Looking at the little fire dragon's impatient appearance, Lucario, who was next to Xu Jing, was obviously not happy.

Although Xu Jing can't really be just an elf like Lucario, this little fire dragon doesn't look like a high level, and he actually wants to be by Xu Jing's side, and he looks so worthless.

Lucario only felt that the little fire dragon was deliberately courteous and squeezed out his position.

Suddenly, Lucario came to the little fire dragon with a little annoyance, and shouted directly at the little fire dragon.

The little fire dragon that was screaming looked at Lucario in confusion, and it was obvious that he didn't know what was going on.

Lucario was suddenly embarrassed when he was looked at by such a confused little fire dragon.

Even so, after a while, Lucario began to snort and bark at the little fire dragon again.

The little fire dragon who was yelled at suddenly looked at "Nine-Four-Three" Xu Jing aggrievedly, obviously not knowing why he was yelled at.

The two elves quickly became emotional under this kind of relationship.

Xu Jing looked at the two elves who were speechless, and looked like they wanted to fight, and finally couldn't help but hold down the two elves one by one.

"Alright. "

The little fire dragon may not understand what this sentence is, but Lucario next to him still understands it.

has been cooperating with Xu Jing for so long, Lucario even knows Xu Jing's temper, and he can make trouble as much as he wants when he usually has nothing to do, but if Xu Jing has directly said that he can't continue to make trouble and continue to make trouble, then it may be a fat beating.

There was no such resistance to the little fire dragon, of course Lucario didn't want to be beaten by a fat meal at this time, so he could only bare his teeth at the little fire dragon and then silently return to Xu Jing's side.

Xu Jing looked at Lucario who silently returned to his side, and then he helplessly took the Poke Ball given by the little fire dragon and looked at the little fire dragon who was happily waiting for him, Xu Jing clenched his fist, and then looked at Sirona.

"Are you sure you can get this elf to be treated well?"

Although the level of the little fire dragon is not particularly high.

But no matter how you say it, it can be regarded as fate, Xu Jing has been getting along with this elf for a while, so he will naturally be partial to this elf.

Sirona glanced at the little fire dragon, and could understand Xu Jing's thoughts, and suddenly touched her nose helplessly and spread her hands at Xu Jing.

"Then I can't help it, after all, you know what the city has become now, everyone is busy, and no one really has time to take care of a little elf. "

So if they really take the elves away, at most they can give the elves some food, but the rest may not be able to do anything.

Xu Jing hesitated for a moment, nodded lightly at Sirona to indicate that he understood, and then looked at the little fire dragon again, and spoke directly to Sirona.

"Anyway, it's not a big deal for me to subdue some elves, so I'll take this little fire dragon with me. "

Of course, there is no problem on Sirona's side, after all, Xu Jing can take away some elves to relieve their pressure.

So at this moment, when she heard Xu Jing's words, Sirona also nodded directly at Xu Jing and agreed, and seeing this, Xu Jing also laughed, and then opened the Poke Ball

The little fire dragon called an initiative, and hurriedly followed Xu Jing's request directly into the Poke Ball.

The two sides soon became partners.

Xu Jing, who felt that he had become a partner with the little fire dragon, took back the Poke Ball, and then looked at Shirona with a serious expression.

"Is there something you came to me for?"

Just now, because of the matter of the little fire dragon, Sirona's side was also diverted, and at this moment, when Xu Jing said this, Sirona reacted, and spoke to Xu Jing a little helplessly.

"Where are you going to go in the near future? I heard that Team Rocket hasn't left the Kanto area for the time being. "

The latter words of Sirona don't need to be too clear, but Xu Jing still understands what Sirona means, it's nothing more than that they don't have that much time to find Team Rocket now, so let Xu Jing go

Xu Jing hesitated, and at this time, Xirona also hurriedly and directly told some places where Team Rocket had appeared in the recent period.

In fact, most of the places in the Guandu area are inhabited by humans, and because of this incident, it stands to reason that it is impossible for Team Rocket to find some useful places to hide.

However, due to the fact that many places have been destroyed recently, some humans can only go to some places that have not been destroyed to rest for a while.

So this also gave Team Rocket a chance, and now Shirona understands that Team Rocket is recuperating in the destroyed city at the moment, and even plans to carry out new destruction.

Xu Jing, who understood the situation, nodded directly at Sirona.

"I'll take the elves to see it, and I'm going to travel around in the near future anyway. "

Sirona breathed a sigh of relief, although she had already known that Xu Jing definitely wanted to travel everywhere, so she came here to tell Xu Jing about it, but if Xu Jing didn't agree to come down, Sirona's side would still be very troublesome.

After all, Sirona and their side have so many things to deal with in the recent period of time that they don't have time to look for them.

If the Rocket team makes some trouble at this time, then they will have to try their best to call Xu Jing back, and then they will have to deal with the Rocket team again.

That's just a head two big.

Now with Xu Jing's help, there shouldn't be too much to worry about this problem.

Confirming the situation, Sirona also nodded gratefully at Xu Xu.

"Then I'll thank you in advance, and I hope you can send Team Rocket to me when the time comes. "

Xu Jing smiled and nodded directly in agreement. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Sirona told him all the news she had learned, Xu Jing directly took the two elves into the car.

After Xu Jing left, Sirona didn't have time to be idle here, so she quickly left here and started to deal with things.

The two quickly separated to deal with some things separately.

Sirona's side is really busy with 3.3 in the recent period, so it's dark and dark.

However, Xu Jing was more leisurely here, he quickly determined his destination in the car, and then began to rest.

This time, the direction of the place given by Shirona is Hualan City.

This place is very rich in water and was the first place to be destroyed.

Probably the reason why Team Rocket knows the importance of water resources, so they have been trying their best to take this place.

As a result, most of the city was taken over by Team Rocket.

Even now that Team Rocket has been beaten away by Xu Jing, that place has not been completely mastered by Sirona.

There are still quite a few elves left in that place.

It's normal for Team Rocket to go there now, after all, it should be considered the safest place.

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