For a conservative woman, it's hard enough to swim in a swimsuit or something in front of a man.

In ancient times, it was also a common occurrence to be seen to make a promise or something, and of course, there was a high possibility that the other party would be destroyed.

Yingyin Yan obviously did not extinguish Li Yichen's thoughts, the meaning of this is obvious, if Li Yichen stalks some, or is a domineering president or something, maybe it is not a problem to win Yingyin.

Now it's like a love game, it's actually not bad, at least Li Yichen still enjoys this feeling, like Long Aotian in other novels, when he saw his sister, he soaked it that day, so it's really a little difficult for him, and such a girl is too cheap, isn't it?

"Next, I will collect badges and wait for next year's national competition, and I may also go to the trouble of the dark elves, as for the specific situation, I will talk about the details!" Li Yichen thought for a while and said.

"Do you still want to participate in the national competition? After this incident, you have also become a household name, if you let those people know that you are going to participate in the national competition, I'm afraid that no one will be willing to participate next year, right? After all, no one wants to be abused!" Ying Yin Yan rubbed her temples and said.

Her brain hurts a little, what if this could be the worst ever?

"Actually, you can also let out the rumors, just say that I won't use Reshiram when I am in the national competition, so I'm afraid there will be many people who can't help but want to participate, right?! There will even be many powerful trainers who don't want to participate, but they participate because of me, after all, defeating a legendary Pokémon trainer, such an opportunity is rare, even if it is not Reshiram who defeated me, they still have to participate, right? After all, this kind of thing is enough for them to blow for several years!" Li Yichen chuckled and said.

Ying Yin frowned, stared at Li Yichen and said, "Are you really sure you want to do this?" You know, when this news is released, there will be countless people who want to participate in this national competition, although the national competition is held for people under the age of thirty, but there are a lot of resources, and it is not uncommon to reach the championship level at the age of thirty, at least I did.

They may not be as good as me, but compared to the average trainer, they are only stronger, not weaker. Champion Pokémon will also have a few, and without using Reshram, you are not an opponent now!

It's like your royal sister, Artoria, now the king of Camelot, don't look at her now she is only in her twenties, but even if you don't say, Zekrom, she has also relied on her own strength to breed her own champion Pokémon, even if her other Pokémon are not very high-level, but no one will question her strength, even at the age of thirty, except for Zekrom, her strength may be stronger than me!

Such people, although rare, are not impossible.

And once you are defeated, your reputation will also be greatly affected, and some people will even feel that your strength is not worth mentioning except for Reshram!"

Li Yichen raised his eyebrows, looked at Ying Yinyan with some playfulness and said, "In that case, why don't we make a bet?"

"What bet?" the corners of Ying Yinyan's eyes jumped slightly, and she had a bad premonition.

"Just bet on whether I can win the championship if I don't use the power of Reshiram in the national competition!" Li Yichen paused and continued: "If I lose, then I will do three things for you unconditionally, as long as it doesn't exceed my bottom line, I can do it." Even if it's a fight with Pokémon from Dark Legends. If I win, then you will be my woman!"

Listening to Li Yichen's words, Ying Yin Yan smiled bitterly, this guy seems to be getting more and more inches!

"Although it makes me very uncomfortable to gamble in this way, I have to admit that your conditions are very tempting, I haven't considered the matter of men and women before, after all, as a descendant of Yingzheng, my life has been dedicated to the alliance. Today's ancestor is fighting against the dark elves in a special dimension, the alliance is the target I want to protect, I am his successor, and even this frozen bird is also a gift from the ancestor to me, it is undeniable that your conditions have made my heart move!"

Fight the Pokémon of Dark Legends in other dimensions?

It is undeniable that Yingzheng is indeed worthy of admiration!!

Brother Zheng is awesome!

Li Yichen is still a little nervous about that place, they are all experienced babies!

"So, you agreed!" asked Li Yichen.

"Yes, I agreed, but even if you win, I am still the champion of the Dragon Kingdom, and I will deal with my personal emotions separately from official affairs!" Ying Yin Yan said in a serious tone.

No, no, no, no, the matter of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance seems to be your family affair!

Li Yichen complained, but it is undeniable that Yingyin Yan's family does not have the right to occupy the Dragon Kingdom, and even the king or anything is not reserved, Artoria is still the nominal king!

But even now, the Yingyin family still has a very high status.

Little sister +1!

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