Come to Dasha Valley.

There is also an end purpose.

Pick up the Sun Elves.

More than a year ago.

Xiaomao told his grandfather the truth about Dasha Valley. Then the grandfather and grandson made a plan for the reserve, and the executor was Xiaomao's parents.

(Voiceover: Xiaomao's parents: Yes, your grandfather and grandson have discussed it, have you asked our opinions? We are tool people~)

"Yangyang, my parents and Dasha Valley have asked you for everything, just to test the actual combat ability of the illusion world."

"For those with bad intentions, don't keep your hands dirty.

"All the consequences, I'm carrying it. "

In order to prevent Xiao Xiaoxiao from causing trouble, Xiao Mao sent the most powerful sun elf in the team to escort him and sit in Dasha Valley.


" "Hehe~"

The sun elf and Xiao Mao looked at each other and smiled.

No matter how you look at it, it's a little insidious.

Use the enemy as a test tool, you really have it.

"The reserve has been built and officially opened for business, and if you make trouble again, it will be a slap in the face of the alliance and the Oki family.

"Even Team Rocket doesn't have the guts. "

Now everything is on track in Dasha Valley, and the construction of the reserve has been completed. It's time for the Sun Elves to retire.

After more than a year of hard work, she should enjoy her life, and the most important thing is that the big guys miss her, so Xiao Mao came to pick her up.

"Huh~ (Sister~ We're here to pick you up. The

Moon Elf shouted happily.

"Is that you?"

"My stupid sister Yo !!"

a faint female voice came from all around.

But I can't really hear it.

Can't find the location.

The moon elf shouted in surprise: "Sister!! is sister."

Shigeru smiled too.

It's her.

"Huh?!" Nazi, who has mastered superpowers, was the first to sense.

Something seems to have been discovered.

Secretly vigilant.

See here.

Don't make any mistakes.

Xiao Mao held her hand and patted it: "It's okay, my own people." "

She's coming. "

She?!" Nazi was full of question marks.

But he felt that Xiao Mao's tone was full of pride.

"She", who is it?! It makes Xiao Mao so worried.

I felt a little uncomfortable.


I forgot about it.

Before, the moon elf shouted about her sister.

"Huh~" -

a purple figure appeared in front of everyone.

Sun Elves.

"That's it, she.

"Sure enough, it's a dazzling existence. When

they first met, Nazi felt that it was a scorching sun, a dazzling, warm existence that no one could ignore.

The purple hair shimmered in the sunlight, as smooth as velvet, and the ruby on the forehead was strangely deep and mysterious.

Noble, generous, confident, elegant.

That languid temperament.

But it gives people a strange sense of majesty and oppression.

makes people subconsciously dare not look directly at her.

It seemed to offend her.

This is a proud queen.

"Young Master Xiaomao, I haven't seen you for a long time, my stupid sister has bothered you, thank you here, concubine. The

voice of the royal sister full of charm and laziness, telepathically resounded her voice in everyone's hearts, which made people's hearts tickle.

Fairies?!, it makes everyone think about it.

Face the Sun Elves.

Nazi actually felt ashamed of herself.

"It's amazing.

Nazi's expression was so abrupt that it unconsciously affected her.

Terrible abilities.

My heart is full of jealousy of the sun elves.

Shigeru smiled.

He saw the sun elves who had been reborn.

became his real hole card.

Golden thighs.

The horror of the Sun Elves is that there are two skills.

[Mirror Flower Water Moon, for the skills you cast,] [

Make the body in the fantasy world, and all the damage you receive will be transferred to the fantasy world in the center of your eyebrows,]

[Let the sun elf be like a flower in the mirror, the moon in the water can be seen and touched, and you are invincible.

[As long as the Sun Elf's spiritual power is not exhausted, she is an "immortal" existence for the time being. Of

course, there is a limit to this move. Otherwise, she would not have been seriously injured by Bangira back then.

At that time, she was only at the gym level, and that Bangira was at the peak of the quasi-heavenly king level, and even stepped into the heavenly king level with one foot.

The Sun Elves do not leapfrog but fight over the ranks.

After that battle, the Sun Elves were even more reborn.

has become more unfathomable.

[Mirror Flower Water Moon Two Sections, Dream and Reality. [Fantasy

is reality, fantasy affects reality, pulls the enemy into the fantasy world, uses the enemy's mental power to build illusions, whether it succeeds or fails or not, it is the enemy's mental power that is damaged. [

Name: Sun Elf] (Race Limit)

[Attribute: Super Power Department

] [Level: Heavenly King Level ~ Unknown]

[Electric Shock Monster is like a plaything in front of her, and her powerful strength cannot be exerted in the slightest. Resisting can't do it. was grammed.

[The well-deserved eldest sister in the team. [

Feature: Synchronization.] Trait Effect: Burns, paralysis, poisoning, etc., can be synchronized to opponents. 【

Skills: Mirror Flower Water Moon 2nd Stage (35%), Fantasy Reality (20%), Phantom Light, Teleportation (Advanced), High-Speed Star, Shadow Ball...... Predicting the Future (Gifted Magical Power)]

[Status: In metamorphosis. [Weakness

: Most of the mind and energy are used to maintain the stability of the fantasy world, and it cannot be stimulated, otherwise it is easy to go berserk. [

Sister, always her biggest weakness. [

Advanced Route: Improve the illusion world and increase the means and physical strength of the enemy. The displacement of fantasy and reality. [Description

: A rare twin, gifted, obtained double the talent and super mental power, and then obtained the champion-level Hack Dragon Relic Super Orb, opened up a fantasy world by Xiao Mao's whimsical situation, and opened a legendary life. [

You can feel the flow of air through the body hair of your body, and you can accurately predict the next weather and the actions of your opponents.] A

twin is a twin hatching two Pokémon in one egg. In the Pokémon world, there are very few existences.

Two Ibrahims. One Eevee was in good health, gifted with amazing bones, and the other was weak and sickly, and almost died. This was later known as the Sun Elves and the Moon Elves.

Because he consciously robbed his sister's vitality, the sun elf has a sense of responsibility since he was a child, that is, to protect his sister, so the moon elf is her reverse scale, and if she touches it, she will die.

This is also the reason why Bangira was disabled, it is okay to move her, she can still reluctantly forgive you, move her sister, then it is not okay.

The Moon Elf's physical health problems, even with the help of Xiao Mao's Eye, took several years of conditioning, and it took a lot of effort to completely change the problem of congenital deficiencies and become healthy.

This is also the key to the return of the Sun Elves and the Moon Elves. It was Xiao Mao who brought them a new life, and when necessary, they were even willing to pay the price of their lives for Xiao Mao.

"Sun Elf, I'm here to pick you up. "

Concubine, always ready. "

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