The more the

lightning bird scolds, the more hungry it will be.


"Uh... Reb~"

This guy is not afraid of tigers, and he has just evolved, so he can't help but rush out to fight with others."

"You fool, stop me!" The

electric shock monster went up to a chestnut that "snap~", and the electric shock beast was very aggrieved, "Didn't you teach me, don't be cowardly, just do it, if someone blocks the door, you have to die? Why beat me." "


The electric shock monster has no face to look at.

"Alas~" -

such a shrewd Pokémon from labor and management was born to such a foolish son.

"Labor and management make you look down on life and death, and if you don't accept it, you will do it. "

But you also divide the situation, you can't defeat the hurry away, then he meows a lightning bird, you serve the food!"

"Labor and management don't want white-haired people to send black-haired people." If something happens to me, your mother, she won't let me go. "

I'm not angry.

Made, biological, biological, biological......

The electric shock beast silently thought to pieces, trying his best to control his emotions, otherwise he really felt that he would not be able to help but beat the kid of the electric shock beast.

"Hmph~" The electric shock beast looked at his father with disdain.

"You're just cowardly, cut~

" "I'm ......" The electric shock monster was almost choked to death by the words of the stinky son, although he was so angry that he wanted to beat it, but now the occasion is not right, and he can only meditate on his own ...... again Biological ......

"You fool, say you're super brave, but you can't be reckless directly, is that a role you can handle?"

Xiao Mao scolded with a smile.

"Everyone, come out!"

Then he called all his partners out, don't get me wrong, it's not that Xiao Mao is scared and is ready to fight in a group, and he already knows who is coming when he hears the voice, and he is ready to make a big wave.

"Today, I'm going to let you see the legend, Yueyue, you are responsible for protecting everyone, watch from afar, today is the stage for me and the electric shock monster, and I will sing a good play for you~

" "Let's go, the electric shock monster, it's time for us to perform!" "

Always be ready!" The electric shock monster smiled unruly. His eyes were full of excitement and fighting spirit, as thick as fire.

He understood the meaning of Xiao Mao's words.

Fight with the legendary Pokémon, and ...... you will not regret it

"Stinky boy, keep your eyes open and look at ......"

The electric shock monster said just one sentence, didn't say anything more, turned around and walked outside, and stood with Xiao Mao.

"Daddy~" The electric shock beast looked at the back of the electric shock beast and whispered.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.


Lightning Bird Lightning Bird is a bird Pokémon with yellow feathers. It is surrounded by black ringed feathers around its eyes and has a long, pointed orange beak. It has a large number of spike-like feathers on its wings and tail, and black feathers on the dorsal part of its wings and the inside of its tail feathers. The crown is made entirely of a large handful of sharp feathers. Its legs are earthy yellow, with no feathers on the thighs and four toes on the feet. The tail is short.

Lightning birds are impulsive by nature and have a strong sense of territory. If it trespasses into its territory, it will summon a thunderbolt to vent its anger. The lightning bird often inhabits thunderclouds, which is related to its temperament.

Lightning birds can flap their wings to emit electricity and produce thunderstorms. It makes a popping sound when it flies. When you are struck by lightning, you will be able to pour out power. Legend has it that thunderclouds can be seen when they split into two parts.

"Come, I'll take a look~"...

"What is the legendary Three Divine Birds"

Under the vision of the gods, the basic information of the lightning bird was nothing to hide in front of Xiao Mao, although there was only basic information, but it was enough for Xiao Mao and the electric shock demonic beast.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent can one not be defeated in a hundred battles!

【Name:Lightning Bird】(Divine Bird Family)

【Attribute:Electrical Attribute/Flight System

】【Gender:No gender difference.】 [

Realm: Heavenly King Level - Unknown (Divine Blood is Unfathomable). 【Skill


【Characteristics:Sense of oppression, Features:Create a peculiar aura, and the opponent's physical strength and energy consumption will be accelerated when using the skill.】 [

Description: You broke into its territory.,The wanton provocation of the electric shock beast woke him up from sleep.,At this time, he was out of anger.,Get up angry.。。 "

Hey~ I didn't expect this world to talk about blood.

"Mmmm, but think about it, it doesn't seem to be incomprehensible, otherwise why would there be quasi-gods, divine beasts, phantom beasts, and divine

......" "I'm rubbing~ What a sentence of unpredictable divine blood!It's so arrogant, it seems that my Vision of God still needs to improve its ability......"

For not seeing the specific data of the lightning bird clearly, Xiao Mao didn't care, after all, the depth of the Pokémon world, he didn't know it on the first day, anyway, just be careful.

"Angry?Well,It's not surprising.,There don't seem to be a few strong people of the same kind who are not arrogant.。。 "

Speaking of which, the lightning bird is indeed the most skinny of the three divine birds, and the one with the best endurance and staying power, because this Dogecoin can summon natural thunder and lightning, and after being shocked, it can recover its vitality and improve its speed and attack power.

This is basically the ultimate trick of the immune system. That's it.,The characteristics of this item are not electric engines or lightning rods, can you believe it?

However, the god-level ability also depends on who uses it, the lightning bird clan has always been not very good-minded, and they can obviously be assassins or even magicians, but they have to play hand-to-hand combat, and they often fight one against two.

"Like those reckless men in the Thunder Shadow, the demon tail of Lagerthas, the god of the empty island Anilu, how can the people who play thunder and lightning all have this virtue ~ proud group ~ "

The strong people in the Cloud Ninja Village in Naruto seem to be this kind of muscular goods, so thinking about it, it is not surprising that Calrell was born as a "free-range chicken".

It seems that his own electric shock monster is also this virtue.

No, my own family is a reckless man.

"Huh~ What, it turned out to be a lightning bird?" Seeing

the source of the lightning clearly, Xiao Mao said disdainfully, Made, the garbage that was almost subdued by the dog Hao has simply lost the face of the Kanto Sanshen Bird clan, you step on the horse and retreat from the group!

" Umbrella Electric (Damn human ants, do you know you're angering the gods?)~".

The lightning bird was condescending, of course, he clearly saw Xiao Mao's disdainful expression, and suddenly became angry, it was all its nostrils that looked at people, when was it a human turn to look down on himself.

"Gaa~" -

under the rage, the lightning bird let out a sharp cry, and a powerful electric current surged into the sky, as if it was summoning something, ready to destroy this ant with no one in his eyes~

The thunderclouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, black and pressing, occasionally silver light crosses, and the layers of cumulonimbus clouds give people a very dull and depressing feeling, accompanied by a rumbling low roar.


Suddenly, the lightning in the sky danced like a poisonous snake, swimming and jumping, and the silver snake danced.

"Zizizi~" powerful lightning strikes, the terrifying sound of electricity makes people shudder, this is the world of electricity.


Suddenly, the sky was covered with thunderclouds, countless golden, blue and even red thunderbolts were combined, and a breath of destruction came

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