"It seems that the gentleman also understands perfume. "Seeing Xiaomao's actions, the clerk's attitude is very good. The boy who is willing to buy perfume for his companion is very patient with him, and he chooses it very accurately and appropriately, and

he understands perfume at a glance, so he must be a good person.

~ This is a logical genius.

"Sir, you really have a vision, this hollow valley orchid is very in line with this young lady's temperament, noble and elegant, but it is impossible to ignore.

"Miss, you are blessed that there are not many boys as patient as Sir. Hearing this

, Nazi glanced at Xiao Mao, and the strange joy in her heart came to her heart again, and it seemed to have a different look.

Nazi's strangeness, Xiao Mao found out for the first time, such a change, Xiao Mao is very happy in his heart, this sales lady is very good at talking. If you can talk, you can talk a little more.

is worthy of being engaged in sales, this mouth is able to speak.

Nazi looked at him differently.

"It's just a matter of pondering, so let's recommend it for you!" Xiao Mao smiled modestly. And then with a big wave of his hand, not bad money, a batch of arrogant. This is a reciprocated peach.

He knows how to use perfume? He knows how to use a hammer. It just smells good, and the perfume effect is very suitable for Nazi. The reason for choosing is as simple and simple as that. Of course, Xiao Mao will not dismantle the stage by himself.

"Yes, sir. Hearing

this, several clerks excitedly recommended several models, after all, this is a commission. At first glance, these two are not bad at money. Of course, they still have a strong work ethic.

The few recommended perfumes are very good. It's a good fit for Nazi.

"It's good that I have this. Nazi said lightly.

But Nazi loves the "Hollow Valley Orchid" that Xiaomao bought for her before. It seemed to mean something different to her. This is the first gift that Xiaomao officially gave her.

"Let's wrap it all!Swipe the card~

" But Xiao Mao still wrapped up all the perfumes recommended by the clerk, and he also felt that it was very suitable for Nazi, and he needed to change it in the future!"

"Thank you for your trust." "The clerk is very happy, not only did Xiaomao spend a lot of money, but also followed her advice.

"Alright, it's time to get down to business. "

Beauty, don't bother the two masters, please inform the owner of the Arijia Pavilion, just say that there is a challenger to challenge the Gym, thank you~"

After Xiao Mao put away the perfume, he looked straight and said to a clerk. That's the right thing to do.

"Huh, challenge the gym?" the female clerk was stunned.

"Oh, okay, you and this young lady, and the little young lady wait a while, and I'll go and report to the eldest lady now.

After reacting, the female clerk politely led Xiaomao, Nazi Xiaona, and the Moon Elf to the side rest area to sit down and drink tea and rest, and then another female clerk walked to the back of the perfume shop. Y

should have informed Arija to go.

"Wow, wow, wow~ The little handsome guy is here to challenge the gym.

"Young and gentle, it seems to be in love with him." "


it, that's it," "You talk quietly, don't be a nymphomaniac, it's not good for people to hear it." I thought I met

a female pervert, hehe~" "Bah, bah~ You are a female pervert." "

Store manager, do you think the little

handsome guy can win the eldest lady?" "He looks so handsome, and he is so polite when he is generous, I really hope that the eldest lady can show mercy." Hit to the people's house. "

Hehehe~ Maybe the eldest lady sees that the little brother is handsome, and she can't bear to do it~

" "You are really bold!

"The eldest lady is so good, she won't mind." Hee-hee~

" "............"

The remaining female clerks looked at Xiao Mao, who was sitting in the rest area, and they were still some distance away from them, and then began to talk boldly and quietly. In fact, it's almost a joke, if you really want to say that you want to have something to do with Xiaomao, maybe they really don't mean that, not necessarily.

As everyone knows, Xiao Mao, they are not ordinary people.

It was heard clearly.

"Are the women of Rainbow City so arrogant? The group of little young women before, these female clerks are, oops, it's so scary!"

said terrible, in fact, Xiao Mao was very proud, look, the young master is still quite attractive.

Nazi said lightly: "Heh~ You're quite popular!"~

How can there be a smell of vinegar, and the coquettish tone is in it. Isn't it!Nazi is jealous?

!No!No!No!The master is developed。。。

Xiao Mao was stunned by his thoughts for a while. I was also attracted by Nazi's delicate appearance, and I was stunned.

"It's been debunked, I don't know how to answer, you really have ideas about those girls, scumbag~"

Seeing that Xiao Mao didn't speak, Nazi misunderstood, thinking that Xiao Mao had acquiesced, and was inexplicably a little irritable and wanted to get angry.

"Hmph~" Nazi frowned slightly and turned her face away.

Xiao Nazi and the Moon Elf glanced at each other, and they both looked at this scene funny, looking like they were watching a play, the Moon Elf was actually very dark-bellied, and she was also happy to see Xiao Mao eat deflated.

It's interesting.

"Nazi~ I don't, I really don't, I swear, how can I have thoughts about other girls with you by my side.

"Your existence is so dazzling, how can I be attracted to her......"

Xiao Mao is a human spirit, how can he not see that Nazi has misunderstood, and quickly explain, otherwise he is afraid that Nazi will start a rush to turn him into a doll.

But suddenly he was attracted by the person who appeared. I suddenly forgot the next words, and just looked ahead ......

it~ This is Alijia?!It's so beautiful......

Mom, I seem to be in love again.

Knock knock ~ Knock knock ~ Xiao Mao felt that his heart seemed to be beating a little faster, is this love at first sight?!

I completely forgot that there was a Nazi in front of me who he was about to coax to get angry, this thing forgot ......

sense"What are you looking at?!"

Nazi looked at Xiao Mao stunned, and couldn't help but follow his gaze, and became even more angry when she saw it, it turned out to be a girl.

Natsu felt as if she had been neglected and exploded.

"Ahh~" Xiao Mao suddenly screamed.

"Hmph~ You are really not a good thing, you obviously apologized to me and said that you only have me in your eyes, but now you are obsessed with looking at other women, Xiaomao, you liar, your soul is ......"

It turned out that Nazi saw Xiaomao's pig brother, and she kicked him when she was angry, but there was a feeling in her heart, that is, the boredom and annoyance of her toys being robbed.

This woman, like her, is also in a high position.

Nazi felt a little threatened.

"Hmph~ Mom said, these are all vixens!" This

was the first time she was moved, and she was absolutely not allowed to be snatched away, so she looked at Alijia's eyes, full of hostility.

What's the matter? How does this girl look at me with hostility in

her eyes? Do I know her? Is it really familiar?!Who is

it? Where did I offend her? This is ready to make trouble?

As soon as Alijia appeared on the scene, she felt a hostile gaze looking at her, and when she looked at it, it turned out to be a cold girl, and then she made up for it, and then her eyes were full of sharpness.

I don't follow the troublemakers. In an instant, as the master of the Daoist Pavilion, the fierce momentum of the high position burst out.


" Nazi saw that the other party was also looking at herself with sharp eyes, she felt the "provocation", the super queen's momentum exploded and Alijia went head-to-head, and the two momentum collided together, not letting each other go.

That's it, because of a misunderstanding.

Two genius girls face each other.

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