"Go on!

Xiao Mao's indifferent voice came.

The shy Alijia was stunned for a moment, and then said with some disappointment: "Oh yes~ I see through it! It's really boring~ It's not fun." "

His face is straight.

"You're really boring, what does Nazi like about you?"

Dafang said it directly. also glared at Xiao Mao.

It seems to complain about why Xiao Mao demolishes her so quickly, why doesn't he get tricked, let her play a little longer.

"What's wrong with me? You take care of it

!" Xiao Mao's eyes widened: "And this meaning, do you blame me for the meaning of Temeow?!~ This woman has such a bad personality.

"yes, I remembered.

"It seems that in the comics, when this woman is smiling and talking, there is a Rakshasa ghost face behind her. "

It is a typical example of noble and elegant on the surface, but black and ruthless behind the back.

The corners of Xiao Mao's eyes twitched, and then he thought about it and remained indifferent, this woman belonged to kraft candy, and he was afraid that he would be glued again if he spoke again. Simply shut up and don't speak.

Alija's tone is so infuriating.

What does this mean?!Play?Treat Lao Tzu as a plaything

! This girl doesn't look like a good person!


The other staff in the gym sighed for a while.

They looked at each other, full of helplessness and disappointment.

"I didn't expect it to be another prank by the eldest lady.

"Who's to say it's not! I almost thought that the eldest lady could really marry this time!" "

Yes, the eldest lady is nineteen years old, and she hasn't even talked about love, it's too rare...... There are a lot of fifteen-year-old mothers in the alliance......"

"No, they have all become old girls."

"It's a pity, it's fake again, in fact, I think it's pretty good!" "

That's it, that's it, the eldest lady is picky." "

Hehe~ You should say that the eldest lady's black belly character, ordinary people can't bear it at all, okay! I'm worried that the little handsome guy will be played bad~"

(voiceover: Pokémon world, human physical fitness is beyond the standard, so they are relatively precocious, ten-year-old psychology is almost the same as that of adults, thirteen years old is considered an adult, fifteen years old can be married to a family.

Alija's ears are still very sensitive.

The forehead of the tic-tac-toe bulged.

You talk about it like this, is the old lady deaf?

Instead, she smiled, and the Rakshasa ghost appeared behind her.

"What are you talking about? Say it too, let me be happy together, it's better to be happy alone than to be happy with everyone

~" "Uh-huh~" shook his head desperately. We don't want to die yet, okay? The Rakshasa ghost has reappeared, and the eldest lady is so scary.

"Miss, we don't dare......

" Such a group of young ladies were frightened, with tears in their eyes, and hurriedly made a cross on their mouths, making a gesture of "We shut up and beg to be spared." "Poor gesture, Elijah did it.

Alija has always been a knife-mouthed tofu heart.


It's all like this, Alijia can only give up, and it's not good to punish them in front of outsiders.

Glaring at them, "I'll see how I clean you up after that." "Such gossip, why haven't I seen you so active at work.


" The young ladies knew that they were wrong, and laughed with a wry smile: "Well, we were wrong, Miss, we really know that we are wrong." "

Today, I let myself go a little bit, and I even talked about the eldest lady's gossip, and I was heard. It's embarrassing.

glanced at each other, surprisingly there was no fear of being punished, but it was hot, I really had enough of today's big play! hehe~

"hehe~" Nazi smiled.

She had already seen Elija's two faces, and she had some empathy, so she had a good impression of her and regarded her as the same kind. Otherwise, do you think you can get into her eyes with a little strength?

Little Nazi giggled, she liked this sister.

Like her, she loves pranks, and she turned the failed challenger into a doll to play with her.

Moon Elf: "......" Cut, that's it, woman, you underestimate my dog too much, play with him, he can pit you until you cry.


All of them are little foxes!!

so far.

It seems to be just a trio of Ash, relatively clear stupid...... Well, the three of them are relatively simple. Hot-blooded, coquettish, perverted.

Straight to the point.

"Go for it! "

Alijia is quite calm and confident, and her every move reveals an atmosphere. Maybe that's what she's really like.

"Shigeru, let's get started!"

Stinky Flower has a blue, plant-like bulbous body, a pair of arms, and a pair of feet. It has a reddish-brown flower with white spots on the top of its head, and the flower has four spherical fruit-like petals.

Stinkflower's eyes seem to be closed all the time, and her purple lips are drooling all the time. Looks silly.

Well, that's Shigeru's first impression.

[Name: Stinky Flower

] [Attribute: Grass Attribute/Poison Attribute

] [Level: Quasi-Heavenly King~] Lying Groove~ Seeing this, Xiao Mao was shocked, the stinky flower of the quasi-Heavenly King, you meow and tease me again.


:] [Skill: ......] It's almost the same as a beautiful flower, and it's full.

[Status: Full of fighting spirit, vowing to avenge Alijia.] 【

Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Flying ......

】【Advanced Route: 1.Use the Sun Stone to evolve the Beauty Flower, 2.Use the Grass Stone to evolve the Overlord Flower.】 [Description

: Alijia's absolute trump card, the odor concentration and irritation are more than ten times higher than those of other similar kinds.] is accumulating strength, in order to evolve the beautiful flower and then hit the king level, the success rate is 25%]

"Alijia, you are too much!"

Xiao Mao's face darkened.

"A dojo duel, you are at the level of a quasi-heavenly king, what kind of grudge do you have with me, and you want to target me like this?!"

Xiao Mao was a little unhappy.

Alijia still smiled indifferently: "Hehe~ Nazi said that you are a genius, I don't believe it, you can't make her lose face." "

~ labor and management, this is a must-stand.

Xiao Mao reluctantly responded.

Nonsense, Nazi is still watching! Arija is giving him eye medicine!

Xiao Mao's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

"Well, don't blame me for being rude. You chose it!"

Bidiao saw that Xiao Mao was unhappy.

Intentionally teach Stinky Flower a lesson.

Xiao Mao: "Compare the eagle, don't ........." can't stop it.

"Than ~" than the eagle flew away.

"Stink~" A hint of shrewdness flashed in the eyes of the stinky flower who was not very smart, and then a large yellow mist gushed out.

The speed of the carving is too fast, and it hits the right one.

Stinky socks, dead rats, rotten eggs, rotten sweet potatoes, spoiled onions and tomatoes, rotten garlic...... The stench is terrible.

It stinks and is pungent. The wind stinks for ten miles.

The stench of chemical and biological weapons is in the air.

Nausea, nausea, want to vomit, no, why is the vision still blurry?! The world is spinning, is this an air shock?

No, I'm going to crash.

In just a short period of time, there is so much mental activity than the eagle.

"Bidiao ~ ......Bidiao"

Bidiao rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, fell to the ground with a plop, his eyes were full of circles, and he lay on his back with his claws curled up, standing upright.

What the situation is, it is.

Xiao Mao was dumbfounded. The master started to send

Alijia, the old lady is ...... Won?!Everyone

was dumbfounded. Than the eagle, this ......

"Uh~ Diao'er, we lost a little unjustly!" Xiao Mao covered his face, quite speechless about this result.

After reading the information just now, Xiao Mao didn't have time to stop it. The eagle had already rushed out.

And it ended with such a dramatic result.

Looking at the loveless appearance of this kid than the eagle, Xiao Mao didn't want to say anything, it is estimated that he doesn't want to see stinky flowers again in this life, this is an indelible spiritual shadow for a lifetime.


For a while, the hall was full of laughter.

It's so much fun!

The carving was delivered to the door by itself.

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