"Xu Jing, then I'll go back first. "

Kuailong's fat figure reappeared in the military community.

It was the Flying King, and he sent Xu Jing back again.

After all, today is Chinese New Year's Eve.

Xu Jing still wants to live with his old ~ parents.

"There are seniors who have work~ Do you want to go up and rest and rest-?"

In the face of this kind of titled Heavenly King, whether it is strength or seniority, or the contribution made by the other party to the Dragon Kingdom.

Xu Jingdu respects each other very much!

"It's okay, it might be troublesome for you, but it's only a little bit for the fast dragon. "

The Flying King waved his hand and politely refused Xu Jing's invitation.

On Chinese New Year's Eve, he is also going back to reunite with his family!

Originally, I might not be able to go home because of the white stone egg, and my wife and daughter called several times.

I didn't expect it to be solved at once because of Xu Jing.

Just contact us on your phone to discuss!

Standing in place, Xu Jingmu sent the Flying King and Kuailong away.

When the person in charge of the military community came over.

The Flying King and the Swift Dragon have left.

"Xu Jing, it's ...... just now The Flying King?"

How could the military-affiliated community not know Xu Jing!

It's just that what makes him unbelievable is that the Flying King came to pick up Xu Jing, and it can be explained as a stop-by.

But what happened to you being sent back by the Flying King?

I don't know if someone else is sending you back?

The Flying King is not from Star City, let alone from Nanhu Province!

"It's Captain Huang, it's hard work. Xu Jing said a few words to the person in charge of the community and then said goodbye and went home.

Captain Huang looked at Xu Jing's back as he left and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really a powerful offspring, I'm afraid that in time, my Dragon Kingdom will have another Titled Heavenly King!"

In Captain Huang's opinion.

The title of Heavenly King is already the biggest evaluation of a descendant!

Here, Xu Jing returned home.

"Eh, Xiaojing is back, I thought you wouldn't be able to come back, the matter is settled?" Lin Huiying was helping Xu Zhiming in the kitchen.

"It's settled for the time being! I went over and shopped, and the senior explained something to me. "What kind of divine beast, Leshiram, etc., Xu Jing is not easy to tell his parents.

"Well, if you want it, it's good to solve it, your dad has already said hello to the hotel, can you bring your elf friends over first?"

Lin Huiying was quite satisfied with Xu Jing's answer, and she also knew that her cognition could not help Xu Jing, but she just wanted to take the initiative to chat, so that she would feel better.

"Okay, yes. "

The Chinese New Year's Eve dinner naturally can't let the elf partners gather in the restaurant, and the restaurant can't fit so much.

So let Xu Jing's elf companions go to the restaurant to eat first, and the delicious food and drink prepared for them are all prepared in the restaurant!

Back in the room, Xu Jing first took out the poison pure crystal.

Call out the purple fat man.


As soon as Geng Ghost came out, when he saw the purple cube crystal in Xu Jing's hand, he couldn't move his eyes immediately!

Because before, everything that could absorb it was purple!

This one is also purple, is it for it to absorb?

"Don't do it, it's for you, take it and absorb it!"

Xu Jing and Geng Ghost looked at each other and smiled, and the big scarlet tongue in the depths of Geng Ghost licked his mouth, a little impatient!

Xu Jing took a photo of the poison pure crystal, and then threw it over.

Geng ghost tongue roll!

The poison pure crystal with a market value of more than 100 million yuan was swallowed into its stomach like this, turned into energy and began to absorb!

Congratulations to the host, your Geng Ghost has absorbed the Poison Pure Crystal, and the Poison Element Energy in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 1.2 million experience points, and the absorption time is about 10 days]

Geng Ghost is now LV.67 level, and after absorbing all of them, plus the experience that Geng Ghost has already accumulated, he can probably reach LV.71 level!

That's right, it's on par with the fossil pterosaur.

It's funny to say.

Xu Jing has happened to other trainers that is basically impossible to happen!

That's ......

The elves who were subdued in the back.

The strength increased faster than the elves who were subdued first.

General trainers, after the economic conditions improve.

The newly accepted elves may be better than the previous elves in terms of qualifications, but there will not be a cliff-like gap.

Even if it grows, there is a process of slowly catching up.

Xu Jing's side is completely different!

Both Lucario and Gengar were subdued before the Fossil Pterodactyl.

As a result, by mistake, the strength level of the fossil pterosaur broke through to the Heavenly King level one step earlier, reaching LV.71 level!

Even now, this guy's strength level is one level higher than Lucario's!

Now the Geng Ghost is catching up!

After absorbing the poison-based pure crystal to Geng Ghost, Xu Jing also took out 2 super energy stones.

"Hey?" Geng Ghost looked at Xu Jing with wide eyes.

- You absorb it too?

"Is it not the only one who can absorb it? I can absorb energy too!"

In Geng Ghost's shocked gaze, Xu Jing absorbed the energy of the 2 Super Power Stones!

Congratulations to the host, you have absorbed the Super Power Stone ×2, and the super power in your body has been enhanced, and the absorption time is about 7 days]

"I hope my super impact skills can be taken to the next level!" Xu Jing looked forward to it slightly.

Then I took everyone to the restaurant where my father Xu Zhiming made the meal.

In fact, Xu Jing's elf partner doesn't have to eat the food made by his father, but this is what his father can do for him.

No matter how good the food is cooked by others.

That's not the taste of parents either~

It's already 18:30 in the evening when I take everyone back after eating!

The Chinese New Year's Eve dinner in the southern city is generally between 18:30~19:30, which is just the right time!

Wait for Xu Jing to get home.

Mom and Dad were already putting couplets on the door.

Xu Jing and Lucario haven't entered the door yet.

I smelled the aroma of Chinese New Year's Eve dinner~



Swipe to open the door.

The aroma of the food is overwhelming.

"Damn, it's so fragrant, Mom and Dad, how many braised pig ears have you prepared today, Lucario and I are ready to compete to see who eats more!" Xu Jing swallowed.

"Lukalu~" Lucario raised his claws.

"Hahaha, it's enough, it's definitely enough, come in. "

Lin Huiying just untied her apron at this time.

"It's not just braised pig ears, but your dad has taken out all his housekeeping skills today, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish it. "

"Hehe, let go of eating!" Xu Zhiming poked his head out of the kitchen with a spoon and responded with a smile.

"Lucario likes astringency, and today I made you an astringent braised pork ear, and the taste should be okay for you to eat. "

Lin Huiying took the dishes and chopsticks while preparing to go to the kitchen to serve food.

"Mom, Mom, you come and sit. "

Xu Jing pulled his mother to sit on the stool, and at the same time looked at the kitchen and shouted, "Dad, the kitchen is finished, right?"

"It's almost time for the last dish to be juiced. Xu Zhiming didn't look back, but he was also pulled out by Xu Jing.

"I'll do the rest, I'll come, Dad, you rest, and Lucario and I will serve the food later. "

"Luka~" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

- That's right, that's right~

Xu Jing and Lucario took over the kitchen.

Wait for Xu Zhiming and Lin Huiying to change their clothes and come out.

Xu Jing had already put the last dish on the table, and the other dishes were also served by Lucario, and the meal was ready.

"Dad, Mom, it's the New Year, what do you say?"

Xu Jing smiled and invited his two closest relatives to speak.

"This kid, what are you doing so officially this year?" Lin Huiying scolded with a smile, and after organizing the language in her heart, she picked up her drink cup.

"Then I wish our family peace and health, and I wish Xiaojing's path as a trainer has been smooth and smooth!"

Lin Huiying thought about it, and finally chose the most commonly used blessing words to say.

Xu Zhiming was relatively simple, he picked up the drink cup and said, "I'm the same." "

"I know mom and dad are very worried about me breaking into the secret realm, but I have to pay more attention to my own safety than you think, in short, you two will enjoy happiness in the future!"

The three of them drank their glasses in one gulp.

Lucario has a lot to say.

I also drank it with a drink cup.

Then Xu Jing picked up his mobile phone and transferred 10 million to his mother!

It's useless to give too much, and my parents will also need money for travel and the like, and Xu Jing is afraid that giving too much will scare them.

Seeing that his mother couldn't help but speak, Xu Jing picked up the drink cup again and said blessings, and then looked at his mother and added: "Mom, don't worry, my money is enough, you can use it for you, and you don't need to save it for me, my elf partners have arranged it, you can spend it at ease." "

"Well, don't talk about it, Xiaojing has his own ideas. Xu Zhiming is still very proud in his heart.

Who knows, my son just went to an elf academy for a semester, and he transferred 10 million to his family and said that he could spend it casually?

"Okay, Mom knows, Xiaojing has grown up. "

Lin Huiying and Xu Zhiming looked at each other and smiled.

Yes, even the title of the Heavenly King personally came to pick up Xiao Jing and leave, Xiao Jing is valued by the big guys, right?

Listen to the neighbors who know a little bit about it.

The future is bright!

They didn't know that it wouldn't be long before Xu Jing himself would be a real big man, even now, looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom and even the world, there were not many people who could provoke Xu Jing!

Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, eat happily!

When the time came to midnight, Xu Zhiming and Lin Huiying gave Xu Jing a big red envelope!

Xu Jing, who is not short of money, is very happy to receive it.

Money earned on their own.

and the New Year's money given by my parents, can it be the same?

The meaning is different, okay!

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, my parents were only children, so Xu Jing didn't have any uncles and aunts to go to relatives.

There are only a few families of the grandfather's generation who have stopped moving, Xu Jing's parents used to take the initiative to visit, but the younger generation of several families in that generation did not have the intention of coming and visiting, and the relationship between the two came and went, and Xu Jing's parents did not go anymore.

This is a joy for Xu Jing.

In the group, I saw that my classmates were complaining about the embarrassing scene when they left their relatives during the New Year.

(Look at your cousin/brother, how good the elf knowledge graduation exam in the third year of high school is, you don't know how to study and study, and you know how to play at night, what kind of fame can you play, can you play an initial elf?)

The above is the scene when others come to their homes to visit their relatives for the New Year.

(Look at your cousin/sister, how hard she usually works after entering the elf academy, she doesn't even have time to visit relatives for the New Year, and all her thoughts are spent on training elves, you're good, you know how to play at night, play around with elves, what fame can you play?)

The above is the scene when the students themselves and their parents went to other people's homes to visit relatives.

Doesn't it all feel the same?

That's right!

This is the breadth and profundity of the Dragon Kingdom!

Therefore, the younger generation of today is basically not very willing to go out to visit relatives during the New Year.

Instead of bothering about it, it's better to call three or two of your close friends to walk around with a food stall, and have a drink!

Or maybe a few brothers take their elf partners to a friendly match on the battlefield, and then have a good time and eat after the fight, wouldn't it be happy?

Every time I dive, I see these classmates complaining.

Xu Jing was happy in his heart.

Because he doesn't have these troubles!

Even if you really have to visit relatives and friends or something.

In terms of Xu Jing's current strength and achievements.

Mom and Dad take him, he is a good boy in other people's mouths, the goal of studying hard!

He's a top student!

By the way, I don't know if the final exam results are out~

Forget it, it doesn't matter what the results are, strength is king, anyway, the strength is rising!

Time flies.

Geng's level has broken through from LV.67 to LV.68, to LV.69, and to LV.70!

In the end, coupled with the experience accumulated by Geng Ghost, he successfully broke through to LV.71, the same level as the fossil pterosaur!

So far, Xu Jing's elf companions are 1 LV.81 Champion Beginner Bicktini, 3 Heavenly King Beginner LV.70 Lucario, LV.71 Fossil Pterodactyl, and LV.71 Geng!

As well as 3 Quasi-Heavenly King Beginner LV.61 Menas, LV.62 Jieraola, and LV.63 Darkrai!

And after this period of time, Taoguang has been obscure.

While accompanying his parents on a trip, Xu Jing silently accepted the energy feedback after the strength of the elf partners improved, and at the same time absorbed the energy of the super energy stone in his body!

The Lantern Festival is over.

Xu Jing not only absorbed 2 super power stones, but also absorbed a super energy secret treasure, the bending spoon!

The superpower in the body has skyrocketed!

From the original one teacup, to the 5 kilograms that can be dragged by 5 kilograms, now even 300 kilograms of boulders!

Xu Jing can also hold it up with his superpowers, and easily make it fly in the air!

That's just the weight of the bearing.

If it's impact......

Super Impact This skill developed by Xu Jing himself, even if he didn't continue to exercise diligently in the future, the power had reached a rather terrifying level!

100 meters away, Xu Jing glared at the super energy impact, and he could smash a stone the size of a human head!

The same is true for stones, if it is replaced by a trainer......

I can't imagine!

Is it okay to easily take off the head of the first class within 100 meters?

As for the longer distance.

That weakens power as the distance increases.


The enhancement of superpowers, quantitative changes have caused qualitative changes!


February 26th!

The Lantern Festival has just ended.

The second semester of the freshman year of the National Defense Genie Academy begins!

Xu Jing's whole temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes!

It's still the same.

Standing there, the people around him subconsciously didn't dare to despise him, even the tutors who were in charge of opening the school, and Xu Jing's eyes would subconsciously feel palpitations! .

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