Finding the dragon pure crystal in the lair of the Thorn Dragon King was a real surprise for Xu Jing.

Because the Thorn Dragon King itself has dragon attributes, the dragon pure crystal can be absorbed by itself!

Why didn't it absorb?

I'm afraid that the Thorn Dragon King has already absorbed 2 copies, and this is the 3rd part, so it's cheaper Xu Jing!

Put the dragon pure crystal in the palm of his hand to observe and observe, and after taking a photo, Xu Jing closed his palm and put it back into his backpack.

"Geraola, Lucario. "

Xu Jing looked at his two capable generals.



"Listen, here's what I'm going to do, Lucario will help me scout my surroundings and see if I can find the three dragons. "

"Geraola, you and Menas stay here with me. "

And then. "

Xu Jing stomped his foot.

The Geng ghost hidden in his shadow came out.


The purple fat man Geng Ghost patted his chest and said that let Xu Jing arrange the task as much as he wanted, and it could be completed!

"You're like Lucario, helping me find the three dragons, by the way, you all know what the three dragons look like, right?"

As he spoke, Xu Jing opened the picture of the three evil dragons on his mobile phone.

As a qualified trainer, Xu Jing's mobile phone stores ultra-high-definition pictures of all kinds of elves.

The three evil dragons are quasi-gods of the dragon system, and the three hideous dragon heads in the photo have different expressions, as if there is a kind of brutal bloody aura coming to the face.

The notoriety of the three evil dragons, Bangira is on par!

Equally brutal is the Tyrannosaurus!

These three quasi-god elves are quite terrifying!

Both Lucario and Gengar remember the appearance of the three dragons.

"Whether you find it or not, you two should be able to feel where I am. "

"If you find it, you can pretend to be summoned in response, if you don't find it, don't worry, just lurk for the time being. "

"Don't worry about my safety, there are Biktini and Fossil Pterodactyls, as well as Darkrai and Menas, take care of your own safety. "

"Don't be too far away, take care of each other. "

"Hmm... 03... Darkrai will come with you!"

As a trainer who can open the hook, Xu Jing said that he hadn't lived enough, so after arriving at the territory of the three evil dragons, Xu Jing didn't plan to follow him personally.

There are Geng and Darkrai hiding in the shadows.

Lucario is in the light.

Three elven companions are exploring this place at the same time, and if the three evil dragons are still here, it will be found sooner or later.

Can't find it, you can only continue to look for it, there is no other way, how to rest is after this trip to the secret realm of the dragon's nest, now you have to find and defeat the boss of the dragon's nest!

The 3 elves disappeared shortly after receiving the order.

Xu Jing himself found a hidden place and hid with some fruits picked from the forest.

Not only that, Xu Jing also smeared some pungent juice that could hide his human smell all over his body.

Champion wild elves are extraordinary.

Biktini is just because it's too cute.

Usually, when Xu Jing gets along with it, he subconsciously ignores that it is a champion-level elf with terrifying strength.

And now he may have to face the champion-level three evil dragons, and the previous palpitations made Xu Jing dare not be careless.

The strength has reached the champion level, and all kinds of perception abilities have reached a perverted level, these are all things that Xu Jing usually observes through Biktini, and there will be no mistake.

The smell of humans is very sensitive to wild elves!

"Let's hope they'll get something out of it!"

Thinking like this, Xu Jing began to eat the fruit.

After more than 20 days of exploration in the secret realm, it was impossible for Xu Jing to go back to the secret realm hall to buy supplies and supplies.

And the dragon's nest does not have a supply station like the labyrinth cave, so Xu Jing's food in the past half a month has been quite poor.

He puts all kinds of colorful fruits on the ground, and you think he likes to eat them?

No, after eating the fruit for half a month to satisfy his hunger, he didn't want to eat it for a long time, but if he didn't eat it, he would be hungry!

Before he reached the territory of the three evil dragons, he could also ask his elf companions to catch some ordinary animals for him to roast and eat.

Forget it now, I don't dare to ......

It doesn't hurt to be honest!

"The elf energy cube has been consumed, I hope to get something as soon as possible!"


"Hiss !!"


"Squeaky ......"

In the core area of the Dragon's Lair.

The wild elves, led by the three evil dragons, are fighting with an angry fast dragon and the wild elves on the side of the fast dragon!

The leaders are none other than the fast dragon and the three evil dragons!

The two huge dragon quasi-god elves are like prehistoric behemoths, and the skills that open their mouths and spew out at will can cause great power!

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

The three heads of the three evil dragons spewed dragon waves towards the fast dragon at the same time!

The azure dragon wave formed three energy dragons in the sky, roaring towards the fast dragon with teeth and claws!

The strong wind pressure blew the surrounding sand and gravel trees to the uproot, and the normally hard stones were no different from papier-mâché at this moment, and were easily torn to pieces.

Although the small dragon wings behind the fast dragon opposite the three evil dragons were not large, they dodged the dragon's fluctuations with a slight shock, and opened their big mouths to spew out a cold and piercing ice skill from the depths of their throats - Freezing Beam!


Where the frozen beam passed, the ice crystals spread rapidly, shooting diagonally from the ground towards the three evil dragons, like frozen laser cannons!

Along the way, several unlucky king-level elves were swept away, and these king-level elves screamed, and their bodies were quickly frozen into ice sculptures.

A resistant armor bird was also scratched, and the armor bird, which usually disdains ice-based skills, watched in horror as he was frozen step by step!

"Hiss!" Not to be outdone, the three dragons unleashed a jet of flame at the same time, suppressing and melting the frozen beam of the fast dragon!

The scorching heat collided with the ultra-low freezing beam, and the explosion of the skill produced a large amount of water vapor, which kept rushing into the sky.

There was some pride in the eyes of the three evil dragons, and they came here this time to take advantage of the time when the fast dragon laid eggs to see if they could take over the territory of the fast dragon!

At the same time, the three evil dragons have also coveted the beauty of the fast dragon for a long time!

It is the best result to be able to bring Kuailong under your command at the same time!


The triumph of the three evil dragons didn't last long, and the head in the middle was struck by an orange dragon's tail!

It was suddenly struck by lightning, and its body was pumped away, and at the same time, the other two heads that came back to their senses spit out with a dragon breath!


Swift Dragon, Swift!


There are countless fast dragons left in the sky, and the dragon's breath is lonely, and the fast dragon that exerts divine speed is not at all something that the three evil dragons can touch porcelain, just when the fast dragon is about to cast a freezing punch, the energy in the body is suddenly disordered!

The three evil dragons saw a good opportunity, and the fast dragon that had not been laying eggs for a long time really appeared in a weak period, and its excited dragon roared and rushed forward again without fear!

The battle lasted almost 1 hour!

The final result ended with the defeat and retreat of the three dragons.

That's right, the three evil dragons took advantage of the weakness of the fast dragon to lay eggs, and tried to defeat the fast dragon in one fell swoop, but in the end they still failed......

The more qualified the elves, especially the wild ones, the less likely they are to lay eggs easily.

Laying eggs absorbs their essence energy, causing them to experience a period of weakness.

However, elves are also living beings, and sometimes it is inevitable that there will be times when they can't help themselves in the depths of love, and this fast dragon is like this.

Its strength gave it the capital to act recklessly on its own turf, and as a result, it accidentally won the bid......

If you win the bid, you will win the bid, and the strength makes it very confident, and no other elf can threaten itself. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But I didn't expect it.

The three evil dragons who had been coveting it took the opportunity to attack at this time.

But a fast dragon is still a fast dragon in the end.

They are also quasi-god elves.

The fast dragon is more powerful than the three evil dragons![]

Because it learns so many skills!

The role is very wide-ranging.

The speed itself is very fast.

There is also the anti-heaven skill of God Speed!

The three evil dragons are not wronged!

The rushing dragon gathered the wild elven leaders who followed him, ready to give them orders to take precautions.


The dragon's gaze fell on the two elven leaders.


- You two, how come I've never seen each other?

While the dragon questioned, he was also wondering in his heart, what was the matter? Why did there be two more elf leaders who followed him that he didn't know?

It noticed it just now during the big battle, and these two elves helped it defeat a lot of the elven leaders of the three evil dragons on the opposite side, which helped it a lot!

But as one of the bosses of the core area.

The fast dragon does not allow elven leaders whose origins are unknown to appear in its territory, especially those who are still so strong!

The elves questioned by the dragon are none other than Gengar and Lucario!

With the help of this wave of melee, Geng's strength was successfully increased to LV.80!

Lucario is also LV.81!

There are 2 elves of such strength on the territory.

Kuailong doesn't have a problem if he asks.


Lucario's waveguide force ejects, enveloping the dragon.


Soon, after learning that Lucario and Gengar were actually the elves of the human trainers, the eyes of the fast dragon were immediately filled with tyrannical emotions, and the human trainers still wanted to challenge it?

Under normal circumstances, wild elves are generally calm when they encounter the power of the waveguide, but there are exceptions, that is, when some sensitive matters are involved.

The dragon knew how precious its eggs were to the human trainers, so when he heard about the human trainers, the dragons reflexively thought that Lucario and the Gengar trainers were trying to snatch its eggs

"Damn, I've helped you defeat so many elf leaders on the other side, but it still doesn't work?"

Xu Jing, who had been observing with a telescope in the distance, couldn't sit still.

After Lucario found the three evil dragons that day, Xu Jing kept waiting, because all kinds of signs indicated that the three evil dragons were going to invade the territory of the fast dragon!

So he waited patiently for 3 days here, and finally waited for the three evil dragons to declare war on the fast dragon!

Xu Jing asked Geng Ghost and Lucario to participate in it, especially to let Geng Ghost try to defeat some of the elf leaders on the side of the three evil dragons, on the one hand, to accumulate experience points, and on the other hand, to see that the strength of the younger brothers on Kuailong's side is weaker, and to help Kuailong's side see if he can accumulate Kuailong's favor.

When the time comes, the challenge will not make the two sides ugly, and Xu Jing doesn't need to worry about danger or anything.

I didn't expect this fast dragon to be so short-tempered, and he already made a move on Lucario!

Xu Jing could only let the fossil pterosaur fly into the air, rush over at the fastest speed, and start the super evolution of the fossil pterosaur!

He still didn't go over himself.

After the physical exertion of the three evil dragons for 1 hour, no matter how powerful this champion-level fast dragon with a level of LV.87 is, it is not the opponent of the three champion-level elves on his side!

That's right, referring to the Charizard of the Flame King, after the LV.79 level fossil pterosaur super evolved, with the help of the power of super evolution, it can be upgraded to 3 levels in a short period of time!

And Darkrai has been hiding that no 303 came out.

If he loses at a critical moment, Darkrai will also make a move.

The super fossil pterosaur flapped its wings and quickly rushed towards the fast dragon in the distance!


The huge fast dragon is like a mountain to Lucario, and the fighting skills, the fast dragon will too!

Split tiles!

The furious energy exploded on the dragon's claws, but it failed to hit Lucario, and Lucario dodged it with a preemptive!

"Pur !!"


Lucario let out a low roar, and a dragon wave erupted from his mouth!

That's right, don't forget.

Lucario also knows dragon skills!

And the power of the skill is not low, the fluctuation of the dragon!

During the previous big melee, Lucario had already increased his physical and special attacks to the maximum limit in a short period of time through self-motivated amplification!

It deliberately waited for the dragon to attack it and then avoided it with a predator, allowing itself to get so close to the dragon so that its dragon wave could hit the dragon 100%!

The roaring dragon's wave energy exploded on the dragon's fat belly, countless tiny scales were shattered, and the dragon in severe pain shook its iron tail violently, whipping Lucario away!

Lucario's condensed body made Lucario equally resistant, but the dragon reacted quickly, and it prepared to unleash a jet of fire at Lucario who was being pumped away!

You're resistant enough, right, I'll use my fire-based skills to restrain you!

But it was clear that the dragon's jet of flames couldn't hit because Geng Ghost had struck!

Its scarlet eyes stared at the fast dragon, the two eyes looked at each other, and a trace of weird ghost-based energy overflowed from Geng's eyeballs, and the same ghost-based energy entanglement appeared on the fast dragon's body!

- Curse!

This is a curse from a ghost, and the cursed elf in its body will continue to weaken and consume its own physical strength until it falls into a near-death state!

Of course, this trick is not usually used by ghost elves, because the cost of using this trick is a bit large, and the user himself will lose half of his physical strength in an instant!

The dragon was furious, but it knew that the jet of flames was not restraining the Gengar but Lucario, so its jet of flames that was disturbed by the Gengar still sprayed Lucario!

Obviously planning to kill Lucario first!

There were huge shadows in the sky coming at a rapid pace.

"Roaring !!"

Mud Horse!

Playing my partner as a ball, have you ever asked me?

Super Fossil Pterodactyl arrives!

The shot is a rock-based ultimate, a sharp stone attack!

The super fossil pterosaur whose strength has reached LV.82 level in a short period of time unleashed a sharp stone attack, which was like a rain of stone thorns in the sky!

A terrifying stone thorn with a length of 3 zhang fell from the sky like a torrential rain, and the sound of breaking the air was endless, and it was nailed down towards the fast dragon!

The dragon is covered in a rain of stone thorns from the spikes, and the jets of fire consume Lucario.

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