Recently, there has been an extremely absurd claim circulating in the world, that is, the Dragon Kingdom has found an entrance to another world.

The entrance to another world means that the dragon kingdom can enter another world!

The original poster was an English name.

The original intention of the post means that his super elves have broken through a new level of control in the skill of predicting the future, so they have predicted something that may happen.

The post also lists a series of events.

Among them was the listing of the Dragon Kingdom's discovery of the entrance to another world, which caused an international uproar after the post was published.

Although the Elven Secret Realm is also another world.

But the secret world has been collectively referred to as the elven secret world.

The statement of the other world is obviously not an elven secret realm.

Is that another world like an urban world?

This statement has aroused international discussion.

They are all trainers who like to express their opinions on the international extranet, and they have set off a heated discussion and have not attracted the attention of other countries, but the trainers in the Dragon Country and other countries are also aware of the existence of this post.

For a while, they joined the discussion army.

"No, predicting the future can really predict what will happen in the future, that's outrageous!"

"I'm in the Dragon Country, and I don't see any entrances to another world. "

"Hehe, if there is an entrance to another world, I will be the first to rush in, I don't know what the beauty of another world looks like. "

"Upstairs you're more outrageous T T"

"Laughing to death, if there is really an entrance to another world, wouldn't it have been exposed long ago?

"Indeed, I only know that there is a secret realm in the Dragon Kingdom that has been blocked, but if it is really the entrance to the other world that has been discovered, it will be terrible. "

For these discussions.

Xu Jing watched it for fun.

He came to the secret realm of Linggu again, and now he was looking at the mysterious cave above the sky from a distance that was getting clearer and clearer, and no one could understand the excitement in his heart.

Led by Granny Long and another champion-level Big 03.

Plus Xu Jing, there are 5 titled kings!

In addition, there are several high-level Heavenly Kings waiting.

"Buzz ......"

The mysterious cave has changed from the original black hole shape to the current name shape, which tends to be white.

If you look closely, it's easy to see that behind the white you seem to be able to see something that doesn't belong here.

The Titled Heavenly Kings were a little nervous.

Not to mention other high-ranking Heavenly Kings.

They each have 2 elven companions by their side.

The other Poké Balls are ready to be thrown out at any time.

The scene of the mysterious cave is getting more and more solid.

Until a certain point, the energy fluctuations stop completely.

Granny Long looked at Xu Jing.

Everyone also looked at Xu Jing.

Xu Jing nodded, and the power of the Lucario waveguide next to him gushed out, Xu Jing's palm touched its back, and the waveguide shared!

On the other side, the crowd led by Sirona was also looking forward to it.

Sirona's super-strength flows into the hole.

The second exchange between the two sides began.

Sirona: "You're punctual, it looks like the time is the same in both worlds?"

After Xu Jing read the meaning of the other party's Sirona, he also released a message to Sirona through the power of the waveguide: "Of course, let's try to see if the items and lifeforms can pass through the hole, right?"

The two sides agreed.

Xu Jing poked a wooden stick that had been prepared earlier towards the entrance of the cave, and the wooden stick was swallowed by the hole accurately.

Sirona, on the other side, quickly said that she saw the stick intact, and she quickly handed a water cup through the hole.

Xu Jing witnessed the appearance of the water glass.

Items can be successfully passed!

And then there's the living body.

Xu Jing is preparing 3 "10,000-year experimental subjects".

- Guinea pigs!

The genes of mice are highly similar to those of humans.

Naturally, it's perfect for testing.

The three mice crawled out of the utensils in a daze.

Crawl towards the white, transparent hole.



On the other side of the hole.

Sirona and the others watched as the mice crawled over.

Everything works fine.

They also let the animals go.

In the end, the two worlds are confirmed, and everything is normal at the entrance of the cave!

Items and lifeforms are unimpeded!

And then there's the much-anticipated ......

Enter each other's worlds!

The urban world is led by the self-volunteering Xu Jing!

Granny Long was afraid that Xu Jing would be in danger alone, so she specially took the two Flame Heavenly Kings and the Flying Heavenly Kings, as well as several other Heavenly Kings and Xu Jing.

There were also several trainers from the elven world on the other side who came over at the same time.

At this time, the distance between the mysterious cave entrance has expanded to a width of zhang xu.

It's okay to accommodate these people through at the same time.

In a trance.

Xu Jing seemed to see that the other party was led by an old man with a brown hedgehog head, which was ......

"Is Dr. Damu leading the team?" Xu Jing thought to himself.

As an important research doctor in the elven world, Dr. Oki has made great contributions to the development of elves, and it is often easy to overlook his own trainer strength!

Xu Jingke didn't believe it.

A Ph.D. in elven studies who can make such a big contribution.

How weak will your own trainer be?

Guaranteed champion starts, right?

This is Xu Jing's guaranteed guess about Dr. Damu's strength.

When Xu Jing, Granny Long, Flame Heavenly King, Flying Heavenly King and the others passed through the white hole, they could clearly feel a special force sweeping over them.

This made the hearts of the people cautious.

It's not a game that I play at your house after you come to my house as a guest, it's the first official meeting between two worlds or two civilizations!

I really believe in a verbal agreement, that's a joke.

Go through the hole.

The air here shocked Xu Jing and the others.

The air here seemed to be fresher than the air in their secret realm, and Xu Jing used the power of the waveguide to wrap himself and Granny Long and a few people inside.

At the same time, he looked around.

The first thing that catches your eye is a tall, exotic beautiful girl with long blond hair and a tight black trench coat.

The tight-fitting trench coat brings out its perfect figure well, and although the world is different, there is not much surprise in the foreign trade of human beings living in the two worlds.

Not far behind the girl stood a dark purple dragon-type quasi-god elf-Fierce Bite Land Shark!

This is the crown of the Sinnoh region, who is also the champion of the alliance - Sirona!

That biting land shark is naturally Sirona's ace elf!

Xu Jing took a deep breath.

See the real Shirona with your own eyes!

When Xu Jing looked at Sirona.

Sirona was also looking at Xu Jing.

"So young!"

This was Sirona's first impression of Xu Jing.

Xu Jing, so young that he doesn't talk like that!

The few trainers from another world beside Xu Jing looked a little more normal.

Except for Sirona.

Granny Kikuno, Gomatsu, Daye, Aliu and several high-level Sinnoh Alliance trainers beside her were also on guard and looking at Xu Jing and the others.

And when Sirona felt the power of the surging waveguide in Xu Jing's body, Sirona was sure that Xu Jing was the one who communicated with her before.

She opened and closed her mouth slightly, and took the initiative to greet: "......"

Xu Jing couldn't understand what she said.

Sirona remembered the language barrier.

Hurriedly like before.

Push your own super-strength to move.

Connect with the power of Xu Jing's waveguide.

Convey the meaning you want to express to the power of the waveguide with the power of super-restraint.

In fact, Xu Jing can also use the power of the waveguide to listen to Sirona's words, but then he will use the power of the waveguide to wrap the other party, which is not very polite to the visitors from another world who meet for the first time.

Granny Long and the others all knew what Sirona was going to say through the power of the waveguide, and the other party made a simple self-introduction.

Then the two sides began to transform each other's meanings with the power of superrestraint and the power of waveguides, and communicated with each other.

Sirona: "These are the trading items and materials we have prepared for you, and they are all ready. "

Hearing this, the eyes of Xu Jing and Granny Long and the others fell on the things that were prepared not far away.

There were ores, all sorts of things that couldn't be seen, there were paper copies, and there was a notebook.

Notebooks are used to hold scientific research materials and technologies.

As long as you have a power on, you can check it.

"Xu Jing, you ask them if they mind if we call the elves out. "Granny Long asks this crucial question.

Come to another world.

There are no elven companions around.

They're still a little uncomfortable with that. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Taking out elf partners can also let these people from other worlds see their strength, which can also be regarded as a deterrent.

At the same time, it is also a temptation.

If these trainers from the other world really mind if they take out their elven partners, then the other party's attitude is questionable.

"Sirona, my companions want to know if you mind if we call out our elven companions. "

Xu Jing began to speak as a "translator".

I heard the other party call out the elf buddy.

Sirona wasn't surprised, but suggested that she would call out her elf companion as well.

After all, Xu Jing took out the elves.

Sirona: They also have to think about their own safety.

The two sides agreed.

Immediately after that, Poké Balls were thrown.

Powerful elves condensed from the white light.

Xu Jing also called out his Lucario and Geng Ghost.

The Four Heavenly Kings on Sirona's side also called out two main elves, and Sirona herself threw out the Poké Ball, calling out a Pokkis.

The elf companion who met Xu Jing was Lucario.

Shirona was impressed with Xu Jing again.

Whether it's in the elven world or in the urban world.

The Lucarios all have a special meaning.

And to be able to get the approval of the Lucario clan as a trainer, the character is definitely not much worse.

The Flame King and the Flying King felt a little pressured in their hearts. []

The two exchanged eye contacts.

"Lao Lan, the strength of the three young people on the other side is not simple, and the strength of the elves seems to have caught up with you and me. "

"It's true, although it's not as good as you and me, but it's really powerful at this age. "

"Yes, at the same age, only Long Jun Mianxia and Xu Jing on our side may be able to compare with them. "

"What's even more powerful is that girl with long blond hair, who gives me no weaker feeling than Long Junmian. "

He Yan and Lan Fei have known each other for many years.

The two old friends can understand each other's general meaning with their eyes.

They felt the elven aura of the three Four Heavenly Kings of Daye, Ah Liu, and Wu Song, and sighed with emotion.

However, the strength of these three young people cannot compare to them.

Really make them look sideways.

It's Sirona who is communicating with Xu Jing.

Through Xu Jing's translation just now.

They knew that this beautiful girl with long blond hair was named Sirona, and it gave them the feeling of facing the dragon crown!

The strength is very strong!

After a few minutes of communication.

Granny Long then offered to inspect the science and technology materials that Shirona and the others were using to trade.

Half an hour after the busy day.

Granny Long and the others were satisfied.

The elven research and technology research of this other world is much higher than that of their urban world.

Although 827 knew that these things that could be traded must not be core technologies and core materials, but she could obtain them in the first transaction, and Granny Long was already satisfied.

Don't worry, after all, the coming day is long!

Soon, 1 hour was up.

There is an agreement between the two worlds before the visitors of both sides enter each other's worlds.

That was 1 hour later.

Visitors from both sides are allowed to return to their respective worlds and send back confirmation messages for the people in charge of their respective worlds.

Although the process is a bit tedious.

But it's all for the development of the world.

Xu Jing has a temperament.

Wait for both sides to enter each other's world again.

Another 30 minutes passed.

The transaction is complete!

Under Xu Jing's excitement.

He was once again on the elven side.

The person who came over this time on the other side was still led by Dr. Ohki, but there were two more Four Heavenly Kings who followed, it was Granny Kikuno and Gomatsu!

Mother-in-law Kikuno is getting older.

But the mentality has always been on par with young people.

There is a chance to come to another world.

How could Granny Kikuno miss it?

The other, Gomatsu's words, is curiosity!

Curious if the elves of the other world are exactly the same as the elven world, and curious about what the strength of the people here is?

Xu Jing's side, Granny Long didn't come over again.

Xu Jing was accompanied by the Flame King and the Flying King.

Xu Jing, who came over again, stared at Sirona with burning eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that it would be seen as a provocation to challenge him when he first arrived, Xu Jing probably couldn't help but challenge Sirona, the Sinnoh champion!

When I used to watch elf anime.

The first time I saw Sirona make a move was Shinji's challenge, and at that time I felt that Sirona was really heroic and strong!

Now Sirona was right in front of her.

Of course, Xu Jing wants to challenge!

And there is also a chance to challenge three other world champions and defeat the side quests, which is a chance to draw a high-level card.

I wonder what unexpected rewards this high-level gacha can bring to me as I come to the elf world?

As soon as he thought of this, Xu Jing's sense of anticipation was full!

"Xu Jing, I will be your tour guide next, what do you want to know, I can answer your questions. "

Since it is to let Xu Jing and others understand the elven world.

Nashirona made a few suggestions.

The first is to learn the language of the elven world!

I don't know how to speak the language here, and it's not convenient anywhere.

Xu Jing has the power of waveguide.

But what about the others?

The second is to take Xu Jing and others to learn about the Sinnoh region.

In fact, these Xu Jing understand very well.

However, the Flame Heavenly King, the Flying Heavenly King, and several other Heavenly Kings didn't understand, so Xu Jing didn't say anything and agreed to Sirona's arrangement.

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