
Sister Mi's two paws stretched out.

The superpower in the body has just been activated.

The next moment.

The terrifying aura fluctuation rushed in front of Super Bangira in the blink of an eye from a distance!


The fast dragon roared, and Xu Jing on his back jumped down.

Jump down at the same time.

He's thrown the Poké Ball, with a few "bangs"!

The elf companions in the Poké Ball, which had just been temporarily taken back by Xu Jing, reappeared!

Super Lucario, Super Fossil Pterodactyl, Super Gengr, Gerala, Menas, Darkrai, and Swift Dragons are all ready to fight!

Because Xu Jing said it before.

This time, the opponent's strength level will be far higher than before.

So they're all serious!

The Super Geng Ghost stayed by Xu Jing's side.

The red mist beneath the mouth swirled, and the scarlet eyes looked left and right, as if searching for something.

The dragon was on the same page as Gera Ora.


The sudden arrival of many elves was like a rainbow for a while.

This made Super Bangira feel faintly uneasy.

Although the level rushed to LV.91 level in a short time with the help of super evolution, it was not a real master-level elf after all.

It reacted immediately.

Opening your mouth is a low roar.

Bursts of sonic waves are released from the depths of its throat by it in the form of loud sound skills, and the target of sonic skills is usually the entire surrounding area!

This is even more true of the loud attack of Super Bangira.

The terror of might.

Let the sound waves form the shape of water waves visible to the naked eye.

It has the characteristics of water waves, one is stronger than the other!


Super Lucario stepped out, palm flipping.

The power of the waveguide enveloped the surrounding area for thousands of meters from a small water droplet in an instant, and threw a punch towards the loud water wave in front of him!

This punch brings together all the hard work of Super Lucario these days, and this punch is called ...... What a fist!


A punch, as if to burst the sound!

Super Lucario had just thrown this punch, and the space around him snorted, deafening!


No matter how strong the impact of the loud water wave is, it is also a general skill.

How can it withstand the true qi fist of the fighting system?

Super Lucario's True Qi Fist is like a command.

Instructions are issued.

Menas, Super Fossil Pterodactyls, and others are also the first to take action!

The Super Fossil Pterodactyl roared and swung out a sharp stone attack, attacking the Lost Lips on Super Bangira's shoulder!177 Menas also spat out a spiral-shaped dark blue water column from the depths of his throat, and the powerful water column rushed straight towards the inner thigh on Super Bangira's right, never to return!

The white-haired Gera Ora clasped her claws together and pulled suddenly, and all the electric elements obeyed her command, and the furious electric energy formed a thundercloud above Super Banjira's head.

Thunderclouds roared.

A thunderbolt attack quickly fell!

The target was not Super Bangira.

It's a sonic dragon flying in the sky!

Obviously, Geraora chose to act in conjunction with Darkrai!

Darkrai's mission is to deal with the sonic dragon that can escape with Tefergus.

Geraola's electro-ability startled the sonic dragon, and its pair of manta wings vibrated to move its body out of place.

The energy in the thundercloud falls short.

Hit the ground hard!


The ground cracked inch by inch.

The power of terror is on full display at this moment.

Darkrai was not idle.

Its body is sneaking around.

It was near Super Bangira when it first appeared.

The target is to charm Sister Lip.

Sister Lips panicked when she felt Darkrai's approach.

Because of Darkrai's strong evil elements and Darkrai's phantom beast momentum, it was subconsciously a little scared.

Because it's never seen Darkrai!

The unknown is fear.

It doesn't know what skill Darkrai will unleash!

Darkrai didn't attack in the first place.

Locking on Sister Lips is just an illusion that it deliberately created to attack Sister Lips.

Real goals.

It's a sonic dragon!

At this moment, the sonic dragon in the sky has just dodged the attack of Gelaora's electric skill and is about to fight back!


Don't wait for the sonic dragon to fight back.

The next moment.

A purple-black chain rushed into the sky below.

The target is its manta dragon wings!


Darkrai appeared for the second time, but it was in the sky!

Waves of Evil!

The sonic dragon dodged again.

Geraora caused a thunderbolt in the sky, blue lightning fell, and the sonic dragon was defeated in an instant.

It opened its mouth and spat out dragon waves and blue thunder and lightning to thunder!

The energy of the explosion blasted through the sky in the form of an explosion.

Just when the sonic dragon was ready to make further moves.

Take advantage of its distraction to fight against Geraora.

Darkrai's dark hole has been urged.

A pure black spherical energy body appeared in the sky, enveloping the sonic dragon entirely.

The spherical energy body that enveloped the sonic dragon quickly fell and fell to the ground, smashing a deep pit in the ground!

Look at it again.

The sonic dragon was already asleep......


On the other side, Super Bangira faced Super Lucario's True Qi Fist and Menas' water cannon at the same time.

It stomped heavily on the soles of its feet.

On the place where the Menas water cannon must pass, the ground cracks along the way, and thick rocks keep rushing out of the cracks!

Rock Block!

Super Banjira is using a rock blockade as a defensive skill to stop Menas's water cannon!

The water cannon is naturally not a rock blocking skill that can be blocked.

But there are these thick rocks to resist.

Menas' water cannon was undoubtedly much weaker in power and speed, and when it broke through the last rock, Super Bangira flicked its tail!

On the tail, there is a glittering luster of steel!

Iron Tail!

The stout tail is its weapon!

There was a loud bang, and the fist waves of the water cannon and Super Lucario's True Qi Fist were all crushed by one of its iron tails.

After the power of the iron tail is weakened, it falls to the ground, and the super banjira seamlessly triggers the earthquake!

Earthquakes fueled by these prehistoric behemoths.

The power is unmatched.

A magnitude 10 earthquake has no such terrifying effect.

Large chunks of the ground collapsed.

Centered on the ground of the Super Banjira Iron Tail bombardment.

Cracks wider than the river were desperately formed.

Most of the earthquake power was directed at Menas and Xu Jing!


The super Geng ghost was beside Xu Jing, looking at the oncoming earthquake energy, its scarlet eyes widened, and the powerful superpowers in its body formed super energy fluctuations in front of it.

Spiritually strong!

Super fluctuations are combined with each other.

Form an impregnable barrier.

Block Menas and Xu Jing.

The earthquake hit the barrier, which was as solid as a rock.


Super Gengh is like a fast dragon.

It puffed out two gases from its nostrils, and looked at the Super Bangira in the distance, as if to say, that's it?

Say it's too late, then it's too fast.

Everything happens between lightning and fire.

The battle moment of the champion-level elves.

Able to keep up with the whole eyesight.

It is estimated that only those special trainers with powerful superpowers, Xu Jing, naturally have the eyesight to keep up with the whole process.

Congratulations to the host, your Gerala and Darkrai teamed up to defeat the Sonic Dragon, gaining 12,900 XP each.

13,000 experience points smaller.

Not bad!

As the elf level gets higher and higher.

Xu Jing now knew how difficult it was for his current elven companions to gain experience points.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

Long Jun and Tefergus were both dumbfounded......

"This ......" Long Jun even felt that his brain was down all of a sudden, he knew that his junior brother's strength was improving rapidly, but this lightning stone fire defeated Tefergus's sonic dragon?

He knows the strength of this sonic dragon!

On the other side, after the defeat of the Sonic Dragon.

Tefergus immediately gathered all the wonderful frog flowers and sister Mi Lip around Super Bangira, looked at Xu (adbd) Jing vigilantly, frowned and stared at his eyes in disbelief: "You...... Is it that Xu Jing of the Dragon Kingdom!?" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Jing's name and appearance.

How could Tefergus be unfamiliar?

It's on the United States' kill list!

But according to the latest intelligence of the United States.

Doesn't it mean that although Xu Jing's strength has improved rapidly, he is currently equivalent to the strength of the Dragon Kingdom's Titled Heavenly King?

At most, it's a shame that the strength is higher than that of the Titled Heavenly King!

But the power that this Xu Jing's spirit showed just now ......

Where is this stepping horse higher than the Title Heavenly King?

Kill all of his Tefergus sonic dragons in seconds!

Although it is a two-dozen one-second kill.

But Tefergus could see that there was a fast dragon in the sky, and Xu Jing had a strange elf with purple and red mist next to him, so he didn't make a move!

Is that elf a Geng?

In this form, can Geng ghosts also super-evolve?

"I wanted to lay an ambush. Xu Jing stood on the ground, looked at Tefergus who was standing on the shoulder of Super Bangira in the distance, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect your vigilance to be so high." "

Sounds like words of praise. []

But listening to it through the real-time translation converter that he carried on his ears was humiliating in the ears of Tefergus.

High vigilance and was killed by a sonic dragon in seconds.

This is not a high level of vigilance.

I, the head of the United States Congress, am I going to be killed directly by you, Xu Jing?

Tefergus was not mistaken.

Xu Jing's original intention was to kill the four elves of Tefergus in one go, just because of Tefergus now

"Ba Na!"

"Misty ......"

Wonderful Frog Flower still doesn't understand what's going on.

The slowest of them is long overdue.

However, he dodged the first round of attacks from Xu Jing's many elf companions just now.

Dozens of rattan whips curled up beneath the flowers on its back.

On the toad's head, two slightly dull eyes looked left and right, vigilantly looking at Super Lucario.

Sister Mi Lip is looking for it with some fear.

Wave after wave of superpowers poured out in the body.

Not an attack, but a search for Darkrai's figure.

Because after Darkrai used the dark hole to kill the sonic dragon in seconds, soon the figure disappeared again!

The unknown is really the most terrifying!

This sister with a mysterious lip has never seen such a terrifying evil spirit!


Long Jun's fast dragon and super tyrannosaurus are coming.

And the Chopping Commander is also on the back of the fast dragon.

"Senior, you and I join forces. "

Xu Jing is not ready to talk nonsense.

So as not to have too many dreams at night!

Just here the head of parliament of the United States, Tefergus, was settled.

It's like Tefergus solved a meaning of Long Jun.

The United States without Tefergus.

In the face of the Dragon Kingdom.

The top combat power has also lost the scales!

"Hahaha!Okay!" Long Jun laughed: "I didn't expect what you and I said to come true so quickly, fast dragon, tyrannosaurus, slashing commander, you fully cooperate with Xu Jing's elf action!"

"Be sure to kill Tefergus here!"

The master spoke.

Long Jun's fast dragon and super tyrannosaurus roared in unison.

For a while, the sound of dragons in the sky was endless!


Xu Jing issued an order again!


Super Lucario and the Dragon are at the same time at the same time!

The two of them are responsible for observing the situation at the scene, mending the knife in time or reaching out to help other elven companions.

For the convenience of the battle.

Long Jun jumped off the back of his fast dragon.

Fell beside Xu Jing.

The Slash Commander was left on the Dragon's back by him.

This is absolute trust in Xu Jing.

Leave your own security to Xu Jing!

And without the fast dragon on the back of the dragon and Xu Jing's fast dragon, it also urged the speed.

Needless to say.

Its choice is exactly the same as Xu Jing's fast dragon!

As for the Super Wyvern.

It flew high in the air and spat out a large character flame!

The target is none other than the Lip Girl on Super Bangira!

This sister with a lost lip has given it a hard time before.

Now there's a chance to get back on the field.

Super Tyrannosaurus is ready to go!

"Damn!" Turfergus's eyes narrowed in a rare panic.


"What the hell is going on with this Xu Jing!"

"Why is his strength promotion completely unreasonable?"

"Damn, damn it, damn it!!"

Seeing that the two of them didn't give themselves a chance to speak, Tefergus roared in his heart, and the expression on his face was also wide-split.

He knew that he might be more than lucky this time!

A big battle, starting again!

Or it can't be said to be a big war.

Because Xu Jing's side already has an absolute advantage.

In addition, there are three powerful champion-level peak elves, namely Long Jun's fast dragon and super tyrannosaurus and slashing commander.

The giant beast roared in the sky, and the yellow sand flew all over the sky.

Huge boulders are stacked on top of each other.

Powerful skills make the mountains shake within a radius of hundreds of miles.

A terrifying shockwave destroys the world and sweeps in all directions!

It's like Senluo Hell!

The battlefield here.

Even if a king-level trainer comes with an elf, he has to walk around!

I don't know how long.

Tefergus's Wonderful Frog Flower was the first to fall into the footsteps of the Sonic Dragon.

This is followed by the ugly-looking sister Lost Lips.

When Miao Frog Flower and Sister Misty Lips lost their ability to fight one after another.

Tefergus knew he was on the move.

There's no escape!

There is only one of the most powerful Super Bangira left.

Although he has made his level rush to LV.91 in a short period of time after super evolution, Super Banjira is difficult to support alone!

In the face of Xu Jing's side, so many elves joined forces.

Super Bangira only lasted a few dozen rounds before his stamina was quickly depleted and he could only drink on the spot.

The super-evolved forms have all been scattered!

The head of the United States Congress, Tefergus, is dead!

ps: I broke off yesterday, and I caught up today.

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