Hudi's superpowers begin to scan.

Sirona borrowed from Gomatsu's super-powered spirit.

She herself has a super-energy elf, but her strength is not as high as Wu Song's Hu Di.

Seeing this, Gadelia next to her also called out her elf companion, Miss Goethe, the ace elf, and a symbolic bird!

"Miss Goth, the symbolic bird, you should also come and help find out!"



Miss Goethe and the Symbol Bird join Hudi's scanning team.

There is no movement in the Royal Dragon Crossing.

His elven companions are aggressive.

I don't carry an elf that can probe a large area.

Daigo's words.

Since Shirona has done it.

It's not good for him to overstep his bounds.

This time he was just helping.

But his giant gold monster is always ready.

Xu Jing noticed it at the beginning.

Daigo's giant gold monster is a real glittering form.

This white-gold luster.

From afar, it looks shiny.


Xu Jing didn't move here.

Just let Lucario out.


There's Lucario's waveguide.

You don't have to be on your own guard all the time.

Seeing Lucario, Ash and Xiao Gang's eyes lit up, obviously they didn't expect Xu Jing to have Lucario, looking at Pikachu, he said to himself: "Pikachu, I didn't expect Mr. Xu Jingxian to have Lucario, I haven't seen Lucario for a long time, right?"

"Pika_" Pikachu raised his claws in agreement.

"Wow, haven't you seen it, is this Lucario? Leolu's evolutionary form, so handsome, right, Bogaman?"

"Boga (^)" Bogaman also raised his claws.

Xiaoguang looked at Lucario, and really wanted to be able to accept one herself, but she also knew that Lucario was very rare and rare, and it was easy to encounter it without the "three-zero-three" method.

A few minutes later.

Hu Di looked at Sirona and shook his head, indicating that he had not found any trace of Team Galaxy.

"Did you use any special method?" Sirona wondered, and the three of Ash reacted, proving that the gods of the lake were nearby.

If you can't find it......

Sirona suddenly looked at the ground.

If you search normally, you can't find it.

Then it can only be the ground!

Do what you think!

"Hudi, please use your superpowers to infiltrate the underground and investigate. "

"Bite the land shark, if you detect it, it will trouble you. "


The blade of the fin of the fierce bite land shark was raised.

This time it didn't take a minute.

Hudi's exploration came back and successfully captured the traces of the galaxy!


Bite the land shark and burrow!

A huge hole was dug in the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Everyone, stay safe!"

Shirona jumped in first.

Hu Di followed.

Then came Gadelia with her two elves.

"Ash, you three go in first. "

In line with the intention of taking care of Ash, Yulongdu let the three of Ash go in first, and he was ready to cushion behind.

"Pikachu, let's go. "


Xiao Zhi and the three of them also knew that their role was to perceive the gods of the lake, and they could get in touch with the gods of the lake, so they didn't dare to slack off.

"Xu Jing ......"


Yulongdu was ready to let Xu Jing go first.

As a result, his fast dragon suddenly looked somewhere.

Daigo's giant gold monster also looked somewhere in the sky.

A huge Tyrannosaurus in the sky sped towards it, and when it opened its mouth, it was a jet of flame!

The jet of flame was swept away by the water cannon of the fast dragon, and the powerful water cannon broke its flames through the middle, and it was like a bamboo!

The opposing tyrannosaurus twisted its neck at a critical moment.

Avoided being hit head-on by a water cannon.

However, the water cannon did not fail.

Because behind the Tyrannosaurus there is an invisible giant flying machine - the car of Hunter J!

This Tyrannosaurus is naturally the one from Hunter J.

Sinnoh, a giant flying machine that can become invisible.

That's it!

Soon, the voice of Hunter J came from high in the sky:

"Yulongdu, Daigo, I took over a business, and the task is to stop the two of you for a while, so you can stay!"


As the words fell, the ground not far away collapsed, and a reddish-purple dragon king scorpion crawled out of the ground, waving its huge poisonous claw, giving people a huge sense of intimidation.

"It's Hunter J, Du, you go down first, she handed it over to me, she also did a crime in the Fangyuan area before, but I didn't expect to run into it here. Daigo looked at Hunter J's flying machine and exhaled slowly.

"Be careful, her strength may not be able to beat you, but since she can find it, she should be a little sure. "

"Well, Xu Jing, you can go down too. "

After discussing with Daigoichi, Ryudu decided to do so.

But just when the dragon is about to go down.

only to find that 6 forked bats rushed out of the jungle.

These forked bats urged the air blades towards the fast dragon of the Royal Dragon Crossing, and hundreds of terrifying blades rushed towards the face, and the fast dragon once again fired a water cannon!

"Yulongdu, you have to stay too!"

"Yo Woo!"

The captains of the three galactic teams arrived with their own elves.

It is the three captains of the red sun: Zhenxing, Suixing, and Gangxing!

These three people joined forces to use crowd tactics, and their strength should not be underestimated.

"Xu Jing, Xirona's side can only trouble you, I'll deal with them as soon as possible!"

Although the strength of these three people is not enough to see.

But you can't let them go outside, otherwise it will be very dangerous for them to go into the cave and someone will put their skills behind them.

"Okay. Xu Jing didn't care, he glanced at Hunter J and the three captains of the Galaxy team, and after his superpowers stretched out to form a protective barrier on the surface of his body, he jumped in with Lucario.

Xu Jing left.

The big war outside broke out immediately!

"Swift Dragon, Tyrannosaurus, Charizard!"

Yu Longdu called out two more elven companions.

They are the red Tyrannosaurus and Charizard!

"Fast dragon, 100,000 volts!"

"Tyrannosaurus, use dragon breath!"

"Charizard, Flame !!"

Yu Longdu ordered in a deep voice, ready to deal with the three captains of the Galaxy team as soon as possible!


Dig a cave in a cave.

Xu Jing and Lucario had already caught up with Ash and the others in front, and he told Shirona about the situation outside, and Shirona was not discouraged when she heard that Daigo and Yuryūdu were entangled.

After all, she is also very confident in her own strength!

And there is also Xu Jing and Gadelia next to it!


Suddenly, a vigilant voice came from Hudi.

"Scoop. Lucario also looked in a certain direction, stretching out his claws to protect Xu Jing behind him.


"Poga ......"

Pikachu and Bogaman looked at each other, unclear.

At some point.

"Bang !!"

The rock wall shattered suddenly, and a dark purple tank skunk scratched through the rock wall with its claws, and after discovering that Xu Jing and the others were here, it was ready to release poisonous gas as soon as possible.


In response, it was a bone energy bar condensed from ground-based elements - the bone rod was beaten!

Ground system, restrain drug system!

The attribute of the tank skunk is poison + evil, and this attribute combination makes it only the ground type attribute that can restrain it.

Coincidentally, Lucario has a ground skill.

One move of bone stick indiscriminate attack restrained, directly causing the tank skunk whose strength reached the quasi-heavenly king level to be seriously injured.

Congratulations to the host, your Lucario defeated the Tank Skunk and gained 1860 XP (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Tsk, the champion mid-level Lucario can only gain less than 2,000 experience points for defeating the quasi-heavenly king-level elves......

"It's so awesome A" Xiaoguang said that before he could react, the tank skunk was put down.

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang next to him also expressed shock in their hearts.

This Lucario is probably stronger than any of the ones they have encountered before!

No wonder Mr. Xu Jing said that he was a trainer at the same level as Shirona Yulongdu.

"We've got to speed up!"

"It's too dangerous in a cavern that's dug!"

Sirona immediately asked Lie to bite the land shark and Hudi to speed up.

Apparently, the Galactic team found them too.

Doing everything they can to stop them.

Once the tank skunk releases poison gas in the cavern, it will only release a fire-based skill......

Good guys, so don't the whole cave just blow up to the ground?


The fierce bite land shark cooperates with Hudi's pointing direction, and the speed of burrowing is getting faster and faster.


The rock wall shattered again.

Two rumbles fell in.


Big Bang!?


Xu Jing let out a low snort.

Lucario clawed together.

Defend and stretch out an indestructible protective shield, enveloping everyone in it, and the next moment, the big explosion starts!


The two rumbles were silent.

The rock wall shattered directly, and a large amount of earth began to press down, and the force of violent squeezing came from all directions.

At the critical moment, Hu Di launched a teleportation!

Teleport away with everyone.

If Hu Di didn't teleport again, Xu Jing would be ready to call Biktini out and slip away.


The place where the teleportation appears is an open field.

The mud here smells earthy everywhere.

The traces of various renovations are very visible.

Obviously, it didn't take long to get out here.

There are also lights around, and you don't have to look to know who made it - Team Galaxy!


Lucario pointed ahead.

There's an open door there!

Outside the door of the cave, there were still many members of the Galaxy Team wearing the Galaxy Team system, all of them wearing masks0 ...

In front of him are poisonous elves!

"Cha Cha Cha!"


"Forked bat, blast with venom!"

"Tank skunk, poison gas!"

Dozens of powerful poison elves did not choose to attack Sirona and the others head-on, but chose this way of releasing poisonous gas to achieve the interception effect and delay time.

The terrifying purple elemental began to spread across the area, and Sirona threw out a Poké Ball, calling the Manatee out.

"Manateemon, the power of the earth!"


Manatee beasts let out a low roar similar to that of a cow or a sheep.

The ground-based elements condensed around it in an instant, and under the action of the ground-based elements, the venom and poisonous gas became useless.

"Damn, brothers, for the sake of our new world, rush!"

"Yes! The leader will soon succeed in creating a whole new world, where there is no strife, nothing worldly!"

"Come on! Tank Skunk ......"

Dozens of members of Team Galaxy made up their minds.

But in the face of absolute strength.

Determination is also useless.

"Geng Ghost! Hypnosis!"

Sirona, who entered the battle mode, was extremely decisive, felt that she couldn't delay her kung fu any longer, and was preparing to let Hu Di use hypnosis!

As a result, I heard Xu Jing next to him send an order.

There are dozens of elves here, Xu Jing thought about not wasting experience points, just let his Geng ghost harvest experience.


The purple fat man Geng Ghost smiled, his scarlet hot tongue stirred in his snow-white teeth, and superpowers kept spilling out of his eyeballs.


"Woo ......"

One by one, the cross-shaped bats and the tank skunks fell weakly, especially the cross-shaped bats, who only remembered the mud falling from the ceiling and collapsed on the ground motionless.

Congratulations to the host, your Gengar defeated the Forked Bat and gained 920 XP]

Congratulations to the host, your Gengh defeated the Tank Skunk and gained 960 XP]

Congratulations to the host, your Gengh defeated the Poison Skull Frog and gained 1560 XP


One by one, the poison elves fell.

After Xu Jing let Geng Ghost harvest more than 30,000 experience points, there were no other members of the Galaxy Team around to stop him.

The three of Ash blinked.

The Poké Ball in his hand hasn't been thrown yet......

The battle is over!

"Ash, it's good that we don't help. Gang sighed and patted Ash on the shoulder, Ash smiled and withdrew the Poké Ball.


The voices of the gods of the lake sounded again in the hearts of the trio.

"Miss Sirona, Mr. Xu Jing, they are calling us again, and they seem to be feeling pain!"

"That's right, Yaknom wants us to help it!"

The three of them hurriedly shouted.

"I see!"

The people came to the entrance of the cave.

It turns out that the hole is full of venom!

This Galaxy team is really trying to stall for time by all means!

Shirona looked at Hu Di, hoping that Hu Di could teleport with everyone again, and teleport directly to the side of the 5.2 Galaxy Team Red Sun.

Who would have thought that Hu Di would shake his head: "Sigh......"

Xu Jing also frowned, feeling that his superpower was suppressed by an inexplicable force, and he could still mobilize it, but he felt very awkward.

"It should be very special here, the superpowers are suppressed here, what about you, Gadelia?" Xu Jing looked at Gadelia.

"Yes, my superpowers also have an effect, I shouldn't be able to teleport, I can only walk there. "Gadelia had just let her elves try, but it didn't work.

After hearing this, Sirona asked the manatee to activate the skill again:

"Manatee, turbidity!"



The surging turbidity current rushed forward, and the venom in the channel was quickly submerged and disappeared under the impact of the turbidity current's water-based elements.

"Bang !!"

After everyone passed through the passage, they soon entered a cave again, and the cave was glowing with bursts of blue light, as if it was a strange formation.

On each side is a huge statue that comes to life.

On the left is Luca, the Dragon of Time.

On the right is the space dragon Palukiru!

If you look closely, you can see that these two statues are surrounded by dense red chains!

In the strange formation below the statue, the strangely shaped spear pillar door is suspended, and in the triangular direction are Yukishi, Emli, and Yaknom, representing the gods of the lake!

In the middle of the strange formation are the Vajra Jade Soul and the White Jade Soul!

And the red sun is standing in the middle of the two jade souls!

Hearing the movement, Akari turned his head.

He looked crazy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop laughing wildly: "Hahaha! Sirona, you come one step later, and then let you witness the new world I am about to create!"


Formation activated!

The two dragon statues shimmer!.

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