Ma Zhishi got the information he wanted. There is also Xiaomao's gift, the feathers of the lightning bird, and he left satisfied.

"Brother, the green mountains do not change, the green water flows forever, we will have a period later. Leave. "

Take care !!"

really has the meaning of a martial arts drama.

But that's really the case.

"Aha~ Brother, thank you for your gift, labor and management are estimated to be able to go to a higher level this time, thank you, brother.

Ma Zhishi said boldly.

", don't thank you verbally, laugh once and go to Withered Leaf City, a dragon...... Hehe...... "

Xiaomao is not satisfied.

"It has to be. Ma Zhishi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

"But do you agree with our brother and sister?"

"The Queen of Superpowers.

"You're in luck, boy.


~" "I've heard of her name, I don't want to die!" "

You don't solve this problem

," "Dude, don't dare to take you to fool around."

Xiao Mao was stunned,, how did he forget Nazi.

Shrinking his neck.

He also looked around weakly.

I was relieved to find that no one was there.


This style made Ma Zhishi laugh badly.

Damn, how can there still be people.

Ma Zhishi.

Awakened by laughter.

Xiao Mao's face suddenly darkened. I remembered that I was here to see you off.

Nima, how did you let this guy see it?

Master's reputation.

"Next fart, you owe me a time anyway, get out of here, I'll be angry when I look at you......"

was embarrassed to be seen, Xiao Mao was not angry.

"Okay, okay~ I'll get out, I'll get ......

" "However, you kid will really become a rake ear in the future." "


After speaking, he didn't wait for Xiao Mao to get angry. Ma Zhishi had already laughed and left. I can see that he is really happy.

It's rare to see the embarrassment of the little brother.


"Nima, what's going on?"

A group of second-generation patrols.


They didn't dare Ma Zhishi to come forward and ask like this, because Xiaomao Xiaozhi and his group of children had no simple background.

"Dr. Ohki's grandson. It is estimated that the combat power of the Heavenly King is outrageous.

"The others are the heirs of the main Daoist families.

"If you move any of them, you may offend all the gym owners in the Kanto region, and then you will really be called stabbing the sky." "

If you're not careful, it's easy to stab the hornet's nest, and I don't know how these spies died at that time.

Guys who are smart people.

They certainly don't get bored.

"Forget it, it's almost enough to have these things.

"Don't look for death, tease Dr. Ohki, that's really a mouse licking the cat's nose and looking for death."

"I didn't live long enough anyway.

"My ability is like this, if it doesn't work, I'll change people." "

The spies of all parties reached a tacit understanding.

Definitely don't touch Xiaomao and Xiaozhi's group.

"By the way, there's the battlefield. "

There are also wild Pokémon from unmanned power plants.

"They also know something. "

The photos of the battlefield, as well as the video of the battle that night, were sent back to the intelligence department for analysis, and they all came to the conclusion that Xiao Mao should not be provoked. So in the end, I had to stop it.


These forces have withdrawn one after another.

"You little ghosts, I heard that you came out of the unmanned power plant, tell me what happened that night......

" "Tell me honestly, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." "

There are also brainless people who come to the door to coerce and lure.

"Stupid criticism.

"You brought it upon yourselves. Delivered to your door. But don't blame me, Ji Ji~

" "The little master is worried that there is no place to get angry!" Xiao

Mao smiled evilly.



h Please...... spare our ......

" "Ahhh......h

"This time, it should be able to be clean for a long time. "

Done with it all.

It's as if nothing happened.

Returned to the Pokémon Sanatorium (Human Hospital) and quietly guarded Nazi's side.

"It's all, did Xiao Mao do it?"

During the period, maybe Xiao Gang was aware.

"Wow wow, wow~ It's been a mess outside lately, so don't go out.

"Mmmm, Xiaoxia, you're right. "

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia don't know what to search for. Actually, sometimes. Not knowing is also a kind of happiness.

Because of Nazi's health.

Shigeru decides to spend a week in a sanatorium in Heiyun City.

So he convinces the trio of Ash to leave.

"Ash, let's go first!"

"Nazi looks like this, it may take a few days to cultivate, don't delay your trip neg, waste time here......" "Don't


"After all. "

I'm Shigeru Oh. "

The Ash trio is about to go.

That's when it happened.

Back Mountain.

After the Battle of the Lightning Bird.

There is an electric shock monster that has fallen into the strange realm.

There seems to be an anomaly.

So, the trio of Xiaomao and Xiaozhi quickly rushed to it.

And then I saw it.

An amazing scene

of "Boom~"

- the thunder in the sky fell violently and smashed into the electric shock monster, the blue-white thunder flashed, and occasionally thunder and lightning fell, the earth cracked and exploded, and the surrounding flowers and trees turned to gray ash when touched.

It can be seen that this brilliant thunder is mighty. How terrifying is the power of nature's thunder, which is intimidating.

Xiao Mao nodded: "The power is good, but it's not as good as the black clouds that fought that day and wanted to destroy the city."

The trio of Ash dropped their jaws in shock: "Si Guoyi...... Sparasi ...... "Pikachu."

"Leibu~Ahaha~" -

the electric shock monster bathed in thunder and lightning, not only did not feel the pain, but also slowly showed an expression of enjoyment on its face.

As the more thunder power was absorbed, the aura on the electric shock demonic beast became more and more powerful.

After the baptism of nature's thunder.

Although the realm of the electric shock demonic beast has not been improved, the electric energy in the body has been purified again, and the electricity has produced a qualitative change into the power of thunder, and the shot is a brilliant thunder, and the power is endless.

Ash exclaimed, "Electric ...... Shock Monster ...... It was absorbing the thunder of the sky...... Si Guoyi ......"

"Pickup ~ "

Pikachu worships it.

Xiao Gang said solemnly: "The electric shock demonic beast is actually improving the quality of its thunder and lightning power, and it is full of thunder breath, which is incredible.

Xiaoxia covered her mouth and said in shock: "It's amazing." His eyes were full of awe, after all, the electrical system restrained the water system.

[Name: Electric Shock Monster

] [Strength: Champion ~ (Quasi-God?!) Thunder Law 1%] [

Description: The battle with the lightning bird completely opened the shackles in the heart, and mortals can also be on par with the gods, sublimated the mystery of thunder and lightning, began to transform towards the gods, and mastered a trace of the law of thunder.

Shigeru was excited.

Electric Shock Monster.

Finally, your efforts have brought about today's brilliance.

I'm proud of you.

The Ash trio walked away with a deep shock.

In the end, Ash didn't say anything about the parting challenge. The electric shock beast had already shocked him. This time, he felt that it was better not to humiliate himself. Next time you get stronger, challenge Xiaomao again!

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