Xu Jing smiled when he heard this.

If it were someone else, it might really be like this, but if this person was Xu Jing, things would be different.

"Although I didn't find the Rockets on my side, it doesn't mean that I don't have much in mind. "

Hearing this, Yulongdu suddenly looked at Xu Jing in surprise.

Then he was excited and grabbed Xu Jing directly.

If they can take this opportunity to catch the members of Team Rocket, then the elves who will cause damage to the city will be limited.

It will be much easier for them to solve the problem.

Just when Yulongdu was thinking happily, Xu Jing also looked around: "This area is the only area that has not been destroyed by elves, but this does not mean that there are no elves in this area, I plan to live here for a day or two." "

Yulongdu looked at Xu Jing in confusion, not knowing what Xu Jing's words meant, and Xu Jing looked at the confused Yulongdu and Shirona, who obviously didn't know what Xu Jing was talking about, also glanced at Lucario directly.

Lucario proudly straightened his chest at the two people in front of him, and then excitedly began to walk around him.

"03 I searched this area with Lucario just now, and this area looks very peaceful, but Lucario still feels other elves in this area. "

Speaking of this, Xu Jing also had a serious expression.

"In addition, since the other party wants to attack this area, it stands to reason that it is impossible to let go of Dead Leaf City. "

Withered Leaf City is not such a special city, and other special cities have also been attacked, which means that there must be some problems in the city, but it is too quiet now.

This made Xu Jing suspect that either the other party wanted to take this opportunity to make a big wave, and this big wave was likely to be in Withered Leaf City.

Otherwise, the other party is likely to hide in this place, so although those elves did not appear in Withered Leaf City, they basically left from Withered Leaf City.

These speculations have not been confirmed for the time being, so Xu Jing naturally does not plan to make a judgment on any matter.

But since there is already such a speculation, it is absolutely impossible for Xu Jing to leave here.

And Sirona and Yulongdu, who got Xu Jing's words, are not stupid people.

On the contrary, the two are still very smart.

At first, they couldn't find out that something was wrong with the place, and the main thing was that they were too busy to get to know the various regions.

At this moment, when they heard Xu Jing's words, the two of them immediately looked at each other, and then looked at Xu Jing with a firm expression.

Yulongdu was even more excited about Xu Jing, who was filming continuously: "It is really the right thing to let Sirona go to you." "

If it weren't for Xu Jing's arrival, although they could have found out that something was wrong here, it would definitely take a lot of time.

It's the ruined cities that don't have that much time for them to spend, after all, there are elves who wreak havoc on the cities all the time.

If they stretch the time line, then those cities will be destroyed.

Fortunately, Xu Jing's arrival directly pointed out this problem, so that they didn't need to think about follow-up problems at all.

Yu Longdu, who had thought clearly, said to Xu Jing excitedly: "Okay, then this time the matter will be handed over to you, and we still need to defend against those elves." "

Although they already have a direction on their side, they can't ignore the other elves who are doing things just because they have a direction.

If this is the case, then the subsequent losses will definitely be even greater.

Of course, Xu Jing knew about their situation, so he directly waved his hand and asked them to leave. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After they all left, Xu Jing also took Lucario to find a place to live in Dead Leaf City.

Although he just found a place to live, Xu Jing naturally did not plan to stay in the residence all the time, but took Lucario to start running around outside every day.

At first, others thought that Xu Jing was aimless and was searching for something.

It was not until the next morning that many of the city-destroying elves were dealt with on the side of the Royal Dragon Crossing that a fierce elf also appeared in the sky above Dead Leaf City.

But the elf didn't intend to destroy the Dead Leaf directly, but went straight towards the other cities where most of the tables had been destroyed.

This instantly confirmed Xu Jing's guess, although nothing happened in this city, it happened to be the base camp of Team Rocket.

Xu Jing hurriedly took Lucario to start searching in the direction of the elf, and soon saw the triumphant Rocket Team in the residential area.

Kojiro of the Rocket team crossed his hands on his hips and excitedly said that it would take long to solve the Kanto area.

Team Rocket's Musashi was smug in one hand holding what looked like a ball and was tossing.

When he heard what Kojiro said, Musashi snorted, "I hope there is no Xu Jing to disturb this time." "

You must know that every time they do something, they are basically seen and disturbed by other people, and the most powerful one is Xu Jing.

As long as Xu Jing appears, they can't do anything.

So they hadn't made trouble in the elven region for a long time.

Fortunately, I heard that Xu Jing has some things to do in the urban area recently, and it is said that although Xu Jing's parents are not particularly weak, Xu Jing is still very worried about the physical condition of his parents at home, so he has been looking for elves for his parents to prolong their lives.

This is definitely a great opportunity for them 623, so they took this opportunity to release the ultimate move they had been studying for a long time.

Meow Meow stood next to the two of them, listening to Musashi's words, and patted her chest several times with palpitations, and then meowed.

"Don't say those unlucky words, I don't want to see Xu Jing again in my life. "

After saying this, Meowth Meow slapped towards a small ball next to her again.

As Meowmeow's movements fell, a Scorpio King also slowly appeared from the ball at this moment.

The moment the Scorpion King appeared, Meow Meow excitedly pointed to one of the destroyed urban areas: "Give it to me, the damage is more serious." "

The Scorpio King didn't know if he understood or what, so he started to move in the direction of Meow Meow in confusion.

Looking at the state of Team Rocket and these elves, Xu Jing laughed and threw Lucario without hesitation.

At the same time as Xu Jing's movements fell, Team Rocket also found out that something was wrong, Kojiro took the lead in looking at Xu Jing, and when he saw that it was Xu Jing, and Xu Jing had the familiar Lucario next to him, Kojiro's face changed.

Meow meow even more, and took a few steps back in a panic, and the hair exploded.

Looking at the members of Team Rocket who were so flustered, Xu Jing snorted: "Go, Lucario! "。

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