"Very good, take advantage of this opportunity to use the Flame Vortex!" Cai Xiaofei commanded the Flame Horse to attack, and the scorching flames were sprayed out by the Flame Horse, surrounding the Flame Horse and the superpowered Flame Horse.

"Break free with strong spiritual thoughts!" Li Yichen said softly, and then he saw a majestic spiritual power burst out from the body of the superpowered flame horse, instantly crushing the flame vortex wrapped around them.

By the way, he began to hit the flame horse that was close at hand, and under the effect of this huge spiritual force, the flame horse was hit hard, and then completely lost its ability to fight and fell to the ground.

Looking at this scene, Cai Xiaofei had a headache, superpowers are too open, obviously they are two same Pokémon, and their strength is about the same, but because of their superpowers, the battle ended so easily, and Cai Xiaofei felt hurt.

She took the Flame Horse back, glanced at the superpower Flame Horse standing proudly, and also sighed lightly, and released her second Pokémon.

"Come out! Nine-Tails!" With the appearance of Nine-Tails, the atmosphere at the scene also became tense and anxious.

The strength of this nine-tailed is not weak, LV58, although it is not a king Pokémon, but among the Pokémon of the quasi-king, it is also an absolute leader.

"Nine-tails? Then I'll use the nine-tails too!" Li Yichen glanced at the superpower Flame Horse, and also released his own nine-tails.

The two nine-tails are far opposite, although Li Yichen's nine-tails are not as good as each other in terms of size, after all, it is still just a child, but looking at the hair and the like, it seems that Li Yichen's nine-tails are more outstanding.

"This guy!" Cai Xiaofei didn't know how to complain, didn't this guy really come to smash the field?

Before, he used a flaming horse, and the other party also used a flaming horse, but now he uses the nine tails, and the other party also uses the nine tails, and looking at the breath of the other party's nine tails, it is definitely a king Pokémon, and among the king Pokémon, it is also an absolute powerhouse.

Even if he rented the hotel to Jian Tong Dirty Yan before, he didn't need such revenge!

My hotel has been smashed by you, and I don't know that Jian Tong Dirty Yan is going to do this kind of thing!

I did plan to have you come to the crater to make things difficult for you, but I didn't bother you too much, did I? And you weren't affected much.

The most important thing is that pure fire-based Pokémon is really difficult to fight against the Nine-Tails.

"Nine-Tails, use the power of supernatural powers!" In desperation, Cai Xiaofei could only take the lead in attacking. A superpower poured out of the nine-tails, but unfortunately, the nine-tails opposite Li Yichen did not move.

Just kidding, to the Pokémon of the superpowers, the use of superpowers, especially the master-level superpowers, isn't this death?

I only saw that when these superpowers were about to hit Li Yichen's Nine-Tails, they were directly destroyed by a more powerful and vast superpower.

This scene made Cai Xiaofei not know what to say, is Li Yichen's superpower a continuous stream of failure?

"Reward it with a tailed beast cannon!" Then he saw Li Yichen's nine-tails open his mouth and condense a black energy ball the size of a fist, which made Cai Xiaofei and her nine-tails feel very dangerous.

Immediately afterwards, the Nine-Tails did not launch the Tailed Beast Jade, but swallowed it directly, and the entire body of the Nine-Tails also swelled up like a balloon, which made Cai Xiaofei can't help but start worrying about the Nine-Tails, eating such an energy ball, the Nine-Tails should not want to blow itself up, right?

It's just that before she could think about it, a pillar of light was sprayed out by the nine tails, and the terrifying energy instantly hit the nine tails on the opposite side, and one shot into the soul, knocking the nine tails into the air and landing on the platform on the side, if it weren't for luck, I'm afraid this nine tails would fall directly into the magma.

You must know that even fire-type Pokémon are not allowed to enter and exit the magma at will.

What's more, it's still in the case of losing combat capability.

If you are not careful, you will die.

"This skill is even more terrifying than destroying the Death Light!" Cai Xiaofei glanced at Li Yichen deeply: "When you use this trick in the national competition, I'm afraid it will amaze countless people!"

"You're not the first gym trainer to say this!" Li Yichen chuckled.

At the same time, he was also relieved, he was really worried that the other party's nine-tails would fall into the magma, otherwise, I am afraid that Reshiram would have to make the next magma.

"Is that so?" Cai Xiaofei said that she was relieved, it seemed that she was not the first gym trainer to be blown up by the Tailed Beast Cannon.

It is tragic that one person is unlucky, and a group of people is unlucky, but it is different.

Even the inner unhappiness has dissipated a lot.

"Then release your last Pokémon!" Li Yichen said as he stared at Cai Xiaofei.

I don't know why, he is indeed very unhappy to see this aunt, maybe because of her surname and appearance, just like a woman Li Yichen hated in his previous life, so this time, he was ruthless.

"Your Nine-Tails is very good, even if it is my ace Pokémon, it may not be able to defeat it!" Cai Xiaofei's eyes also became serious: "But since you are so confident, then I will release my main Pokémon!"

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