Xu Jing walked into the secret hall.

There were a lot fewer trainers in the hall at this time.

Xu Jing didn't see a few trainers when he came in.

I don't know if they are all running outside to the square to watch the excitement.

After looking for the staff to spend some money to buy a room.

Xu Jing took his elf companions to stay - the room!

This is still the secret inner part of the dragon's lair, and there is no way to leave the secret world to the other side of the world, so the single rooms here are very expensive!

The price of a room overnight has reached 200,000!

But what about how expensive it is?

The flower still has to be spent!

200,000 Union Coins can be easily spent.

The location of the entire secret hall, there are only 20 such rooms in total, and the demand exceeds supply!

The trainer who can come to the dragon's nest, who is the 200,000 you owe?

Xu Jing is lucky, it is estimated that those people went to the dragon's nest to find the dragon egg before, so there was a spare room to buy.

It didn't take long to get back to the room.

The supper included in the room plan was delivered!

This is the simplest but most expensive supper Xu Jing has ever eaten, a large portion of egg fried rice and some meat snacks that can be eaten by human elves.

Even so, it is still a delicacy for Xu Jing.

After so many days at the core of the dragon's nest, the barbecued meat and fish I ate this afternoon can be regarded as a temporary relief for my stomach.

After distributing the meat snacks to the big guys.

Xu Jing began to show off with this large portion of egg fried rice.

The secret hall here is not yet netted.

There was no interference from watching videos while eating, and Xu Jing quickly finished showing off a large portion of egg fried rice.

I took out my phone and took a picture.

- The most expensive and memorable egg fried rice!

Elf companions also rarely get a good night's sleep.

March 19, 8:30 a.m.

As soon as he slept until he woke up naturally, Xu Jing felt that his whole body was alive, and he made a phone call to ask the staff of the secret realm hall to bring breakfast over.

While waiting for breakfast.

Xu Jing and Lucario stood on the washstand and brushed their teeth together, and only Lucario and Xu Jing could stand here and brush together, Geng's mouth and teeth were too big, Gerala was not used to it, Menas was a water elf, and he didn't need it at all.

Not to mention fossil pterosaurs and Darkrai.

After brushing your teeth and washing your face, breakfast is delivered!

2 cups of high-protein milk, 10 hard-boiled eggs!

Simple, right? Pretty simple.

"Wait, what about my elven buddy?"

When the staff was about to leave, Xu Jing called out the other party.

"Excuse me sir, but there is an additional charge. "

"Okay, get me some more, and help me get some more energy cubes. "

200,000 lives were spent overnight.

It's not a lot of money.

Xu Jing sighed that this place is a gold cave.

While obediently paying for it.

Cash is almost gone.

Go out today after going to Peng Laosan's intelligence place to take a look!

Xu Jing's elf companions finished their morning shift.

After Xu Jing put the energy cube away, it was almost 10 o'clock in the morning.

Walking out of the door, Xu Jing, who was about to check out, saw the scene outside and calmed down.


Is this a wet market?

Look around.

The space of the secret realm hall was crowded.

Many trainers have different opinions.

Although none of the voices are very loud.

But there are more people who open their mouths.

"Lao Chen, are you here to try your luck too?"

"Haha, Lao Wu, do you still say that you are still talking about me? Don't you come yourself, and you still say that you won't come, slap your face?"

"Hehe, I still can't hold it, that's a fast dragon egg, quasi-god! If you're really lucky, you can get it, tsk......"

"There are so many people coming. "

"The news has spread like crazy outside, and almost everyone who has a little connection knows it, and many guys with two or three quasi-heavenly king elves in their hands have come. "

"There are still some people wandering in other secret realms, if those people also know, I'm afraid there will be more people coming!"

These people are here to try their luck.

Whoever is really lucky.

That's really getting rich once!

This kind of scene is normal when there are particularly precious treasures or elves in the secret realm.

The news of the fast dragon egg came out.

Without this scene, I can't stand the name of the fastest god in the world!

Xu Jing carried a backpack and led Lucario through the crowd in the hall to the outside of the square.

There are also some team trainers in the square who are doing pre-departure checks.

Xu Jing didn't check anything, and sent out the Poké Ball of the Fossil Pterodactyl and threw it towards the sky.


The white light condensed the huge figure of the fossil pterosaur in the sky, and Xu Jing and Lucario jumped up at the same time with full tacit understanding, and landed firmly on the back of the fossil pterosaur.

"Northeast wind direction, let's go!"

The fossil pterosaur roared and flapped its wings into the air.

The flapping of their wings during take-off caused gusts of wind pressure in the square, and some unprepared flying elves were almost blown down by the wind pressure!

Watching the fossil pterosaur disappear into a small black dot.

The trainers in the square pointed their fingers one by one.

"Who is this? I didn't have time to see it clearly. "

"It seems to be a very young offspring, tsk, judging from the size of this fossil pterosaur, it is very strong!"

"Why did he go northeast? Isn't he here to try his luck and find a quick dragon egg?"

"Don't talk about him, we're ready to go!"


How did these people know that the fast dragon egg they were thinking about was in Xu Jing's backpack that had just left!

15:46 p.m.!

After a few hours of galloping.

The fossil pterosaur carried Xu Jing and Lucario across a distance of thousands of kilometers again, and came to a white expanse.

Standing on the back of the fossil pterosaur, he used a telescope to look at the scene below over and over again, and after Xu Jing also used the power of the waveguide to investigate, Xu Jing patted the fossil pterosaur and ordered: "It seems to be here, let's go down." "

According to Peng Laosan's intelligence.

By chance, he discovered the secret of the edge of the secret realm, in the east of a forest of fire thorn trees tens of meters high, which was the edge of the secret realm.

Here, Peng Laosan can occasionally hear a voice from the edge that does not belong to this secret realm!

It's scary to say.

As we all know, the elven secret realm is not a spherical body like the earth, so why can the approximate space area be accurately measured?

The answer is......

Elven Secret Realm has boundaries!

What is Boundary?

Standing on the back of a slowly descending fossil pterosaur, Xu Jing looked to the east of the Flame Thorn Forest, where there seemed to be a white thick fog!

The wind can't blow away, the cremation can't be cremated, and it has existed for many years!

These white things are the boundaries of the secret realm.

Some researchers and scholars in related fields have personally done an investigation, and let the elf take him into the white vast area, keep walking, and make sure that he didn't turn back or turn around, and actually walked out of the white vast area again!

I can't get out, I can't keep moving forward!

Strange phenomenon!

It is still an unsolved mystery of the elven secret realm!

But as we all know, there is silence in the vast white area, and there is nothing!

And Peng Laosan said that he heard a voice near a certain white vast area, what this represents Peng Laosan doesn't know, but he thinks this information is worth the price of 5 million!

This one is more subjective.

Peng Lao and the three people think that there is such a phenomenon in the secret realm, and if they don't do it well, they can find something good or find something, so he thinks it can be worth 5 million.

And this kind of thing is the first time Xu Jing has seen it.

If there is no shortage of money, 5 million is 5 million!

Now it seems that at least Xu Jing's gain from entering the evil dragon's nest this time is too great, not to mention the king level of all the members, there are also 3 elves who have stepped into the initial level of the champion, and two high-level card drawing opportunities are also in hand.

I also got a quick dragon's egg!

Blood to earn!

The galloping for several hours made the fossil pterosaur's skin a little hot, but fortunately, it had rock-based attributes, and I didn't care about this hot at all.

After landing on the ground, Xu Jing threw 2 energy cubes in the mouth of the fossil pterosaur, and then took it back to the Poké Ball to rest.

At the same time, he opened the Poké Balls of Gengh, Geraola, and Darkrai and called them all out.

"Geng ghost, old rules, burrow into my shadow. "

"Darkrai, you follow me as closely as Geraola. "

"Lucario, don't stop the exploration of the power of the waveguide for a moment!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

After arranging the 4 elf companions.

Xu Jing called Biktini out as well.

Let the little one stay in his arms.

More than ten minutes later, Xu Jing led his elf companions through the firethorn woodland, and looked ahead, and it was white.

"Lucario, nothing to discover?"

Lucario's waveguide power has been probing.

Xu Jing's inquiry was not answered immediately.

After a while, Lucario nodded towards Xu Jing.

Motioned to Xu Jing to accept the sharing of its waveguide power.

Xu Jing didn't hesitate, his palm was on Lucario's back, he wanted to see what was going on.

The power of the waveguide was shared, and Xu Jing's feelings began to become intuitive, and everything around him was quiet.

There was no movement.

But Xu Jing was not in a hurry.

Lucario wouldn't let him share the waveguide for no reason.


Elven world.

Chengdu Continent, Silver Mountain.

Dr. Oki is taking his assistant to investigate the recent mysterious incident at the top of Silver Mountain.

"Doctor, that mysterious cavern has appeared and disappeared without warning. "

The two assistants, each with a fire-breathing dragon and a wonderful frog flower, were waiting for something at the top of Silver Mountain.

"Well, this has never happened, and I suspect it has something to do with the legendary elves. "

0 begging for flowers

Dr. Oki, with a brown hedgehog head, looked at the mysterious hole that had appeared before, and his face was solemn.

Some time ago, his assistant who collected samples at the top of Silver Mountain told him that there was a mysterious hole on the top of Silver Mountain.

Today, Dr. Ohki has put off all the work at hand.

Just to come and have a look.

Just now, the assistant said that the mysterious cave has appeared again!

"Legendary elves?"

The two assistants' eyes widened, even though they were Dr. Oki's assistants, but the legendary elves had only heard rumors on weekdays, and had never seen them with their own eyes.

"Well, there are gods of time and space on the Sinnoh continent, and I suspect that it is likely that those two exist in the void space to fight. "



The legendary beast spirit who rules time and space!

At this moment, the two assistants pointed to the space in the distance and shouted, "Doctor, Doctor, look!


A space-warped hole appears.

The entrance to the cave is white.

I don't know where it leads!

Dr. Oki hurriedly photographed it with the equipment he had prepared in advance, and then popped a Poké Ball out of his pocket and threw it.


When the huge white light dissipated, a huge orange dragon spirit appeared, the fast dragon!


The dragon was called out just in case of possible danger, but Dr. Oki stared at the mysterious cave and found nothing out of the ordinary.

At this time.

A special force emanated from within the mysterious cavern.

Kuailong's eyes froze, and he took a step forward.

The momentum of the master-level elves exploded violently at this moment, and the coercion of the dragon elves appeared overwhelmingly, shaking the surrounding sand and stone debris into powder.

As long as the special power of the mysterious cave mouth changes slightly.

It will take action as soon as possible!

"What?how could it be??The power of the waveguide!?"

This special force has no attack power at all.

But the well-informed Dr. Oki's eyes widened in shock, and he recognized it, this is the power of the waveguide!

"How could it be!? The mysterious hole in the sky should be the power of the two gods of time and space, why is it related to the power of the waveguide?"

"What's on the other side of the cave?"

Dr. Oki muttered to himself in confusion, took out his mobile phone and dialed Sirona's phone on the Sinnoh continent, he asked for some proof!

At this moment, the mysterious cave came to an abrupt end.


But Xu Jing's heart on this side of the mysterious cave was flooded with monstrous waves!

"Lucario, did you hear me? Did you really hear you!?Someone was talking over there!?"

Xu Jing grabbed Lucario's shoulders and shook them vigorously.


Lucario was shaken by the pendant under Xu Jing's shaking ear, and it must have heard it, so it let Xu Jing share its waveguide power!

"In the vast chaos, there are really people who speak, and what are they talking about, Doctor, Sinnoh Continent, legendary elves, gods of time and space?"

Xu Jing was terrified!

Because these key words made him construct four words in his mind - elven world!

The Sinnoh continent is talking about the Sinnoh region, right?

The god of time is Dialuca!

The god of space is Palukiru!

So this mysterious cave ......

"To the elven world!?"

Who's the Doctor over there?

Listening to this voice is a middle-aged uncle?

Can I enter the elven world through this mysterious hole?

It's a place I've always dreamed of!

Wait, grass, what was I thinking!?

Xu Jing shook his head.

Of course, he wanted to go to the elf world before, but his side is also an elf world, with an elf secret realm, and he also has his parents!

What should I do if I can't come back next time?

And the mysterious cave is gone.

Peng Laosan's intelligence is true!

Xu Jing felt that his 5 million was too well spent!

"I don't know if this will extend to the door of a new secret realm, after all, they are two worlds, and you have to plan ahead. "

Xu Jing waited in place for a while.

The wait is 3 hours.

It wasn't until late in the evening that this mysterious hole reappeared in the white expanse.

Xu Jing withdrew the other elven companions, called out the fossil pterosaur, sat down, and asked the fossil pterosaur to rush back to the secret hall as soon as possible!

What's happening here today is unbelievable.

The dragon kingdom must be prepared!


The fossil pterosaur felt the eagerness of its owner.

The dragon's wings shook, and the wind pressure carried its gray dragon body into the sky, leaving only a dragon groan in the sky.

With Xu Jing leaving, the place returned to calm again.

ps: It's too late to work overtime today, and it's more than 4,000 words.

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