Facing Elija's invitation.

Nazi didn't respond immediately, but turned her head to look at Xiao Mao.

"We, are you going?"

she was still not good at these communications, and subconsciously thought of Xiao Mao and asked Xiao Mao's opinion.

"Huh?" Xiao

Mao was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Go! The owner of the Arijia Pavilion sincerely invited, why don't you go, I'll accompany you~"

He didn't expect Nazi to ask his opinion, but he was very happy, this doesn't mean that in Nazi's heart, he is very important.

"Well, good.

Natsu nodded.

Elija: "What's the ...... situation, is this? Strong as Nazi would ask a boy's opinion, there must be a problem.

Alija looked at them curiously.

The heart of gossip suddenly rose.

However, Alijia didn't show too much obviousness in the end, and gave them the road with a smile: "Okay, those three are please." "

It's the backyard, Elija's private home.

Outsiders are not allowed to enter, and today she made an exception for Nazi and Xiaomao, which also shows her importance.

Xiaomao: "You're polite, you are the master, please ~"

Others give faces, you can't help but carry it, but you can't be too unparticular and really go straight to the front, that doesn't understand etiquette.

Nazi watched quietly, she believed that Xiaomao could handle it.

"Hehe~ Don't shirk, let's go together!" Arija

was obviously pleased.

"It's better to be respectful than to obey your fate, let's go together.

Xiao Mao didn't refuse, smiled and responded, and then guided Nazi and Alijia to the front, and pulled a little to the side.

After all, it's better for girls to walk together, and maybe they can also let Nazi and Alijia talk and become more cheerful.

"Nazi......" Arija began to find a topic to talk to.

Nazi: "......"

Nazi didn't like this occasion very much, frowning slightly, but under Xiao Mao's encouraging eyes, she responded to Alijia without a match.

"Hehe~ Nazi, you're very good, I'm not good. "

Alija is a long-sleeved businessman. The ability to talk and perceive people's hearts is very powerful.

It was really through a short conversation that I found a common topic with Nazi, which made Nazi feel resonance and talk more.

Nazi: "No, maybe you can do it well." "

This level is already a great recognition of Nazi. Obviously, at this moment, Alija had gained Nazi's favor.

Slowly, Xiaomao deliberately fell behind, leaving space for Nazi and Alijia, who would be restrained when they might talk.

"Well, that's it, keep it up.

Cortana and the Moon Elf followed Xiao Mao, Xiao Mao took Xiao Mao's hand, and looked at the conversation between Nazi and Alijia in front of him with a smile, and even forgot about the Xiao Mao trio behind.

Xiao Mao, Xiao Nazi, Moon Elf.

"It's really the right place, and sure enough, only the competitiveness and affinity of women who are also geniuses can stimulate Nazi's interest.

"That's it, as long as Nazi is willing to open her heart to accept the outside world, from the high queen to the mortal world, there are some fireworks.

"This time, although it was unintentional, Arijia helped Nazi, but she owed Alysia a favor. "

Nazi's change, Xiao Mao is very pleased, and his heart is also full of gratitude for Alijia, as for challenging the gym, he can do it at any time. Xiao Mao didn't bother to spoil such a harmonious atmosphere.

"Well, how about you make a promise with your body? Arijia, a gentle Yamato-Nadeshiko type girl, is too suitable to be a wife. "

Hehe~" Xiao Mao has obviously begun to deviate. Obediently, are you sure that you are not a grace and will take revenge, and you will be interested in seeing it?!phew

~ shameless.

It's just that he is happy, but "someone" is not happy.

The moon elf looked at Xiao Mao resentfully: "......" dog, why do you only have Nazi in your eyes now, obviously I came first, you guy who likes the new and hates the old, I hate you

~ Xiao Na: "Hehe ^_^~ It's so good, maybe it will soon be time for me to return to my body!

Xiao Mao understood and was silent. The expression was a little sad.

Cortana and Nazi are one, and as Nazi slowly unties the knot, sooner or later she will return to her body.

But get along these days.

He really liked it, this lively, sensible, innocent little sister, five or six years old, but she took on so much.

"Cortana, I ......"

Xiao Mao's words came to his lips but he couldn't speak.

To be honest, he didn't know what to do anymore, he didn't want to lose both, a girlfriend and a sister. But now he really feels a little powerless. At this moment, he felt like a waste.

Xiao Mao was a little depressed: "......" really seems to be unable to do anything?!

No, no...... I still have a vision, as long as he keeps improving, he will definitely be able to see through the solution, he will definitely be able to.

It seems that the Vision evolves and requires me to use it constantly, and then it is victory, continuous victory, participation or change of big events.

There are also superpowered divine beasts, maybe they can also help, and it takes strength to ask them for help.

"For Cortana, I'm going to win, I'm going to win, I'm going to be stronger. At this moment, Xiao Mao is full of desire for victory, as well as strength.

Because he wants to keep Cortana, the "sister".

However, then he made a firm decision. He didn't hide it, and said to Cortana, who was a little sad.

"Cortana, believe in my brother, my brother will definitely find a way to get the best of both worlds, which can make Nazi perfect and keep you.

"Believe me!!"

Hearing this, Xiao Nazi was stunned, she didn't expect that Xiao Mao could see so much, this brother seemed to really care about her.

Then he smiled: "Well, Cortana believes in my brother." She

nodded firmly, at this moment she actually felt a very warm and happy feeling, it was really good to have a brother!

Xiao Mao hugged Xiao Nazi.

"Brother~" Xiao Nazi's little face rubbed Xiao Mao's chest.

Looking at this scene, the Moon Elf's mentality collapsed.

It seems that the old lady is left alone.

The moon elf felt that he didn't have enough brains: "...... "Uh-huh?!What are you talking about?What does this mean?The old lady's house has been stolen again?Dog, copper smelting is illegal?

Dog~Dog is not such a person.

It's just that what happened to Cortana? I really want to know, I regret not following them that day.

What happened to the Golden Pavilion

?The Moon Elf was really uncomfortable like a cat's paw heart at the moment, and finally couldn't help it: "Huh~(Dog, can you tell me, what happened?Maybe I can help?)"

Xiao Mao heard this, and suddenly found that he had neglected this partner. Hurriedly looked apologetically at the Moon Elf: "Yueyue, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you...... It's like this......

" After hearing about the relationship between Nazi and Cortana, the moon elf was very sad and depressed, and kept muttering: "How can this be? How can this be? Cortana is such a good child, how can this be?"

"Brother, let me go."

Cortana smiled and comforted: "Giggles~ Why is Yueyue depressed, don't cry!Cortana doesn't want to see you cry, okay

?" "I'm not fine! Laugh, okay?"

Cortana hugged the moon elf.

Xiao Mao looked a little sad at this smile. And the sensual moon elf has long been unable to cry.

This kid is too sensible.

Looking at the Moon Elf, Xiao Mao's mind suddenly thought of a partner who was not here at the moment, Yueyue's sister-Sun Elf.

"Cortana, Yueyue, I seem to have a way!".

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