“Thanks...Thank you, human being. "

A hoarse voice suddenly appeared in Ma En's mind, and he knew it was Darkrai in front of him thanking him. The

fantasy elf not only brought unique racial value advantages, but also powerful abilities. For an elf like Darkrai, the Nightmare God, who has lived for hundreds of years, telepathy is no problem at all.

Ma En just nodded slightly at Darkrai's thanks, and then put his hand on Darkrai On the body.

The moment Ma En's hand touched Darkrai, you could clearly feel Darkrai's body trembling. It was obvious that he recalled the previous incident of being imprisoned by humans. Ma En did not say much

. , using the power of darkness in the body to transport it to Darkrai's body.

As the mist-like power of darkness was transported into Darkrai's body, a relaxed expression appeared on Darkrai's face for the first time.

Darkness The transmission of power did not stop until Ma En felt tired. Darkrai's spirit and strength have recovered, but the hidden wounds in the body have only been repaired. After all, hundreds of years and the previous creation of huge ancient elves, not

only It only extracted Darkrai's power, but also caused dark wounds all over Darkrai's body.

Ma En, who had consumed too much dark power, sat cross-legged on the ground, breathing heavily, and slowly faced Darkrai. Xu said:

“Darkrai, what are your plans next? "

When Darkrai heard Ma En's words, there was confusion in his eyes. He had been locked in a cage for hundreds of years. His revenge had been avenged, but he knew nothing about the outside world, and he didn't know either. What should I do next?

Seeing Darkrai's confused eyes, Ma En also guessed Darkrai's current confusion, and then continued:

“Darkrai, why don't you just follow me! "

Darkrai was shocked when he heard Ma En's words, and then recalled that he was deceived by the king before, and instinctively planned to refuse Ma En.

But Ma En did not give Darkrai a chance to refuse, and continued said:

“Darkrai, you should understand how attractive phantom elves like you are to humans. If you leave here and go outside, after someone discovers your traces, there will still be countless people who want to arrest you. Moreover, the methods used by people nowadays are more advanced, and they no longer need to deceive you with lies. "

Hearing what Ma En said, Darkrai was also speechless, because it knew that what Ma En said was correct. After experiencing what happened to the king, it knew that what Ma En said was correct, so it looked at it carefully with blue eyes. Looking at Ma En.

Ma En did not flinch when he saw Darkrai's eyes, but looked over with the same determination.。

“Darkrai, I hope to regain you. I admit that I value your power, but I don’t want you to continue to be hunted in your future life. After all, your current strength has deteriorated too seriously. Humans can now deal with it. You are not alone. You have also felt my previous strength. This is my natural ability. It can not only help you make up for your hidden injuries, but also help you regain your strength as soon as possible. "

Marn did not hide his intention to regain Darkrai. After all, after regaining it, the man and the elves will be bound for the rest of their lives, and lies cannot maintain this relationship at all. It is better to tell Darkrai directly.

Darkrai heard Ma En's words, looked at Ma En's firm eyes, and thought of the life-saving grace Ma En gave it before, as well as the dark power that Ma En gave it just now. It can feel it from that power. The most important thing that helped it was that Darkrai did not sense any deceitful emotions from Ma En.

Darkrai nodded slightly.

When Man saw Darkrai's movements, his face changed. His expression was extremely happy, and Geng Gui next to him also took out a small trumpet from his mouth and started playing it happily.

This is a small toy that Geng Gui himself stored so that he, as the eldest brother of the team, could welcome him as soon as possible. Elves that may be added in the future.

Hmm...Although Darkrai is older than him this time, he is still the eldest brother in the team according to his senior relationship.

After successfully recapturing Darkrai, Marn left the prison with Gengar and Darkrai.

Before leaving the prison, Ma En and Gengar collected all the bones of the elves they had seen before and buried them together. This was the only thing Ma En could do to help these tragically dead elves.

At the same time, Ma En commanded Gengar to completely destroy the laboratory, turning the laboratory and the ruins into a dust of history.

Arriving on the beach of the uninhabited island, Marn also called out the Two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Lapras, and then introduced Darkrai to them.

Hearing that a new companion had joined, the two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Laplace warmly welcomed them, and Lapras even sang a cheerful song.

Although Lapras didn't know why Marne locked its elf ball before, the young Lapras didn't care. After all, the trainer always did the right thing.

Darkrai's eyes softened when he heard Laplace's brisk singing. Seeing the cordial interaction between Man and the elves and the joyful emotion that could not be concealed in Laplace's singing, Darrai Clay could guess what Ma En's character was like, and he was even more convinced that his decision was right.

Marn sat on the back of Laplace and talked to Dr. Oak in the illustrated book. He told Dr. Oak about the harvest of the ruins and also told the doctor about Darkrai.

Although Darkrai successfully escaped from the trap, his body still suffered a lot of hidden injuries, so Ma En also needed the help of Dr. Ohmu to conduct a detailed examination.

But Ma En was worried that directly transferring Darkrai's Poke Ball, coupled with the various instruments in Dr. Oak's laboratory, would cause Darkrai's psychological shadow, and it would be a bad thing if Darkrai couldn't control his emotions.

So Ma En hopes that Dr. Omu can recommend a professional in the Hoenn area to him.

Dr. Oak heard Ma En's experience this time and congratulated Ma En for regaining Darkrai. However, after hearing the story, the expression on his face became a little sad. After all, for Dr. Omu who is dedicated to people and elves, For people who live in harmony, this kind of thing is too heavy.

Fortunately, Dr. Oki has seen everything over the years, and quickly sorted out his emotions, and then recommended Ma En to a professional in the Hoenn area—Dr. Odamaki.

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