"Hiss~" -

Suddenly, the whole world fell silent.

The legendary Pokémon Lightning Bird was slapped in the face.

It's still the real thing.

Everyone (Pokémon) gasped.

it, it's going to be bad.

Lightning Bird isn't a good person, dog temper.

Big things are not good.

"Playing with birds ~ rough ...... It's a big deal

...... "Lord Lightningbird, I've been slapped in the face...... What's so ...... Piercing the sky...... "

This can't be ...... Never die!! "The

daring wild Pokémon were also stunned, but they all knew the big deal. A batch of panic.

"Mom...... Come on...... Die...... Die ......"

"Run...... Mommy...... Hurry up and ...... Primary 2...... Primary 3...... Quickly pick

up the bucket and run away...... "That adult was slapped in the face, and it is a big thing that will never die, what a fuck, hurry up and run away, so as not to be affected later, and you can have life watching a battle."

What they saw and heard tonight was enough for them to brag about the excitement of a lifetime, and they didn't lose anything. Then throw out the jumper and run.

"Umbrella Electricity~ (Mole ant, you have offended the majesty of God.) The

lightning bird exploded, and its eyes were bloodshot.

Nimabi's, you don't hit people in the face, you stepped on the horse and left a black mark, it's too insulting to God, give the master death.

The power in his body exploded again.

"Thunderbolt~" -

the thunder and lightning in the sky don't need money, booming, crackling like rain, bombarding towards the electric shock monster, as if preparing to annihilate him to the ashes.

"Lightning~ (Kill you...... Kill you...... Kill you...... "The red-eyed lightning bird has no consumption.

Face the furious lightning birds.

Damn, I'm going to be desperate.

"Electric Shock Monster.

Xiao Mao also got serious: "Rachel~"

[Rachel (Mystery): The power of condensed thunder and lightning has a powerful cutting power. It shows the other side of thunder and lightning. ]


The power of thunder and lightning gathered in the hands of the electric shock monster, and then swung it, cutting off the huge thunder one by one.


The lightning bird's eyes shrank, and he ...... Slash thunder, Nima eggs...... Playing with it...... The fierceness in his eyes flashed, no matter how strong and weird it is, I want you to die today.

Sudden change of tactics.

"Gaa~" -

the lightning bird's body turned into a golden light, and then the body began to spin, and then rushed towards the electric shock monster at great speed, this sudden change of attack, the electric shock monster was really a little caught off guard.

"Huh~" -

from the sky dive, coupled with the acceleration of thunder and lightning, the lightning bird at this time is like a golden arrow, at this time it wants to tear apart the damn pig-nosed monkey.

Fast, ruthless, accurate.

It's all about going for your life.

"His mother's. You plagued monkey, dare to slap this god in the face, I want you to die. The

lightning bird burst into foul mouth, and this was the only thought that came to mind.

", it's so insidious! Lightning Bird ......

" "Straight Drill~"....

Xiao Mao frowned, and

thought about it!" Gave a meaningful look.

"Hehe~" The electric shock monster immediately understood.

"Lightning~ (Plagued pig-nosed monkey, go to death!) God's insult can only be cleaned with blood. The

corners of the lightning bird's beak curled into a hideous smile. It was as if he had seen himself piercing through the body of the electric shock demonic beast, and he was wailing bitterly.

At this moment, the lightning birds are cruel and indifferent to life, which is the arrogance of their god-blood race as "gods".

"Gaa..." is rampant, and the revenge is happy.

The lightning bird appeared in the sky behind the electric shock beast, and there was a hint of surprise and incredulity in its eyes. Because the plague-stricken monkey who should have been pierced through his body and wailed was still smiling at him.

And then.

"Ah~" -

a pain in the lightning bird's face.

His face was deformed and flew upside down. "Boom boom boom~" smashed a lot of trees in a row.

It kept echoing in my head.

No way...... No way...... It is absolutely impossible to ......

Jin Guangming penetrated the electric shock demonic beast, and a big hole was drilled out of the body of the electric shock demonic beast, which looked very scary.

But there was no blood coming out of the hole, but a golden electric glow, crackling constantly.


The lightning bird struggled to get up and flew up. This time, I was blinded by this blow, and my face was swollen.


The ground was scorched through the scorched black holes by scattered thunder and lightning, and there were long cracks like spider webs, all of which showed that the electric shock monster was fine.

Sure enough.

"Reb~(That's it?!)" The taunt is clear.

The electric shock beast grinned, and most of its body, which had been almost severed from its chest, was restored to its original state under the surge of thunder power.

[Elementalization: The body is transformed into thunder, and it is immune to physical damage.] "

Elementalization. I won't. "

Jealousy. to madness, redness ......

eyesThe lightning bird is really going to scold the mother, this becomes thunder and lightning and then reunites What the hell will the electric shock monster ......do

? "Hmph~ Then I can't attack with attributes. "

Don't think that the lightning bird can't help it.

"High-voltage attack~"

The lightning bird was wrapped in thunder and lightning and struck again. The legendary Pokémon's physical strength is really strong, one by one, and it has been attacked so many times, and it is outrageous that it is still alive.

Xiao Mao complained secretly.

And then.

"Electric shock demonic beast, let's also attack with high pressure!!Attack~"

The electric shock demonic beast also surged a large amount of thunder and lightning power all over its body, wrapped in a thunder coat, and then soared into the sky.


", "Peng~", "Peng~",


The two began to collide fiercely in the sky, one yellow and one golden, and two rays of light were in...

"Peng~" collided and separated again.

Still a win-loser.

"Lightning~(Dead Monkey, you're good~)" The lightning bird finally recognized the opponent of the electric shock monster at this time.

I can't admit it.

This dead monkey really has the power to be inferior to it, and as for the aspect of faintly suppressing him, he is not willing to admit it...... But the pain on his face reminded him all the time.

"Leibu~(Fried hairy bird, you're not bad~)"

The electric shock monster is also unwilling to suffer a loss, and it is also a backlash to poke people's hearts... But my mind has traveled back to the bloody declaration of Xiao Mao in the sunset when I was a child!!

" The legendary Pokémon are nothing more than that, surpassing them is not out of reach, as long as time is given, we will become a new legend. A

flash of sharpness flashed in the eyes of the electric shock beast, and I think I saw it that day, Xiao Mao, I will definitely win!!

Then the two began a fierce battle again.

"Steel Wing~

" "Sonic Fist~"


"100,000 volts~

" "Rachel~"


"Divine power

~" "Thunder~"


Do not give in to each other.

"Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom ~"

In the fierce confrontation between the electric shock monster and the lightning bird.

From here to there, from east to west, the speed is getting faster and faster.

In the end, except for Shigeru with the Vision. The other Pokémon could only hear the sound of the two clashing.

Forget it, electric shock monsters, you can make your own decisions!

Even at this moment, Xiao Mao has no time to give orders.

Because of the electric shock monsters, they have already hit the head, and it is estimated that no movement in the outside world can stop them from defeating each other.

"Electric Shock Monster, come on!" Xiao

Mao whispered. His eyes were full of confidence, and he believed that the electric shock monster would definitely win, definitely.

The lightning bird is a shameful thing that the dog has subdued with a ball.

There's no way he's going to lose.

Electric shock monsters can't lose.

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