In a mountain range to the west of Rongcheng, this place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, far away from the world, near the water source, a wooden house stands here, and Illya's petite figure is preparing food in the wooden house at this moment.

The wooden house was built by Shemi, and even Illya herself was shocked, and it was incredible how Shemi had managed to do this.

It's amazing that Pokémon has the skills to build a wooden house, and it's a very strong wooden house.

Illya even felt that even the King Pokémon couldn't easily destroy this wooden house, this kind of thing was simply unscientific, but it seemed to be a little natural to happen to Xie Mi.

After all, they are legendary Pokémon, and it's normal to do everything.

And not far from the wooden house, there is a huge open space, Li Yichen is directing his Pokémon training, whether it is the Sun Elf, the Nine Tails, these Li Yichen's signature red flower double sticks, as well as Ladias, Shuijun, Iron Dumbbells, these Pokémon that were not born long ago, are all under the control of Li Yichen's gravity, exercising.

Their gravity is much more and less, like the Iron Dumbbell, which is only twice the weight, but the Sun Elves and the Nine-Tails are carrying five times the weight, which is already extremely high for the average Pokémon.

"Okay, that's all for today's basic training, and the next step is to team up and go to the forest to find an opponent who is evenly matched with you!"

"Roar!" After almost a month of training, Li Yichen's Pokémon have also made great progress, such as Kodora has evolved to the level of Boss Dora, and the Beapace has also evolved into a Tyrannosaurus.

The momentum alone is enough to make the average Pokémon scared.

Reshram LV110, Hackron LV64, Chrysanthemum Leaf LV62, Shemmy LV69, Nine-Tails LV71, Sun Elf LV70, Pokkiss LV70, Tyrannosaurus LV64, Chenglong LV59, Super Power Flame Horse LV48, Boskodora LV56, Water King LV42, Ladias LV42, Iron Dumbbell LV12

This is all of Li Yichen's current Pokémon.

Most of them have improved significantly in this time, and even Li Yichen now, even if he doesn't count Reshram, has already made up a pair of Heavenly King Pokémon.

Even, if it weren't for Li Yichen's half of the time, letting Pokémon spend a lot of time playing and exercising, but letting them brush the level, I'm afraid that Li Yichen's group of Pokémon could be even more improved.

As Li Yichen's Pokémon began to dispatch, those wild Pokémon fled in all directions.

There is no way, during this time, this group of Pokémon is simply a group of bullies here, almost everywhere they go, there are Pokémon being bullied.

In the wild, Pokémon battles are also normal, and this group of Pokémon will help you heal after beating you, which sounds like a good thing, but it can't stand up to this group of hateful guys, after treating you, they will still beat you!

There is even a poor Circle Bear, who was once healed by this group of Pokémon, defeated and healed, and in one day, was defeated more than twenty times in a row, this is still a king-level lord Circle Bear.

Torturing Pokémon is not tortured like this. Their Pokémon also want to save face.

Especially the lord Pokémon, if there is no majesty, how to dominate their own race, the circle bear is not a good-tempered Pokémon, but in the face of Li Yichen, they have nothing to do.

There is no way, Li Yichen's Pokémon is too strong, and he can't beat it alone, and he can't beat it alone, and he has a large-scale lethal skill in group fighting.

Whether it's Tailed Beast Jade or Tornado Rain Strike, as well as Xie Mi's Mu Dun, these Pokémon are miserable.

Looking at his Pokémon, with a menacing appearance, Li Yichen shook his head helplessly, and unconsciously, his Pokémon also had a rogue atmosphere.

"However, I can finally return to human society!" Li Yichen looked at the blue sky and muttered, he had been here for a month, and the results of the special training were quite good.

During this time, Li Yichen did not completely return to human society, but at most, he just went to a small city on the side to buy something.

I usually have a lot of contact with the outside world, and when I'm bored, it's also quite good to chat with Sirona and Gardelia, and I won't feel bored.

However, after all, he is still a human being who is accustomed to modern society, and more than a month is already his limit for the time being, and he also wants to return to the city to eat delicious food and carry out all kinds of leisure and entertainment.

Just when Li Yichen was planning where to eat food in the future, his phone rang.

This was a call from Yingyinyan, and he didn't even think about it, so he picked up the phone.

"Little sister, do you miss me?" Li Yichen teased.

Ying Yinyan rubbed her head with a headache, this guy is teasing herself, more and more excessively, however, she is also very curious, how much progress Li Yichen has made in a month of special training, for ordinary trainers, a month of special training, at most, can only do some professional special training, but Li Yichen's words, can the things on this guy be understood with common sense?

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