"Hudi ~ self-restoration. ""

Hu Di~"-"Carry it~" Hu

Di's two super spoons collided together, and then the white light on his body was shrouded, and the stars were dotted, and the breath on Hu Di's body gradually became stable and strong. He regained his strength and condition.

Xiao Mao secretly said in his heart, it's troublesome.

"Geng Ghost is now in high morale, and the battle must be ended as soon as possible, otherwise we will definitely lose this duel. "

One blow, then decline, three and exhaustion.

Xiao Mao still understands.

The headache is the headache, and Geng Ghost wants to take down Hu Di who is in good physical condition at one time, it is a fool's dream, even if Hu Di is now in a somewhat tired mental state.

"Once Hu Di fights a protracted battle, even a playful attitude may easily win. However, Nazi's strong and domineering personality should not fight a protracted battle, she will choose to crush to win.

"The situation is stronger than the people, and the enemy is strong and I am

weak...... what if I am weak "No, no, Hu Di looks wrong, how can it be like a sense of emptiness that shines back to the light, it can't be a strong outside! I'll take a look...... Shigeru notices that something is wrong.

[Name: Hu Di (Casey ???)]

[Status: The blessing power is about to be exhausted, the evolution state is difficult to maintain, and the Pokémon is about to be restored to its original appearance. "

Whew~ It's okay, it's not that there is no hope of winning.

After observing again, Xiao Mao breathed a sigh of relief, Hu Di would not fight a protracted war, not only Geng Ghost couldn't afford to wait, but Hu Di couldn't afford to wait either.

"Now it's time for the decisive battle. Xiao Mao estimated that Nazi thought the same way, and fought to the death, the last round.

Xiao Mao doesn't dare to say that he can win now, he can only say that he has done his best and obeyed the fate of heaven, he has really tried his best in this battle.

Lost, no regrets.

It's a big deal, I'm willing to lose the bet, and give "Xiao Nazi" a doll to play with her for a few days, anyway, I don't have to worry about my life, I'm afraid of hanging

~"Hudi~ I want to win." Help me !!,"

Nazi said softly.

The voice is very low, and if it weren't for Hu Di's keen senses, he might not have heard it. It was the desire to win.

It was the first time in his voice that he was so hesitant and unconfident.

"Hudi~ (I did my best.)

Hu Di nodded earnestly.

Then there was a strange powerful energy fluctuation on his body, and Hu Di was going to be desperate, this was the first time that the trainer requested. He will be done even if he dies. After all, Nazi was so good to him.

Nazi: Thank you, Hu Di~

The voice is inaudible.

"Hudi~ (Protecting you is my lifelong pursuit.) Hu Di felt it, and his fighting spirit soared.

"I'm going to ~ Hu Di, is this a chicken blood? Obediently~ It seems to be going to eat us.

Xiao Mao immediately noticed the strangeness of Hu Di.

sighed, and said very seriously: "Geng Ghost, it seems that we can't do it if we don't work hard

," "Geng Ghost~ (I'm not afraid of that old fox, let the horse come! Geng

Ghost also burst out with all his strength and momentum. Even at the expense of overdraft, he burst out his strength. Just to go toe-for-tat with Hu Di and not fall behind. This is also a scene person.

"One move is the winner!" Nazi

said coldly.


Xiao Mao replied with a smile when he heard this. Not at all, this was his original plan. And he had to say yes too.

"Geng, use the Night Curse!"

"Hudi, mental interference.

Xiaomao and Nazi gave orders at the same time.

"Geng Ghost ~ Hmm...... Ha ...... "

Hu Di ~ Go to ......"

Geng Ghost Hu Di also shot at the same time almost after receiving the order, and two lightning-like rays of lightning, one black and one dazzling, collided together.

"Zizi ~ Boom ~"

The place where the light attacks of the two sides converged, forming a huge ball of energy, flashing with a strange arc of energy, exuding a terrifying aura ......


The leaked energy arc hit the ground, leaving behind small hooks, as if torn apart by the claws of fierce beasts, and like cracks like spider webs.


The staff and referees who watched the game were so scared that they were going to pee, their faces were pale, and it was risky to watch the game, but they could do it and cherish it.

Good guys, it's okay for this force to cancel out the outburst. It may only have little impact, and once it can't be controlled, then the gym will be gone.

"Hu Di ~ (old guy, no! Huhu

~)" "Hudi~ (Hey hu~ I'm okay, I can still hold on for half an hour at this level, you can't do it! little thing

~)" "Ji Ji~ (bragging about not paying taxes, don't gasp if you have the ability.)" A thick-skinned batch~)

""Hudi~ (Fart!!Who...... Whoever gasped, I was brewing emotions, you old man knows a fart. "

............ "

Geng Ghost and Hu Di will not let anyone. The light on his hands is non-stop, and his mouth is even more unforgiving, spraying each other.

"Geng Ghost, come on!" Xiao

Mao silently watched and cheered in his heart.

Because this time is a contest of wills, see who shows cowardice first and can't hold on, whoever loses.

"Hudi~" Queen Nazi also had the emotions of "nervous" and "worried" for the first time. It's getting closer and closer to the mortal. And not the queen who is high up.

"Boom~" -

Finally, the energy ball reached its limit, and there was a violent explosion, and then the ground of the field below was destroyed, setting off a large amount of air waves and smoke and dust, and Geng Ghost and Hu Di bore the brunt of it and threw it out.

"Hudi~...... Casey~"

Hu Di couldn't maintain his form anymore and changed back to Casey's real body.

"Plop~" and "Plop~"

two landing sounds.

Xiao Mao shouted loudly: "Geng Ghost~ How are you!" Nazi

is also anxious: "Casey~"

It's just that now the smoke and dust are filled, and the situation is still unclear, and the trainers on both sides can't rush in, otherwise the partner's efforts will be in vain. After all, the trainer's entry to view is equivalent to an automatic abstention.

After a while, the dust and smoke cleared.

A pit several meters deep appeared in the middle of the field.

Casey and Gengar fell to the ground.

"Geng Ghost

~" "Casey ~"

with the call of both sides.

Rustling ~


Casey struggled to get up, but in the end she failed, falling headlong to the ground with mosquito coils lit in her eyes.

"桀桀~(Whew...... Whoosh...... I won~)" Geng Ghost sat with difficulty supporting his body and smiled proudly.

The referee announced.

"Casey loses the ability to fight, and Geng Ghost wins, so the winner of this showdown is challenger Shigeru. "

~ He, he really won Lord Nazi. Everyone

in the Golden Yellow Hall was stunned by this result.


Xiao Mao finally breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, I don't have to be a doll.


" "Hahaha~" After hearing the result, Geng Ghost finally lay on his back and fell to the ground, his eyes circled and lost his ability to fight, he was already at the end of the crossbow, just holding on.

"Geng Ghost ~ I ......"

Xiao Mao's nose was a little sour, he didn't expect this new partner to be able to do this for him. I was so moved that I wanted to cry.

"Geng Ghost, come back! It's hard work~"

I also congratulated myself on my luck.

If it's really Hudi, you may be defeated.

"Come back, Kathy, hard work.

Nazi glanced at Xiao Mao lightly, until she looked at him and was scared, so she said a word.

"You won!"

and tossed him a badge.

He turned around and left. A dashing batch.

"Hee-hee~ little brother, you're really interesting. We'll see you soon~" Xiao Nazi followed, looking at Xiao Mao's stupid appearance and giggling.

"Huh~ Why did

you leave?" Xiao Mao was stunned, he was ready to work hard just now, but he didn't expect Nazi to leave after giving the badge, and he didn't mean to be embarrassed at all.

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