"Then let's start the elf battle between Sirona and Xu Jing, and the two sides will adopt a 1V1 battle method, and the point will be up. "

"The referees are temporarily served by me and Daigo. "

"After the battle between me and Daigo, I also asked Sirona to be the referee. "

At the foot of Tianguan Mountain.

An extraordinarily spacious open space.

This is a famous battle site at the foot of Tianguan Mountain.

Trainers who come to Tianguan Mountain often come here to compete in elf battles.

Xu Jing, Xirona, Yulongdu, Daigo, and Jiadelia 5 people just came here.

When they arrived.

There are already two trainers engaged in elven battles.

There were also three people watching the game.

One of the teenagers was dressed in casual clothes with purple hair and was named Shinji.

Wait for the two trainers in the match to finish the match.

It was Xu Jing's turn to be them.

Three of these trainers are Sinnoh natives.

Recognize Shirona at a glance!

This is the crown of their Sinnoh region!

At this moment.

Listen to Ryuto and Daigo as referees.

The trainers just now looked excited, and one of them pressed down his excitement and said to Shinji next to him: "Shinji!

Ah Xun looked at a few people on the field and continued: "I didn't expect to meet Her Majesty Shirona again, and there are two others, the red-haired one must be Mr. Yuryūdu, he is the champion of the Kanto region, but unfortunately Ash and they are not here." "

"The other should be the former champion of the Fangyuan region, Mr. Zvoqi Daigo, ahh

"Be quiet!" Shinji frowned.

Ah Xun, a tall, thin man with short blond hair, appears in the Sinnoh region in the elf anime.

And Shinji next to him.

is Ash's fierce rival in the Sinnoh region.

It was a complete coincidence that Ah Xun and Shinji met at the foot of Mt. Tencan.

I ran into Shirona!

Now it seems that they will be able to see the champion Sirona fight again, so how can they, as Sinnoh trainers, not be excited?

Shinji is no longer the Shinji he used to be.

This made him face up to the gap between himself and the champion more and more.

He looked at Xu Jing who was standing opposite Sirona with a solemn and curious face, and began to search for the big people on this side of the elven world in his mind.

In the end, only 240 results were obtained, and no such person was found.

"It's strange, the person who can fight against Her Majesty Sirona will never be an ordinary person, why don't I know it?"

Shinji was puzzled and stared at Xu Jing without blinking.

To know.

It doesn't matter where the elven world is.

A truly powerful trainer, Shinji has specialized in it.

Several other trainers were also very excited.

For fear of missing out on any moment of the championship matchup.

"Xu Jing, you have also seen that with the trainers in the Sinnoh region by my side, I will not show mercy to my subordinates. Sirona looked at Xu Jing, who was already ready, and listened to the excited words of the trainers in the distance, and she smiled at Jing'er.

"Of course, go all out. "Xu Jing is fearless.

Instead, he looked at Sirona with fiery eyes.

"It seems that our refereeing task is not easy to do. "

Next to it, the dragon crosses the head of Daigo.

"Yes, but my huge gold monster is there, and it's not a big problem. "

Daigo has called out his giant gold monster.

Yuryūdu also called out his two elves.

Their role is to let Xu Jing and Sirona's elf fighting skills not cause too much damage to the venue.

Everything is ready to go.

The gesture of the Royal Dragon Ferry suddenly raised!

"Both sides release the elves!"

"Bang bang!"

Xu Jing and Sirona released the spirit at the same time.

Xu Jing's side is a fossil pterosaur!

And Sirona's side is ...... Pokkiss!

Although it was a little regrettable that he couldn't fight with Sirona's fierce bite land shark, Xu Jing also understood the reason.

Sirona's fierce bite land shark is already LV.89, the pinnacle of the championship level.

And this Porkis.

Xu Jing lost an eye of probing to check the information.

[Elf: Pokkiss (Fairy + Row)]


[Level: LV.85 (Champion Intermediate)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (30) Attack (29) Defense (31) Special Attack (31) Special Defense (31) Speed (27)]

[Trait: Vitality (has an unusually lively power, physical attack is increased to 1.5 times, and physical attack skills are easier to hit)]

[Skills: Shadow Ball, Magic Shine, Fairy Wind, Kiss of Absorption, Air Blade, Whirlwind Knife, Meditation, Air Slash, Divine Power, Moon Power, ......]

Tsk, worthy of Sirona's Pokkis.

You know, Porkis series sprites are very rare.

It is usually impossible to encounter in the wild.

And in the urban world on Xu Jing's side, the Porkis series is rarely seen.

Not to mention the female Pokkeis.

They are predominantly male!

Although it can't be compared to Lucario's rarity, it seems that Sirona also has Lucario, right?


Pokkeis and Fossil Pterodactyl flew through the sky at the same time.

Ryuto looked at Daigo.

They both nodded at the same time.

In the next moment, the giant golden monster's superpower will wrap the battlefield with a super energy barrier.

Because it's a champion-level elf battle.

As a result, the area where the Giant Gold Monster is wrapped in a Super Barrier is large and large.

The length and width are 1500 meters!

The height is also 150 meters!

With such a huge space, it is easy to be wrapped by the giant gold monster, which is enough to see the strength of Dawu's giant gold monster.

Seeing that the problem of the venue had been solved, Yulongdu looked at the two who were ready and announced expectantly: "Two, the battle begins!"

"Fairy Wind!"

Sirona was the first to give the order.

Pokkiss was extremely agile in the air, and the elf elemental energy was urging, and the two wings shook.

The feathers fluttered rapidly and a violent wind vibrated from there.

The wind tore at the fossil pterosaur on the opposite side with tearing force.

"Move at high speed!"

Xu Jing subconsciously spoke.

After speaking, he remembered that he was now able to give instructions directly to his elves through telepathy.


As the wind swept in, the fossil pterosaur disappeared in place, moving faster at high speeds.

After the Fairy Wind attack failed, he immediately returned, and under the control of Pokkiss, the Fairy Wind was simply driven by his arm.

However, the speed of the fossil pterosaur can far exceed that of Pokkiss, and under the effect of high-speed movement, the sky even appears with the remnant of the fossil pterosaur.

The Super Barrier was blown to a screech.

Daigo's giant gold monster controls the barrier wholeheartedly.

Don't let other places suffer.

"Fossil pterosaur, don't worry, rush over!"

Xu Jingming gave instructions on the face.

As a matter of fact.

Secretly, the fossil pterosaur received this battle order in his mind: "Lure the fairy wind past, and when you reach Pokkiss, move away at high speed again, and at the same time use a roar to scare Pokkiss!"

Why are trainers who learn telepathy scary?

The reason is that after learning this ability, it is just a thought to respond to the elves' instructions with inspiration!

Although I watched it, I still said a long time.

What can be conveyed to fossil pterosaurs is only a matter of moments.

Therefore, as long as Xu Jing's eyesight can keep up.

Even if it's a battle between high-level elves.

Xu Jing also had time to give instructions to his elf companion and let him respond in an instant!

The fossil pterosaur rushed towards him, and Pokkiss did not sit still and wait for Sirona's orders, and the awareness of autonomous combat accumulated over the years allowed it to know how to deal with the current situation.

I saw that it vibrated its body again at a certain speed, and its white and tiny feathers floated around Pokkiss, covering the entire sky tightly.


These feathers, under the control of Pokkiss, formed a wall of more than ten meters in front of him, and rushed madly towards the fossil pterosaur!

Xu Jing's eyes widened.

He could see what kind of skill it was, Air Blade! (aded) had never seen such a terrifying air blade.

The dense feathers were all a sharp blade of air.


When the air blade slashes over.

Slash the surrounding air to a sneer!(Read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Fossil pterosaur, hold on!"

In the mind of the fossil pterosaur, Xu Jing immediately changed his mind.

Moving at high speed is not teleporting.

Teleportation can teleport, but high-speed movement is just fast, and this dense thousands of small air blades cut over, no matter how fast the speed is.

The pale green energy shield had just been raised.

The sound of ping-pong was heard immediately.

There was a terrifying explosion in the air.

"Primordial Power!"

When the explosion was about to end, Xu Jing was able to clearly detect the exhaustion of the energy of the air blade through his superpowers, allowing the fossil pterosaur to fight back immediately.


Rays of primordial force swept like lasers.

Pokkiss leaned over, dodging the primordial force, and looked up to face the situation of the fossilized pterosaur.

The pillars of rock in the sky are condensed and formed!

Sharp Stone Attack!



The sharp stone pillars several meters long poured down like a torrential rain in an instant, nailing down towards Pokkiss!

"Divine power!"

Sirona frowned, obviously so many sharp stone attacks were beyond her expectations, sharp stone attacks were much more terrifying than air blades, and much more powerful, fossil pterosaurs could condense so much!

Porkis controlled the supernatural power around his body, creating a swirling force in front of him. []

Make its whole body look like an electric drill.

Harness the power of supernatural control.

Disrupted the direction of attack of the oncoming sharp stone pillars, and all of them staggered to meet these stone pillars head-on.

But it doesn't matter if it's supernatural powers.

Air blades are no different.

Although these two skills were mastered by Porkies, they were too powerful after all.

Not enough to see!

A sharp stone pillar tenaciously broke through Pokkiss's supernatural power, Pokkis's aura was disrupted, and the rhythm was immediately chaotic, the first sharp stone pillar slammed into its chest, and the remaining sharp stone pillars followed wildly!

Boom Boom Boom !!

The original super barrier began to crumble, and there was a faint risk of collapse.

"Damn! These two people are such a big pomp when they make a shot!"

"Giant Golden Monster!"

Daigo was taken aback by the power of the fossil pterosaur's sharp stone attack.

Hurriedly asked the giant gold monster to increase the stability of the super energy barrier

In the air, the sharp stone attacks exploded like cannonballs, and Pokkiss bore the brunt of it, but it didn't sit still after the supernatural power was broken.

Its outstretched wings allowed it to speed through the battlefield and dodge the spike attacks, rushing towards the fossil pterosaur.

Such a terrifying stone attack made Pokkiss gasp a little, and this was the power to restrain it!

"The power of the moon!"

Shirona ordered again.

"Super Shock!"

This time, Xu Jing had no telepathy.

Instead, he blurted out a super shock.

The sunlight in the sky here was blocked by the clouds at some point, and the full moon that was supposed to come out at night appeared from within the clouds.

The power of the moon condensed around Pokkiss's body, reflecting his entire body in a brilliant light.

The dazzling light shields Pokkith as he rushes towards the Fossil Pterodactyl!

And the fossil pterosaur also has a strong purple mangs around it that converge into a rapidly rotating energy wave, super impactful!


For the first time, the skills of the two sides collided head-on!

In the end, it is Porkis who suffers.

It's not just the level, it's also the power of the skill.

The power of Super Impact is 150!

Pokkis's moon power was shattered, and his entire body was crushed against the super barrier by the fossil pterosaur.

"Crunch squeak!"

The super energy barrier, which was already crumbling again, was overwhelmed again, and dense cobweb cracks filled the entire sky in an instant, and finally shattered with a "click"!

Pokkiss was carried by a fossil pterosaur and fell to the ground like a meteorite, and with a bang, the ground cracked more than a dozen cracks more than a meter wide.

The earth cracked with a roar, and the wild elves in the distant forest were disturbed by the movement and fled in all directions.

Without the "protection" of the super energy barrier, the terrifying aura that belongs to the champion level makes these wild elves who are far away from each other like facing a great enemy, scrambling to be the first, for fear that they will escape slowly.

Pokkiss was crushed under a fossil pterosaur.

I was seriously injured.

The difference in grades is not small.

It was not easy to be hit by a sharp stone attack first, and now by a super impact, and not to be unconscious on the spot.

Sirona also seemed to be shocked by the power of the super shock skill of the fossil pterosaur.

Daigo and Ryuto glanced at each other.

There was a solemnity in his eyes.

Sirona lost both.

Although not the strongest trump card with a fierce bite land shark.

But the battle just now didn't fall into a state of anxiety.

If they play with ace elves.

That's it.

This proves the strength of Xu Jing, a trainer from another world......

No less than their champions!

"Fossil pterosaur wins!"

Because it's a competitive battle, it's up to the point.

Now Pokkiss is clearly unable to fight again.

So the winner is decided.

Congratulations to the host, your Fossil Pterodactyl defeated Pokkis and gained 500 XP]

Twenty-five thousand!

Tsk, this would be cool if it was an experience crit......

Xu Jing secretly regretted it.

"Sister Sirona, you lost. "

A few people leaned over, and Gadelia was even more stunned, the sister Shirona she knew had never lost, and she actually lost today?

"This fossil pterosaur was well cultivated by Xu Jing, it should be the pinnacle of the champion level, very strong!"

Sirona retracted Pokkis and looked at Xu Jing's fossil pterosaur without hesitating her approval.

The pinnacle of the championship level, the ace elf strength in the hands of the champion of the regional league! .

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