The Taiping Sea Secret Realm, as the only five-star secret realm in the world, is still a public secret realm, which is destined to attract the attention of the world.

The area inside is directly comparable to the entire urban world.

So there are the most treasures in it.

Xu Jing had long wanted to enter the secret realm of the Taiping Sea to play.

After all, the Geraora Elf Egg and the Darkrai Elf Egg were all obtained in the secret territory of the Taiping Sea.

Theoretically, trainers cannot fly directly over the city in a flying sprite, except in special circumstances.

It's okay for Xu Jing to do this.

Outside of the Dragon Kingdom?

When Kuailong took Xu Jing through the sky on the other side of the cherry blossom country.

Something happened!

Sakura Country doesn't know if it was known in advance or how.

In a word.

When the fast dragon carried Xu Jing over the city of Sakura Country.

A Sakura Country trainer equivalent to the title of Heavenly King.

With two heavenly kings.

At the same time, he launched an attack on the fast dragon!

The strong crocodile standing upright beat his chest wildly with his two arms, and the water element was frantically condensed in the depths of his big mouth full of fangs, and a blue violent column of water erupted, surging into the sky like a cannonball.

King Nido, whose forehead is sharp and his horns are facing the sky, condenses a yellow-purple energy ball at the horns, and the energy ball bursts into a violent destruction and rushes into the sky, targeting the dragon!

The golden electric light gathered between the fur of the golden dragon, and the electric light formed an electric current that soared into the sky.

There is a scorching hot jet flame.

There's a venom blast that melts everything.

There are magic leaves that are as sharp as knives.

More than a dozen skills rush towards the fast dragon at the same time!

When you're about to hit the dragon.

A pale green light shield shielded the dragon.

More than a dozen attacks that were enough to crush any Heavenly King-level elf in seconds were easily blocked by the light mask.

- Hold!

Lucario has a shot!

More than a dozen skills fell on the protective shield.

There was only time for ripples.

It was guarded with a protective shield for the next.

The trainers attacking below saw this.

After glancing at each other.

began to speak out:

"Yaga! This is the airspace of our cherry blossom country, outsiders hurry down!"

"That's right! Our cherry blossom country airspace, come down and go through the process, otherwise you won't be able to stand in the international scene!"

"Get down here, or we'll keep attacking!"

"We have Eida-sama here!"

Heiichiro Eita!

It is one of the few champion-level powerhouses in Sakura Country.

In the country of cherry blossoms.

Those who can be trained by 173 families and called adults are champions.

The reason why these Sakura Country trainers dare to face the trainers riding on the fast dragon here is that the source of confidence is this Heiichiro Eida.

After all.

Champion trainer.

Everywhere can be regarded as an absolute big shot.

However, just now, Lucario's protective shield easily blocked everyone's attacks, and also made them slightly jealous.

Therefore, he did not continue to shoot at the first time.

And Xu Jing, in response to these Sakura Country trainers, was the "bang" sound of several Poké Balls exploding in a row!

The huge fossil pterosaur stayed in the sky, and the dragon wings that covered the sky and the sun easily brought up a ninth-level wind with just a wave!

The mysterious Darkrai is suspended in the sky, and a chain of pure black energy exudes around him, which is breathtaking!

The quietly invisible Geng Ghost smiled, and the yin wind blew in the sky, which only made people's hearts panic involuntarily.

The unusually beautiful Menas floated beside the dragon, its brilliant and colorful scales refracted in the sunlight, making it difficult to look at directly.

These trainers from the Sakura Country naturally spoke the Sakura language, and Xu Jing didn't understand it at first, until he took out the real-time translation converter.

The champion named Heiichiro Eida on the opposite side looked at Xu Jing on Kuailong's back, and was thinking about whether to kill him.

Swift Dragon, which only a handful of trainers in the world have.

Whoever has it is now a big guy.

And the dragon kingdom has the people of the fast dragon.

Heiichiro Eida knows it all!

And now there's another one?

Dragon Country, it's really alive!

And this young man seems to be Xu Jing among the geniuses of the Dragon Kingdom collected by the Sakura Country?

Heiichiro Eida looked at Xu Jing in the sky.

The killing intent in his heart flashed away.

was perceived by Xu Jing.

Xu Jing looked towards Heiichiro Eita.


As his own superpowers and waveguide powers continue to be used, the two special abilities have been steadily increasing.

The power of the waveguide to perceive the waveguide has become his instinct.

There is no need to push it out of purpose.

Just now, he sensed the flash of killing intent from the mouth of these Sakura Country devils.

He looked at Lucario, and telepathy descended on the dog's heart: "Help me explore the surroundings, 360-degree exploration in all directions, and determine the surrounding situation." "


Lucario responded.

The pendant under its ear (adfh) floats horizontally.

A drop of waveguide power condensed between the raised claws and fell.

In the eyes of the trainers of the Sakura Country.

The power of this waveguide swelled into an energy field in an instant, and it rushed in all directions in a circular manner.

Because there is no attack power.

So the elves did not warn.

But Lucario's waveguide power still startled the men, and they couldn't help but feel annoyed when they came to their senses.

"Lord Eida!"

Qi Shushu looked at the Lord Rongtian in their mouths.

Heiichiro Eida was about to say something, but Hu Di next to him seemed to have a premonition and issued a warning voice towards Xu Jing.


Hudi's strange appearance shocked Heiichiro Eida.

His own Hu Di is a champion of mid-level strength.

He is the most powerful of his current elf companions.

What did it find?

Hu Di found nothing.

Because Xu Jing had nothing on his shoulders.

But it seems to have found something again.

Because under its perception.

There was obviously something on Xu Jing's shoulder.

This kind of discovery that is out of control.

Hu Di, who had always controlled everything, was a little frightened in his heart, and felt that there was a great terror on Xu Jing's shoulders.

"Oh, was discovered?" Xu Jing stood on the back of the fast dragon and looked down, and when he saw Hu Di's condition, he knew that Hu Di had probably sensed the little guy Biktini.

That's right.

Xu Jing also called Biktini out before!

As soon as Biktini came out, he remained invisible.

Sitting on Xu Jing's shoulder.

It had just secretly given Lucario the power of its victory by touch.

This makes Lucario and their strength all increase by 100%!

"According to the International Basic Guidelines for Trainers, your attack just now is not just to make the fast dragon stop, your actions are clearly in violation of the basic guidelines, and I have the right to fight back. "

After speaking, Xu Jing looked at the pterodactyl.

A low shout!

"Fossil pterosaurs!"

The fossil pterosaur not far from the fast dragon had a big fang, and the fossil pterosaur super evolution stone in its body was released inch by inch in an instant!

"Super Evolution!"

Xu Jing made the fossil pterosaur super-evolve.

This is clearly preparing to fight with these devils of the cherry blossom country!

At the same time.

Xu Jing's telepathy appeared in the minds of the other elves separately, and it was easy to multitask!

"Menas, condense the surf directly in the air!"

"Geng Ghost, I'm keeping an eye on the black gaze, don't let one go!"

"Darkrai, I'll hand over that hudi to you, solve it as soon as possible!"

"Lucario, wave missile burst!"

Telepathy is cool.

If the other party doesn't know, you can take the lead!

Xu Jing is multitasking.

A series of offensive arrangements were immediately deployed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Jing's action of making the fossil pterosaur super evolve caused the puzzlement of these Sakura Country trainers, and they immediately looked at Xu Jing in astonishment.

"What does he want to do?"

"One against the multitude?"

"How dare he!?"

"Lord Eida!"

As long as the United States kills Long Jun, the Dragon Kingdom is destined to throw a rat at us. "

"Catch Xu Jing, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely not dare to mess around!"

Hearing someone mention this, Heiichiro Eida suddenly turned pale and reprimanded in a gloomy voice: "Ota-kun, shut up!"

A hint of embarrassment flashed across the face of the guy named Ota.

That's right, the reason why these Sakura Country trainers want to attack Xu Jing is just an excuse why they can't step into the airspace.

The real reason is that they are working with the United States!

The United States besieged and killed Long Jun in the territory of the Taiping Sea.

And the mission of the Sakura Country is.

Xu Jing was the first to block the Dragon Kingdom trainers who passed through their territory and headed for the direction of the Taiping Sea, so he was stopped.

This is all done in secret.

It's definitely not okay to say it on the surface!

At this time.

One attack after another from Xu Jing's side has fallen.

Even though he was in the air, Menas, who could gain a 100% increase in the power of victory, still urged the water element, causing a huge wave to appear in the sky and suppress it downward.

Huge waves obscured the sunlight and cast a dark shadow over the ground. []

There was a trace of energy overflowing from the eyes of the Gengar hidden in the shadows, and a huge vertical pupil appeared in the sky.

The vertical pupils slowly opened, and the mysterious power encompassed all the elves below, and all the elves who were stared at by the black eyes felt that they had an invisible shackle on their bodies.

Lucario on the back of the dragon.

The results of the waveguide's power probe just now showed that there was also a champion-level and several Heavenly King-level trainers around.

What Xu Jing has to do is to defeat the champions and kings here before the other champion level reacts!

He has the power of victory in his hands.

Definitely qualified for this!


Lucario, who reopened his eyes, waved his paws!

Bright blue balls of energy like pearls of the night condensed and formed, hidden like cannonballs in the waves of Menas.

From the perspective of the trainers on the Sakura Country's side.

The terrifying wave with the blessing of the wave missile actually added a bit of abnormal beauty, but this is ......

What a great wave that can kill people!


Heiichiro Rongda originally thought that Xu Jing was just a young genius of the Dragon Kingdom, and no matter how powerful he was, he was not the opponent of the older generation.

Until the great waves of Menas were overwhelmingly suppressed.

This skill is powerful......

Definitely at the pinnacle of the championship level!

Heiichiro Eida, who looked shocked, didn't have time to think about it.

With a low shout, he was ready to let Hu Di move himself and the others away with teleportation to avoid this terrifying wave!

However, Xu Jing specifically asked Darkrai to target Hudi.

Darkrai, who has the evil attribute, is naturally the nemesis of the super elves, not to mention that he is still a phantom beast!Or has a champion beginner LV.83 level!Or Dakrai who has obtained the LV.90 level of Bicchitini's victory power amplification!?

Heiichiro Eida's spoon in his hand was just about to make a move, but suddenly his figure flickered, and he used teleportation to leave the place!

I saw that the ground where it was originally standing cracked, and a huge crack ten feet high.

A pair of pitch-black claws suddenly stretched out from the crack!

Claw it wherever it stands!


Hu Di knew that he had encountered a powerful opponent with evil attributes, and he was just about to make a move to reinforce his master, but he saw that the surroundings suddenly darkened.

A pitch-black ball of energy devoured it entirely.

Dark holes!

Hu Di, who had high hopes, was solved in this way?

Several Heavenly King trainers in the Sakura Country didn't have time to think about it, and the huge waves of ten waves of missiles in the sky rushed to suppress them.

"Boom !!"

"Boom la la !!"

Water, endless water!

The water from all directions rushed to the whole city in an instant, and the wave missiles were hidden in the turbulent surfing water, like terrifying bombs with unparalleled power, exploding everywhere in the city!


The entire city of Sakura Country's power system, network system, and various transportation systems were paralyzed.

The whole city is lost!

It's like hell on earth.

This is the horror of LV.83 Menas under the power of victory amplification!

The power of one move.

Paralyze the whole city!

There was a Heavenly King-level trainer who was killed by the huge wave on the spot, and there were no bones left, and several other Heavenly King-level trainers asked their elf partners to block this fatal blow for themselves at a critical moment.

The elves who had prevented him from the disaster were instantly exhausted.

But it didn't work!

Xu Jing, who was standing on the back of the fast dragon, looked at the two king-level trainers who were like chickens in the soup, and the killing intent surging in his heart, and his powerful superpowers quietly rushed out.

Super Impact!


Before the two Heavenly Kings had time to congratulate themselves on surviving such a huge wave, their eyes suddenly turned dark red!

The brain was blown open by the super impact.

Two Heavenly Kings, Die!

Another old guy who is equivalent to the title of Heavenly King on the side of the Dragon Kingdom was about to crack, he looked at Xu Jing in horror, as if he had guessed something, and opened his mouth wide as if shouting.

It's a pity that Xu Jing won't give him a chance.

Super Impact is a glaring again!

Stare at you!



Xu Jing was furious and destroyed the three Heavenly Kings of the Cherry Blossom Country in a row, and one of them was equivalent to the existence of the Dragon Kingdom's Titled Heavenly King.

Heiichiro Eida, the champion, is much better.

Hu Di couldn't teleport them away, though.

But the champion level is the champion level, and the spirit of the champion level reacted much more than the king level, and his blastoise stretched out the protective shield and barely managed to survive this surf for him.


Cracks appear in the protective shield.

Then came the whole collapse.

The super fossil pterosaur in the sky waved its dragon wings, and hundreds of sharp stone thorns fell like a torrential rain!

Heiichiro Eida only had time to raise his head and stare wide-eyed for the last time before his death, and roared to let the Blastoise urge to defend again, and let several other champion-level elves frantically urge their skills, just to survive this torrential rain of sharp stone attacks.

"Puff puff!"

It was the sound of stone piercing through the ground.

The solid concrete floor is like paper paste.

Looking out at the sky in the distance.

I can only see that the ground here is full of dense stone thorns, each of which is two feet high, which makes people can't help but feel numb and creepy!

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