Rin Tosaka quietly walked to Li Yichen's room, Illya didn't know, after all, in her impression, although Rin Tosaka didn't have a little bit of discipline, she liked to drop the chain at the critical moment, and the Tosaka family should still have the reserve.

Well, there should be, right?

After reporting safety to her mother Alice Phil and telling her mother the specific situation that happened during this time, she was going to talk to Li Yichen, because according to Ellie's mother's words, some people want to get the dream gene through them, after all, this time, the dream performance is very eye-catching.

Many people know that Dream was called by Li Yichen to help, at least through Li Yichen to contact Dream Dream.

This made Illya very worried, and she also decided to tell Li Yichen about it, but when she got to the door, Illya stopped, because a strange voice came from inside, which instantly made Illya grit her teeth: "That shameless woman!

Even if she's just a Lori, she's eighteen years old!!There are some things she knows, even if she's flawed in this area.

Now I know Li Yichen and Rin Tosaka... , This makes Illya have a feeling of beeping a dog, obviously she came first, this damn Lori body!

She hates it!

If she could, Illya would have wanted to open the door and let them know her anger, but after some hesitation, Illya chose to back down and instead went back to her room and told Alice Phil what had happened.

Alice Phil on the other side of the phone was also confused, is the development of young people so fast now?

If she remembers correctly, Li Yichen and Rin Tosaka have known each other for less than a month, right?

However, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be incomprehensible, after all, Li Yichen is indeed the Prince Charming in many people's minds, and she has to admit that Li Yichen has infinite possibilities.

And Rin Tosaka is not alone, there is a family behind her, sometimes Rin Tosaka can't help himself, maybe Tosaka Shichen is very good to his daughter, but sometimes, they always want to achieve certain goals, and the other party is really good, isn't it?

"Mother Ellie, how are you studying that superpower?" Illya then asked a little nervously.

Alice Phil had a headache, she knew what Illya's idea was, so she could only say helplessly: "I can't guarantee safety at the moment, I will try to make a new body later, and then try to transfer souls." "

Illya and Alice Phil are not the only androids, but they are the most successful.

It is not very difficult for them to build a body without a soul, but this body will soon collapse, but it is enough to try, and there is not much danger, they are professional in this area.

Even the elders of their family, in order not to die, they also tried such behavior, but their bodies quickly collapsed.

As long as Alice Phil knew how to swap bodies, it might not be impossible for her and Illya to temporarily swap bodies.

"That's good!" Illya breathed a sigh of relief, in fact, she herself was a little embarrassed, with Alice Phil's body, it looked a little absurd, but she said that she couldn't bear it.

Alice Phil on the other side was a little silent, but if it was for Illya, she would do anything.

"By the way, do you think Li Yichen can deal with those guys?" Illya said suddenly, nervously.

"If even he can't deal with those guys, then I'm afraid there won't be anyone who can deal with them!" Alice Fell said with a light sigh.

Although their ideas are a bit rebellious, after all, the Einzberen family created them, but the Einzberen family still treats them more as tools.

Don't look at Alice Phil's scenery outside, she is even considered by many people to be the eldest lady of the Einzberen family, but Alice Phil knows that she is just a tool of the Einzbehren family.

The Einzbelen family is sparsely populated, and there are really few people left except for some old immortals.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have cooperated with Emiya Kiritsugu and did some dirty work, those guys pretend to be high-minded, but they also look down on others.

He even thinks that only he can save the world!

Although the identity of the Einzberen family has given Alice Phil a lot of benefits, Alice Phil knows that once she is useless, then she and Illya will be eliminated.

For self-preservation, the Einzberren family, sorry!

Recently, Alice Phil has been following the progress of the Mewtwo Project, and once there is progress, she will not hesitate to sell this matter to Li Yichen.

Maybe Li Yichen is the best person to control Mewtwo!

"Yes, if it's him, there shouldn't be any problem. Mother Ellie, don't go back during this time, they may use you to blackmail me!" Illya continued, "Their obsession with dreams is beyond our imagination!"

Alice Phil sighed lightly, they are not tools after all, for the sake of Illya, she doesn't want to be tools, this time, she wants to rebel against her fate!

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