"Compromise? Master is never threatened!! "....

"Xiaomao, I know you're strong enough to defeat everyone here, but... The world is not a world of individual valor... It's not a matter of fighting and killing to solve the problem~

" "Don't be rash, there are too many forces involved this time, they have formed an alliance, and our Kanto region can't withstand this pressure......"

Ice Queen Kona shook her head, and said a little helplessly, and she was also for the good of Ah Lie, and she didn't want him to make too many enemies.

"The treasure of the ruins was just let the alliance of these forces take it away?"

Xiao Mao was a little unwilling.

No, it's very unpleasant.,This was obviously discovered by researchers in the Kanto region.,But because of the same alliance and the balance of forces of all parties.,Seeing the opportunity being taken away.。。。

The Ice Queen Kona was silent.

The situation in the elf world has undergone subtle changes, and the balance that has been maintained by the major alliances and the black and white forces of all parties in the past has been broken by the birth of Ah Lie.

Everyone knows that Xiao Mao definitely hides a lot of opportunities and secrets, otherwise it would be impossible to be so powerful at such a young age.

Many forces don't want another big wood Xuecheng to cover the world...

Even many careerists covet and blush the secrets of Xiaomao. Even in the league, many people have come up with similar ideas.

"Forget it, I'll take care of it!" Xiao

Mao said lightly, but Kona felt the domineering contempt for everything.

"Huh, Xiaomao, what are you going to do?

Don't come nonsense!" Kona asked curiously, looking at the smile on the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't help but remind.

"I don't care if it's been taken away, we pack the rest, it's all ours!"

Xiao Mao announced domineeringly.

Then, without giving Kona and the others a chance to speak, he strode forward directly and walked towards the alliance of various forces...

"Xiao Mao~"

Alijia and Nazi were extremely nervous, and wanted to follow, but were stopped by the Ice Queen Kona.

"Xiao Mao, he is very strong, and his partner Pokémon is also very strong, I feel that he may have the power to kill me in seconds~"

Ice Queen Kona explained to them, and then her eyes fell on Xiao Mao, the aura of that moment just now was too terrifying. made her feel the feeling of palpitations and death

~"Either hand over the legendary Pokémon egg now, or, leave here with your little minions immediately, here we want it from the Kwantung Alliance~"

Facing the leader of the underworld alliance, Team Rocket's Three Beasts Scchara, Xiao Mao said lightly.

It's time to clear the ground.

In fact, he knew in his heart that there was a chance that the phantom beast eggs would not be able to be brought back, and how could it be possible to let these jackals spit out the meat they ate.

"Hehe... What a big breath, little ghost, don't you look at who has the final say here?It's you league dogs who should get out!

""What??, the alliance is gone, let you stand up and die~

" "You ......"

Before Ke Challa could speak, a captain-level figure dressed in a sailor suit stood up and muttered in his mouth.

A smile flashed in Ke'challa's eyes, and someone stood up to try Mao's depth, and he was so happy.

He's a native force here in the Orange Islands, and this time the ruins appear on their territory, but they know that they can't eat it.

So quickly contact the team and team Rocket.

"When will the ants have the right to express their opinions?"

Xiao Mao said coldly. Sun Elf Yang Yang screamed, and the orb on his forehead lit up.

"Don't look at the Sun Elf's orb!"

Quechara of Team Rocket thought of something and hurriedly shouted loudly, but it was still too late, and the [Infinite Nightmare] had already started.

"Plop~" !!


In just an instant, the man dressed as a sailor and his tyrannosaurus fell straight down, and there was no breath at all.

The lethality of Pokémon to humans is too terrifying, and Xiao Mao is too unscrupulous, there are no taboos, and it is clear that the alliance prohibits attacking the trainer itself.

"Talmud, you dare to do it..."

"Damn imp, how can you be so vicious and kill directly?"

"Kill that imp. "

Kill him... ~"


Everyone on the side of the dark organization was roaring and shouting against Xiao Mao, but the fear in their eyes could not be concealed, and no one dared to make a move to prove it.

Not only did he not dare to move, but he also quietly moved his feet, trying to lean back a little, hiding behind others, not so conspicuous, dead friends do not die poor...

Nima, the quasi-heavenly king who opened his mouth with absolute strength, he and the elf were solved in an instant.

"Come on, come on, the young master's neck is ready to cut for you, the life is ready for you, come up and get it!?"

Xiao Mao smiled disdainfully, and then teased, just so unscrupulously glanced at the past, and the heads of people who were seen by Xiao Mao were about to shrink into their clothes.

No one dared to look at him.

Phew~ A bunch of cowards... Good.

"Ahaha~ A bunch of ants who don't even dare

to look at me directly, who gave you the courage to shout to the master~" "Come, I'll listen to ......

again" "Cub, look at me!!"

In an instant, Xiao Mao's hair turned bloody again, covering his face and laughing arrogantly, the laughter was wanton, domineering, arrogant, and ominous and murderous.

"That Sun Elf's Orb has the power to hypnotize and pull people into illusions, but as long as you don't look at it~

" "It's just a superpower-based Pokémon, and you can't be immune to evil tricks, right!?"

"What else can you do about it, you stinky little ghost.。。 A

vulture man playing with snakes licked his tongue and said gloomily.

"Go, Ah Bai Monster, bite them to death for me~

" "[Bite and Break]"

Then I saw him wave his hand, and a large purple cobra Ah Bai Monster rushed over, closed his eyes, and then opened his mouth to see purple and black energy gushing out, turning into a huge energy mouth.

Then bite at Shigeru and the Sun Elf.


Ah Bai monster swam halfway up, and suddenly his head exploded first, and then his whole body was shrouded in black flames, and after a few struggles, he was burned into ashes by the flames. . .

"Cut ~ garbage ~ "

looked at Xiao Mao again, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and smiled disdainfully and contemptuously. Cold.. Ruthless..

"Uh~(It's so weak, I can't catch a single move~)"

The sun elf didn't make a move, this time it was the flame monkey Ade, and it was in a blackened state that had a strong desire to destroy the coffee table.



“。。。。。。 All

the people of the dark organization gasped and retreated again, trying to stay away from Xiao Mao, the killer.


horse is a quasi-king, and there has even been a master of a king-level powerhouse, not a cat or a dog.

Rinima, just like that, the ashes are annihilated?!Mom, oh scared me to death, are the children so cruel now?

" Hand over the eggs of the phantom beast, and then get out of here, or else they will all stay!?"

Xiao Mao said coldly.

Kill them all, it's unrealistic.

"Little ghost, you keep saying that our people took the phantom beast egg, do you have any evidence?"

Aggrieved, he is a well-known underworld murderer, and now he is being forced to reason by a fledgling ghost.

"Proof?!Master doesn't need that thing.

"Master's words are evidence, I said that you are you. No, it is not ...

Xiao Mao was a little amused when he heard this, and then smiled disdainfully and spoke domineeringly. Dute meow millennium fox, what to play with the master and talk about fasting... Also stepping on the horse in the dark. Bah...

"Also, if you are lucky enough to go back alive today, remember to spread it in the underground world, as long as the phantom beast egg is alive, I will kill it, and the whole clan will ......"

At this point, Xiao Mao's tone suddenly became indifferent. It's obviously a declarative sentence, but it's creepy.

This time, since he came to the stage, Xiao Mao simply announced his overlordship. People are not ruthless and unstable.

"Imp, you... What do you mean by this!?"

At this time, a woman in a black robe who did not see her true face asked tremblingly, and there was a deep uneasiness in her heart.

"If I don't leave, I'm going to kill!" Xiao

Mao said coldly.

"Too much deception!!"

"Too much deception!"


Everyone was roaring and filled with righteous indignation.

"Xiao Mao's little ghost, you are too domineering, no matter how strong you are, can you still join forces with so many of us!!"

A black-robed man asked in a deep voice.


Xiao Mao reached out directly, and the sun elf's superpower was activated and sucked it in instantly.


Sensing the crisis, the man roared and instantly called out a Pokémon with a blood-red mane and roared.

"Zongyan werewolf?Alola?"

Xiao Mao was slightly surprised, but his palm was slightly raised.


the huge wolf's head was cut off for no reason and rolled aside.


the black-robed woman swallowed, her eyes flickering with horror under the black robe.

"Farewell, we will give up this ruin......"

Finally, the woman left a sentence and left with a dozen people.

Shigeru is not only too strong, but also too vicious.

If you don't agree with each other, you will be killed directly.

This seems to be a stunned young man.,Bengen doesn't care about the consequences.。。

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