Originally, it was a continuous mountain range of ores.

There are a lot of ores inside.

It is extremely famous in the territory of the Taiping Sea.

Long Jun came after the others at first.

A United States trainer provoked him.

Long Jun is extremely confident in his own strength.

But it didn't take long to chase it, and I found a collapsed ore mountain here.

A huge gap of dozens of feet appeared in the ore mountain range.

Within the gap, there are various ores embedded in the rock or buried in the soil, leaving only half of them in the air.

When a trainer passes by in the sky from here.

Those ores are shining in the sky sun.

Refracts the colorful brilliance of the debut.

It's obvious!

Long Jun was attracted without surprise.

Giving up chasing the man, Long Jun let Kuailong take him down to the collapsed gap, and there were two trainers inside the gap who were directing the elven battle!

Look at its appearance.

One side seems to be that of the European Union, and on the other side of the United States.

The relationship between these two parties is usually okay.

It's just that I didn't expect to fight in this gap.

Long Jun called out his elf companion, and instead of rushing forward, he asked his elf companion to investigate the situation in the entire ore mountain range.

However, Long Jun's arrival attracted the attention of the two trainers who were fighting, and a third person came over, and it was still Long Jun of the Dragon Kingdom, and the two immediately stopped fighting!

looked at Long Jun vigilantly.

One of them also tried to get Long Jun to retreat, saying that this was the place where the two of them found out.

Long Jun didn't pay attention to the other party.

In the secret realm, those who have treasures can get it.

Although it is not known what is going on here.

But it can make the trainers of the EU and the United States fight.

Presumably, this gap is not simple.

Seeing that Long Jun didn't care, the two people on the other side also knew that Long Jun would not leave easily.

The two looked at each other.

Turn around, pick up your backpack, call out the elves and run!

It's as if there's a treasure in the backpack.

Long Jun was considering whether to keep these two people.

As a result, the elf companions have already found results!

Within this vein.

Not only 03 has a variety of ores.

The most important thing is that the Super Evolution Stone has been found here!

It's the same as the super evolution stone found in the Red River Secret Realm!

Only then did Long Jun suddenly realize.

No wonder those two trainers were fighting.

No wonder they tried to get him to leave after seeing him coming.

No wonder the other party ended up running away with his backpack.

That backpack must have been filled with all kinds of super evolution stones, right?

But now these are all from the Dragon Kingdom!

Long Jun grinned and asked his elven companion to probe further.

The results of further investigation soon followed.

There is also a passage deep in the vein.

The passage is covered with rugged stones.

Superpower probing can't get in.

The channel seems to be an extremely special substance.

I can isolate superpowers.

Just when Long Jun hesitated.

The veins began to shake underground.

Long Jun's elf companions were immediately vigilant.

I thought some elf was coming out of the ground.

Unexpectedly, a few round elves rushed out of the cave!

It's rumbling rock!

As soon as the rumbling rock came out, it was covered with exploding energy crystals, which was ...... Rumble Rock is about to perform a big explosion!

One champion, three kings!

There are a total of four rumbling rocks that perform the Big Bang.


A large and three small clouds of explosive mushrooms rose from the veins.

The terrifying blast wave of the explosion further expanded the gap, and the original gap of dozens of zhang exploded into hundreds of zhang in an instant, and the explosion blew up the ore and waste rock into an attack method more terrifying than bullets, and showed indiscriminate and crazy strafing in all directions!

And just everything.

It is the handiwork of the head of the United States of Parliament, Tefergus!

Tefergus stood aside.

There's a giant golden monster and a banjira by your side!

Undoubtedly, as the head of parliament of the United States.

There's no doubt about Tefergus' strength.

The two quasi-god elves are the best proof of this!

At this time, Tefergus looked very proud, he looked at Long Jun not far in front of him, and said with a smile: "Long Jun, I didn't expect that the big explosion just now would allow you to dodge, but the elf who helped you resist the deadly shock wave just now should be uncomfortable, right?"

Long Jun's face was calm, although he knew that he had fallen into the trap, he still didn't panic, he looked at Tefergus and said in a deep voice: "You are really generous, the super evolution stones in that vein just now are all real, right?

"Hundreds of super evolution stones. The corners of Tefergus's mouth twitched unconcernedly, "As long as I can kill you, the balance of combat power between the Dragon Kingdom and us will be broken in an instant, and the number of super evolution stones under this vein is beyond your imagination!"

After saying that, Tefergus stared at Long Jun's face, trying to find a little panicked look on his face, but was disappointed.

"It seems that you still have confidence in your heart, but I don't know if your confidence is more confident or mine. Tefergus smiled mysteriously and flipped his palm.

A dark green base with a red and black stripes on the inside appeared in his hand.

"I'm not afraid to tell you. Tefergus wanted to further stimulate Long Jun, he looked at the super evolution stone in his palm, word by word, and said bluntly: "This is ...... Banjira Super Evolution Stone!"

After discovering that there are more super evolution stones under this vein than in the secret realm of the Red River.

Tefergus has developed this series of plans!

He also found his Banjira's Super Evolution Stone!

In this way, Banjira can also super-evolve with the Super Evolution Stone.

In addition, one of his elven companions, under the influence of the United States' Arcana, finally managed to break through the shackles of strength.

Let him successfully have the first master-level elf!

A surge of superpowers.

The Banjira Super Evolution Stone disappeared from Tefergus's hands.

When it reappeared, it was already in the mouth of Banjira.

I was bitten down by Bangira with my mouth wide open!

"Ban! roar !!"

Bangira, as strong as a terrifying beast, roared.

Its sound was like thunder, causing the wild elves within a radius of ten miles to flee frantically after hearing it, and after it opened its mouth to bite down on the super evolution stone, a faint blessing unique coercion erupted from its body.

Soar into the sky in the blink of an eye!

The terrifying momentum can almost be substantialized.

Soar into the air at a height of thousands of meters.

Tear the clouds in the sky mercilessly!

Faintly, from a distance, you can see that the sky here has formed a phantom of a giant Bangira!

"Bangira, Super Evolve!"

"Class !!"

The roar of the giant beast was like thunder, and a light roar could make the weak elves lose their ability to resist in fright.

Bangira has skyrocketed in size!

At the same time, Tefergus took several Poké Balls out of his pocket and threw them at the same time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several Poké Balls exploded at the same time.

Broken white light condenses and forms.

One by one, powerful elves appeared.

And next to Tefergus.

There is another Member of Parliament of the United States.

This is an old woman with gray hair.

His face is wrinkled and wrinkled.

Behind her, there were also several terrifying champion-level elves, all of whom had the rank of champion mid-level!

"In that case. "



Long Jun gave an order.

The Tyrannosaurus and Charizard flying beside the fast dragon immediately understood.

"Roaring !!"

"Woo ang!"

The light waves of the super evolution erupted from the bodies of the Charizard and the Tyrannosaurus at the same time, and the super evolution was activated!

"Tefergus, hyper-evolution isn't just you. "Long Jun's confidence comes not only from his dragon power, but also from the fact that he can provide amplification for his elven companions.

It's also because his Tyrannosaurus has found the Super Evolution Stone!

At the same time, Charizard's Super Evolution Stone also allows Charizard to turn on Super Evolution Mode!

"I see, your Tyrannosaurus can also super evolve, but it's a pity why isn't it a fast dragon? If the fast dragon can super evolve, then I'm really afraid of you. Tefergus glanced at the hyper-evolved Tyrannosaurus, whose blood-red wings almost encircled its body and were impossible to ignore. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time, Tefergus tentatively questioned the fast dragon.

Long Jun's fast dragon has always been its absolute trump card.

The terrifying speed and the fact that the fast dragon can learn a variety of attribute skills make the fast dragon also one of the best existences among the quasi-god elves.

If the dragon also has a super evolution.

That's tricky.

Long Jun smiled, "Do you think it can be?"

I don't know if Kuailong can super-evolve Long Jun.

But he wanted to make Tefergus a bogeyman.

This ambiguous answer made Tefergus, who knew him very well, smile: "It seems that your fast dragon really can't super-evolve." "

If Long Jun's fast dragon can super evolve, I'm afraid it won't be that he Tefergus designed it against Long Jun, but that Long Jun took the initiative to find it!

After all, the fast dragon form is already so terrifying.

One more hyper-evolution, then you have to go?

The battle starts all of a sudden!

It started with Tefergus taking the initiative.

As soon as the soles of Super Banjira stepped on the ground, the ground cracked dozens of feet wide in the abyssal crack, and the rock elemental energy continued to erupt from the cracks, forming sharp stone thorns in the air.

- Rock-based Sharp Stone Attack!

Next to him, the X object on the big face of the giant golden monster glowed, and the powerful superpower turned into a pair of invisible big hands and grabbed Long Jun.

- Spiritual Strength!

The elves of the champion-level old ladies of the United States also took action.

For a while, all kinds of skills bombarded indiscriminately. []



The giant golden monster urged the spiritual power that rushed towards Long Jun to smash a slash, turning into speckled fragments of superpower, and then dissipating in the wind.

A Chopping Commander came out of nowhere.

The sword that contained the evil attribute just now was slashed out by it, easily blocking the spiritual strength of the giant gold monster.

As the saying goes, no matter how powerful the elves are, there are those who are restrained.

The Slash Commander is the existence that Long Jun specially uses to prevent the sneak attack of the super elves.

There is a chopping commander here.

All super skills can be blocked from sneak attacks.

This is also the only one in Long Jun's main elf team that does not have dragon attributes.


Instead of being rude, the Slash Commander leads to an attack towards Tefergus - Shadow Claw!

The strength has reached this level.

The elves' attacks are no longer simple special or physical attacks.

Just like Shadowclaw is a physical attack.

Can be used when the Slash Commander is cast.

The Shadow Claw of Physical Attack can also cleave the damage of Special Attack, as evidenced by the Shadow Claw formed by the dark energy.

However, it will be less powerful than the normal Shadow Claw.

The dark energy formed a terrifying claw strike, but it was easily shattered by a flick of Super Banjira's tail.

Followed by.

Countless sharp stone attacks fell towards Long Jun's side.

Cover Long Jun's figure.


When Long Jun reappeared, he was already on the back of a fast dragon in the sky, and there was a heroic Eluredo beside him!

Eluredo, Slash Commander!

This is in Long Jun's main elf team.

The only two elves who do not have dragon attributes.

Just now, it was Eluredo who dodged Long Jun and the other elves with teleportation, dodging the sharp stone attack.


A blue roaring fire dragon in the sky rushed towards the giant golden monster!

Super Charizard X Hand Up!

The dragon power in Long Jun's body has been increased for the dragon elves, and as long as his elf companions have dragon attributes, their strength can be greatly increased!

Charizard didn't have dragon attributes before, but after super evolution 823 into Super Charizard X, there was a dragon system, so its strength increased greatly!


The giant golden monster's steel claws were placed in front of him, and his superpowers formed a barrier, but soon he felt a burning sensation coming.

It had to force the jet of flame out of the way.

The original steely claws were already reddened.

"Roaring !!"

in the sky.

The Tyrannosaurus also fell as a jet of flame.

Dye the sky red!

The madness of the war has begun!



Xu Jing stood on the back of the fast dragon.

Lucario had detected something was wrong.

Now is the way to go.

Let the dragon quickly move closer to that side.

Flew for less than a few minutes.

Xu Jing, who was standing on Kuailong's back, immediately felt it.

Residual medium energy in front of you.

Everywhere hides the power of rage.

This energy is unusually strong.

Xu Jing looked down.

"Kuailong, lower it a little and control it at 200 meters above the ground. "


The dragon will understand.

The galloping dragon's body quickly decreases in height.

"Fire Skills, Water Skills, Electricity Skills ......"

In Xu Jing's feelings, almost none of the sergeant's attribute skills had exploded in this vicinity.


- Look over there!

Lucario pointed to a large gap in the distance.

Xu Jing pressed his palm to its back.

The waveguide's ability to share allows him to see what is happening within the gap.

All kinds of ores were destroyed and buried.

The rocks are flying around, and the whole gap is spherical.

It's obvious.

"There used to be an elf urging the Big Bang skill here!"

The dragon descended through the gap.

Xu Jing carefully touched the power of the waveguide and came to a conclusion.

In the meantime.

Lucario felt that something was drawing him in.


Lucario told Xu Jing about the discovery.

"Attractive to you?"

Xu Jing's eyes widened.

"Where, let's go over and have a look!"

"Geng, Darkrai, be on guard!"

There are so many super evolution stones here.

What appeals to Lucario is nothing more than ......

Lucario Super Evolution Stone!

"By the way, Geng Ghost, come out quickly, don't hide!"

Xu Jing thought of Geng Ghost.

Geng Ghost is an existence that can also super-evolve!

"Hurry up and look for it, see if there is anything nearby that can attract you, find it and show it to me, fast!"

Senior Long Jun shouldn't be too far away.

There are super evolution stones that Lucario can use.

Xu Jing had no reason to give up.

It's just under a minute.

Lucario and Gengar each came with a stone.

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