"Dream, Dark Lokia will be handed over to you for the time being!" Li Yichen said to the "Cang Xiang" floating in mid-air.

"Wonderful!" Dream said that he was trapped, but he still faced Dark Lokia, and he felt that this kind of self might not be able to fight Dark Lokia.

And the dark earth cloud that was originally fighting with the dream was met by Reshram, and the battle on the scene seemed to have entered a white-hot state again.

"Come on, dream!" Li Yichen glanced at the dreams and dark Lokia that had collided together, and muttered, and at the same time, he was also worried for a while, and he didn't know if Lokia himself would appear, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to destroy Dark Lokia.

Lokia is also irresponsible, obviously its opponent, but it itself does not know where it is.

As everyone knows, in the distant sea, a huge white figure is galloping towards here.

However, the aura on its body was extremely weak, obviously not as good as the dark Lokia in front of it.

The great battle between the super divine beasts is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, the battle between Dream and Dark Lokia is obviously like this, even if Dream is not the kind of Pokémon that is good at attacking, but when facing Dark Lokia, it is still evenly matched with Dark Lokia, well, the five or five open of the Pokémon world is Dream, it won't be wrong, whether it is the previous Dark Land Cloud or the current Dark Lokia, Dream can fight with them, and it won't fall into a disadvantage, and it doesn't seem to have any advantages.

On the other hand, Ying Yin Yan on the side was sitting on the back of the frozen bird and fighting with tornadoes with difficulty, but looking at their appearance, there was no big disadvantage.

Similarly, there are some dark elves who have survived Reshram's attack before, and now they don't know where they have gone. The battlefield here is obviously not something they can participate in, and similarly, Li Yichen has no idea of dealing with them now.

"Reshiram, be serious!" Li Yichen said to Reshiram in a serious tone.

Compared to those dark elves that were eliminated by Reshiram before, the strength of the dark land cloud is obviously much stronger, according to the classification of divine beasts, this dark earth cloud obviously belongs to the existence of the second-level god level. (LV100 to LV109)

"Roar!" With Reshram letting out a dragon roar, the dark earth cloud on the opposite side also launched an attack on Reshram, the golden energy light was gathered by the dark earth cloud, and then sprayed towards Reshram, and Reshram's jet flame, two huge energy converged in the air, collided, and then exploded violently.

The strong wind formed by the huge energy impact made the already uncalm sea even more turbulent.

"Very good, Reshiram, use the Dragon's Wave!" Li Yichen chuckled and continued to command Reshiram.

The legendary Pokémon also have a gap!

And Illya and Rin Tosaka, who were sitting behind Li Yichen, were holding Li Yichen tightly, well, Illya was in the middle.

Such a battle is just too exciting. If he could, Li Yichen didn't want them to get involved at all.

But there is simply no place to be safe now.

Although it is a little dangerous here, he Li Yichen is also here, and he can also protect them.

In the face of Reshiram's dragon fluctuations, the dark land cloud roared angrily, and his figure flashed, bypassing the dragon's fluctuations, and rushing towards Reshiram, but in such a situation, how could Reshiram fight with the dark land cloud in close combat?

If one accidentally hurts Li Yichen and them, they will be in trouble.

Reshram's figure flashed quickly, constantly dodging the attacks of the dark land cloud, and at the same time, from time to time it spewed out two flames to attack the dark land cloud, which made the dark land cloud very headache, and there was a gap between the two sides.

For the legendary Pokémon, level 7 itself is already quite a gap.

What's more, Reshiram itself is higher than the essence of the Dark Land Cloud, and the first-class divine beast is not comparable to the second-rate divine beast, the truly powerful god is not only compared to the rank, but also the position!

The occasional counterattack had already made the dark land cloud very uncomfortable.

Even for this reason, the Dark Earth Cloud is constantly transforming between the incarnation form and the spirit head form, trying to use it to fight against Reshram.

It's just a pity that it's all in vain.

Unconsciously, their battle has approached the battlefield on Ying Yin Yan's side, at this moment, Ying Yin Yan and her Frozen Bird are still at a disadvantage, although the Dark Tornado Cloud is furious, but it is not much ahead of the Frozen Bird in terms of level, and the Frozen Bird has also completed the upgrade in the oppression in the battle with the Dark Tornado, reaching LV90 and becoming a real god.

With Ying Yinyan's command, the battle between the two sides was also open. After all, the trainer's command also has a huge role!

"Take advantage of this opportunity! Reshiram! Staggered Flames!" Li Yichen saw this scene and immediately said to Reshiram.

Reshiram comprehended, and his heart was also helpless for a while, his collaborators were really stinky and shameless!

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