have not seen it want to take revenge on humans because of the betrayal of humans.

I'm afraid the same is true for Arceus, right?

For the vast majority of the high-level members of the alliance and those in large families, even if Pokémon are legendary Pokémon, they are actually tools that can be used.

They are stupid and easy to deceive, and if they can control that powerful power in their own hands, then everything will be safe.

But Sirona doesn't think so, especially after seeing Reshram's terrifying strength, Sirona can be regarded as a real witness to the strength of the legendary Pokémon, and she decided to do something!

After thinking about it, Shirona hit the idea on Ryuto and Dr. Ohki, and Dr. Ryudo didn't say anything about it, but Dr. Oki was a real strong and wise man, and Sirona decided to set off today and go to Shinshin Town in the Kanto region to visit Dr. Pokémon, who was admired even by her grandmother.


Li Yichen didn't know what Xirona and they thought, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care, and now he didn't need to extort anything from Dr. Damu and Yulongdu.

Dr. Damu does have a lot of outstanding abilities, but for Li Yichen, who doesn't want to be a researcher, it doesn't have much effect, as for the combat skills, hehe, he Li Yichen doesn't want it, he won't be the second Damu Xuecheng, he is just the first Li Yichen.

As for the power of the dragon crossing, Li Yichen is naturally interested, Artoria has the power of the dragon, and it is said that the Pendragon family, the most outstanding dragon power in history, this is a great improvement for Zekrom.

If you have the power of the dragon, the battle with Artoria will be much easier.

But Li Yichen reluctantly found that he didn't seem to have any special things and information on hand at hand, and he could trade with Yulongdu, well, the Rockia of the Vortex Islands was one, but Li Yichen didn't want to expose this matter.

If the system had a traversal function, it would be great, then he Li Yichen could travel to the Pokémon world and snatch those "chances", and there are not a lot of chances in the entire Pokémon world, especially what happened on the way to the trip of stupid things.

It's just a pity that what he added was a skin god, but not a stupid thing himself, if it was a stupid thing, Li Yichen said that he could harvest a large number of excellent Pokémon, after all, this one can directly release the quasi-god into existence.

He didn't seem to know how cherished those Pokémon were.

"This time, I still want to thank you!" It wasn't until the middle of the night that Yingyin Yan finished some of the things and came to Li Yichen again to express her gratitude.

The incident of the fake Guraton has indeed had a great impact on Rongcheng, especially the previous two earthquakes, which caused countless buildings to collapse in the earthquake, but fortunately, the hotel where Li Yichen is located, although it has been affected, has not been damaged, obviously this hotel was still built with care.

Looking at Yingyin Yan's tired appearance, Li Yichen sighed slightly, sure enough, the champion of the alliance is not so easy to be!

In their world, the power of the Celestial King Champion is much greater than that of the Pokémon World, and they are equivalent to the top leader of a local "military district".

It's not like the king champion of the Pokémon world, the symbolism is greater than the actual meaning, more is built into a star, attracting generations of children to become kings and champions, as everyone knows, for the alliance, the king champion is just a start, and the power is still in the hands of the big family, even if it becomes the king champion, it is more like a thug for those guys.

Even if it is Sirona and Yulongdu, they have done this, in addition to wanting to implement the justice in their hearts, do something for the alliance, and fight crimes, but also to prepare for the real entry into the top of the alliance in the future.

It's not their utilitarianism, it's not their power, after becoming a high-level, they can do something they can do, and the family and forces behind them also push them to do this.

It's just that in Li Yichen's world, the pressure of the Heavenly King Champion is indeed a little great, just look at Yingyin Yan, not long ago on the island to save the world, and then went to Treasure Island, and now it is even more dusty to run to Rongcheng.

Li Yichen is relaxed, and she will be fine after the fight, but Yingyin Yan is different, she is also responsible for the follow-up finishing.

Just like this time, Yingyin Yan came all the way to participate in the battle, and then she was even more busy until now.

Obviously, he still has to participate in the reconstruction plan, and Li Yichen is a little unbearable to see the tired appearance.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just that I'm lucky, I always encounter this kind of thing!" Li Yichen complained and complained, and he was actually quite satisfied with the results this time, at least the reward was not bad!

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