"Ash, you learn slowly!We won't accompany you~"

Xiao Mao left a word of schadenfreude. They ran away with Nazi. When you are tired of watching the play, you will go out for a walk and move.

"Next stop, the Light Red Gym, Less is enough—"

exhaled majestically.

Then Xiao Mao looked at the endless dense forest in front of him.

"Nima, this forest is so big and so dense to find it yourself, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the Light Red Dao Pavilion if I look for death, it deserves to be a ninja."

"The old nest is so secretive, I'm afraid of other people's retaliation!" "

How afraid of death is this

," "That's right, the ninja itself is an assassination, stealing information as a body, and the secret point of the old nest is also right."

Xiao Mao complained speechlessly.

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry, let's look for it slowly!" Natsu didn't care, on the contrary, she liked to walk in the woods.

Quiet and quiet, occasionally there are insects and birds, which is also a unique taste. The most important thing is that Xiaomao is by her side, and she is very relieved.

"Giggles~ Yueyue, you're chasing me!!"

"Huh~ (Cortana, slow down.)

Little Nazi and the Moon Elves were already playing, as if the dense forest had never been a burden, but more like a big playground.

"Hehe~ Okay! It seems that I'm in a hurry.

Xiao Mao suddenly relaxed, as if he really didn't need to be too anxious, with a beautiful woman to accompany him, walking in the forest, what a romantic thing.

In the next two days, Xiao Mao and the others had a rare period of leisure. Every day is to play in the mountains and forests, and stay in the wilderness at night. Look at the stars, look at the moon, and feel the infinity of the universe.

"Actually, it's good to go on like this.

Xiao Mao's impetuousness and anger were washed away by the mountains and forests, Nazi became more gentle and smiling, and Xiao Na and the Moon Elf were even more crazy.

"However, you can't keep

it" "Bidiao, please go explore the way, see if there are any buildings or anything like that, and come back and tell me ...... when you find

it" "Bidiao~" - (Trainer, I found the location of the Light Red Gym.) Exceeding the speed of Mach 2, the eagle easily completed the pathfinding mission.

"Okay, lead the way.

In this way, Xiao Mao and his entourage followed the guidance of the eagle and continued to move forward. But there is still no hurry, as if it is really an outing. This made the observers in the shadows wonder ......

"Brother, there's a hairball there. It seems to be staring at us all the time. Cortana said suddenly.

Xiao Mao looked over to Xiao Na, and sure enough, a furball was sitting in the tree watching Xiao Mao and them. However, Xiao Mao and the others did not startle the snake to alarm the hairball, and planned to observe if there were any other people.

"it~ There really is. "

It really made Xiao Mao and them discover the existence of several supersonic bats scattered nearby. Made, whose normal bat hangs on the branches of trees in the daytime, aren't they all

hidden in tree holes or caves? There are really no holes, and they are also hidden in the leaves......

"Nima, I didn't run, this is near the Light Red Dao Pavilion.

Xiao Mao suspected that this was the eyeliner of the Light Red Gym: "The Light Red Gym has a big business, and it is too normal to have a few more Pokémon."

"Cast a wide net, lay a biological surveillance net, real cowhide. "

I've got you.

Xiao Mao didn't get too entangled.

He knew that Ah Ju had a powerful moth and a large-mouthed bat. The Furball Clan grows fast as a bug-based Pokémon. Easy to start, the evolutionary type is still insect venom double lineage. There will also be a good superpower. The radar eye insight is absolutely hanging, and the hairball is simply a must-have pet for newcomers to the drug department.

The supersonic bat is like a blind man during the day, it hates light, the hairball radar eye finds the target, and the supersonic bat cooperates with ultrasonic detection to transmit information, which can be transmitted far away, and is definitely the first choice for surveillance.

"I don't know how Aya and Xiaoxing are doing?!" Thinking of this, Xiao Mao's eyes showed a look of nostalgia.

"What are you thinking?!!"

Nazi asked coldly.

"I wonder if there's something hiding in the shadows. I'm wondering where he's going to hide......" The sudden question interrupted his thoughts, and he wanted to be honest and subconsciously felt that it was wrong, Xiao Mao hurriedly found a relatively reasonable reason.

"Really?" Nazi looked at Shigeru with some suspicion.

"It's necessary, it's absolutely true, I was really thinking just now that the other party might be hiding there......" Xiao Mao

has a feeling that there are no silver three hundred taels here.

"It's better to be like this, hum~"

Nazi said lightly, turning her face away and ignoring Xiao Mao, her little face was a little puffy.

This soul is faint, and I definitely missed other women just now.

I felt a little sour in my heart inexplicably.

"It's over, Nazi seems to know I'm lying.

Xiao Mao broke out in a cold sweat.

I secretly said in my heart, wipe ~ careless, how can I think of other girls in front of Nazi?!

"I'm so stupid, really...... Knowing that Nazi is a genius with superpowers...... Still playing tricks in front of her...... Isn't this looking for death

?" "But, Nazi is jealous like this?"

"The puffing up look is so cute.

"Let's think about how to coax her! It's not good to lie, but if you really said that you want other girls, it's really stupid.

Xiao Mao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. However, he still feels guilty about deceiving Nazi, and he is thinking about how to remedy it.

"Secretly, is there a little mouse hiding?!"

Nazi's eyes narrowed slightly, and she instantly glanced at a place with a super strong sixth sense: "Are you hiding there?" A cold light flashed in her eyes.

As the Queen.

Someone dared to spy on her and look for death.

And what happened just now, she happened to feel uncomfortable, so she was ready to take action to vent her frustration.


Xiao Mao is not bad, and he followed closely behind, and he also made a discovery.

"Hmm?!That's ......"

Xiao Mao looked around carefully, and soon found an anomaly, and found a faint red and gold body on a tree.

[Name: Alidos]

[Status: Discovered at this moment, in a sensitive state. ]

"Sisi~" -

But apparently the other party has already discovered Xiao Mao and them. Alidos opened his mouth and said "poof~", which was a big white net.

"Oh no, Nazi get out of the way.

Xiao Mao's eyes shrank, and he quickly pulled Nazi away, because the opponent would do it coldly, and he was afraid that Nazi would be hurt.


~" The moment Xiao Mao dodged them, the "Bang~" mesh hung on the tree, Alidos was not in love with the fight, and turned his head and ran after the fight, which was quite in line with the ninja's education.

Not to mention, Spinning Shuttle, Alidos is really fast running, and he is almost out of sight in a blink of an eye.


was attacked, although it was pulled away by Xiao Mao and was not hurt, but at this moment Nazi was really a little angry.

"Dissipate your anger, this kind of small role, which round you will shoot, I will send it away and give you a breath.

Xiao Mao took her hand and patted it.

Motioned for her to calm down.

"After beating people, run away, how can there be such a good thing, compare the eagle, knock it down for me. Xiao Mao sneered, waved his hand and gave an order to the eagle in the sky, about to vent his anger for Nazi.

"Bi~" -

Immediately after the eagle came out, he waved his wings, and then chased after him at great speed, with a hint of fierceness flashing in his eyes.

I almost hurt my hostess, and I still want to run



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