Outside the secret hall of the Labyrinth Cave.

While many trainers have signed up for the Labyrinth Caves' Elven Migration Program, many more prefer to join in the fun.

Even if you become a trainer, you are no exception.

At this moment, outside the hall of the secret realm.

A group of trainers who like to join in the fun.

"A four-star secret realm, it's a bit surprising that there would be such an accident. "

"Brother, do you want to put this tongue twister? But I didn't expect it, I was going to go to the labyrinth cave when I got my strength and qualifications, but I didn't expect ......"

"Petrification, sounds a little scary. "

"Hey, another group of people have come in to help, tsk, it's no good, and it's dangerous, I don't know what to think. "

"It allows the elves to gain some experience in battles. "

"Shut up, you guys, there are some things we don't want to do, but we shouldn't laugh at those who do, OK?"

"Ah, just kidding, just kidding, why do you take it seriously......"

It's quite a coincidence, Ouyang Su and Hua Yan of the National Defense Elf Academy, and the blue sky of Qingbei, the three of them actually arrived together.

After the three of them arrived outside the secret hall, they were also stunned when they saw each other, and immediately planned to form a team of three people.

Lan Tian obviously has an impression of Ouyang Su and Hua Yan of the National Defense Elf Academy, and the two of them are very strong in the Champions Cup.

"Hey, look over there, isn't that Senior Brother Xu Jing?"

Walking into the secret hall, Hua Yan, who was a little more careful, suddenly pointed to a person who was checking in in the secret hall next to him.

"I've registered for you, elves in passages 99 and 98. The front desk staff who checked in was respectful, and there was admiration in their eyes when they looked at Xu Jing!

One is to admire Xu Jing for being so young that he alone managed the wild spirit "430" spirit in the two passages of No. 99 and No. 98.

You must know that the wild elves who can live in the passage at that temperature are basically at the hall master level!

Although the number of wild elves in the previous passage is far from large, the strength is too much!

"Does this backpack also need to be registered?"

The young lady at the front desk saw that Xu Jing was still carrying another backpack in her hand, and couldn't help but take the initiative to ask.

"I can't give this to you, young lady, this is the treasure I found in the labyrinthine cave. Xu Jing patted the backpack in his hand, as if there was something very precious in it.

"Okay, okay, sorry. The young lady smiled knowingly, and then continued to busy herself.

Xu Jing knew that he didn't believe it when he saw her like this.

His backpack is bulging, if it is really a secret realm treasure, how valuable is it? Tens of millions and hundreds of millions?


Lucario, who had been following Xu Jing, turned his head to look at Ouyang Su and the three who walked behind Xu Jing.

"Senior Brother Xu Jing, you have gained a lot this time!"

"Lucario, long time no see~"

Hua Yan was the first to say hello and beckoned to Lucario.

Ouyang Su and Lan Tian also spoke.

Xu Jing didn't expect such a coincidence to be able to meet here.

I was just about to talk about it.


Three trainers who had subdued wild spirits in the labyrinthine caverns were carried out of the secret portal of the secret hall.

"Let's let one go!"

"Please make some space!"

"What about the doctor from the Elf Hospital, hurry up and get the doctor over!"

Every time you encounter this situation, it is bound to be accompanied by a smell of blood, and this time is no exception.

The eyes of many trainers in the secret realm hall looked over.

The three people were not bitten by wild elves, it looked like they were grazed by skills, two of their arms were gone, and the other was bloody!

The two men who had lost their arms looked okay.

The one covered in blood looked like a skill collision and exploded, and was affected by the blast wave!

It was the strong physique of the trainer that made him so seriously injured that he had not lost his breath, and he could still hold out of the secret realm after using the energy liquid.

His blood was coagulated and scabbed over because of the low temperature of the secret realm.

It looks unusually bleak.

The staff of the secret realm hall had an ugly face and sighed: "The last doctor was already urgently treating the other wounded 10 minutes ago. "

What? No doctors?

"Now the top priority is to quickly activate the immunity in the body and heal the wound preliminarily, the energy liquid is just the basic means, everyone, is there anyone who has a relatively high level of elves who can heal skills!"

The staff looked at the other trainers in the hall.

"I have, I have a Shanado here that will heal the waves!"

Someone responded immediately.

The staff looked happy, but still asked, "It's too high, what strength does Shanaiduo have?"

"Elite High Rank. "

"Alas, the elite level is not enough, and the healing skills of the hall master level can be better effective. "


"Menas, the drop of life saves people!"

Xu Jing didn't talk nonsense and called out Menas.

At this time, the trainer who was injured in the labyrinth cave.

They are all here to help, and they are all good!


Menas saw the "Bloody Man" on the stretcher next to him at a glance.

The beautiful sea serpent raised its head and chanted a spell.

3 drops of life water with a blue luster, representing the infinite vitality of the water element jumping in it.

Under the eyes of everyone, it fell on the three wounded.

Moisturizing things silently, the droplets of life gently integrated into the bodies of the three wounded, especially the one covered in blood scabs, when the drops of life fell on his body, the blood scabs on the surface were shattered like bubbles, and the original painful body made the person suffer all the time.

Now, the other brows are a little stretched.

Seeing this, the people around immediately looked at Xu Jing with envy:

"What a terrifying effect, this human life should not be killed. "

"Well, I just happened to run into a powerful Menas!"

"It looks very strong. "

"Do you feel that when the droplets of life condense out, the air around you is moist and fresh?"

"I've confirmed my eyes, it's a big guy!"

Ouyang Su and the three of them were also impressed.

Xu Jing's junior brother's Menas, I haven't seen him for a long time, why do I feel so strong?

The slightly released breath feels like only the elves of those big guy trainers have!

"Okay, Menas's Life Drops are very effective in suppressing this kind of hemorrhagic explosion wounds, and then you carry them to the rest room, and the doctor will arrange it for you as soon as he has time. "

The staff wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

Several people carrying the wounded on stretchers were supposed to be wounded teammates.

A Jin thanked Xu Jing and Menas.

It's a lifesaver!

"Seniors, pay attention to safety, come out and reunite when you are free. "

Xu Jing shook his head and said goodbye to his seniors.

The gap between ordinary students and second-generation students is sometimes quite obvious, and the cognitive level is different.

Ouyang Su and Hua Yan did not miss any opportunity to increase their experience, and they would grow faster in the future.

Step out of the halls of the Secret Realm.

I didn't expect there to be more and more people outside.

Xu Jing finally squeezed out of the crowd before leaving.

He looked back at the secret hall behind him, and he just wanted to find a place to rest and rest!


It was the evening of February 4th.

The solemn look on Long Jun's face did not weaken.

"Old man, Granny Long, now that the wild elves in the labyrinth cave have been preliminarily subdued, it is a difficult problem to place them in which secret realm, do you have any suggestions?"

It takes a huge amount of manpower and material resources to initially complete such a huge amount of work in a day and a half, which is the speed of the Dragon Kingdom.

And so many wild elves.

It's obviously not realistic to put it all in one secret place.

The old man didn't speak.

Obviously, it is mainly based on Granny Long.

"Divide it into three parts and place them in the other three four-star secret realms!"

The sea of clouds, the mountains and coasts, the dragon's lair!

This is the other three four-star secret realms of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to do it for now. "

Long Jun nodded.

In fact, he also had this idea in his heart.

But I still want to ask the two seniors if they have any additional plans.

All three people mean the same thing, so it's simple.

"Your Majesty, 300 trainers with elite high-level super-energy elves are ready to start a carpet search. "

There is a staff member next to you to report the situation.

"Well, let's get started right away, and don't miss a single corner or detail!" Long Jun ordered. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


So, 300 trainers who were ready to go, with their elite high-level super elves, entered the labyrinth cave, and used the elves' superpowers to start exploring the entire labyrinth cave, except for all the passages after passage 106!

This is for fear that there are adventurous trainers or wild elves in some places who will be missed.

At the same time, it is also an all-round sweeping secret realm!

After all, the entire secret realm was sealed off after that![]

When it will be turned on again, and whether it will be able to be turned on is still unknown!

It will be 20:30 on the evening!

Xu Jing, who was wearing sunglasses, returned to Star City, the military community next to the National Defense Elf Academy!

Lin Huiying was stunned when she opened the door.

It turned out that it was my son who came back!

"What are you doing with sunglasses at night?"

Mother Lin Huiying was also about to take off Xu Jing's sunglasses.

"Don't, Mom, I'm afraid I'm going to be blind if you take off your sunglasses. "

Xu Jing is exaggerated and pitiful.

Exit from the labyrinthine caverns that are as dark as ink.

Back to the outside world.

Depending on the trainer's physical fitness, you need to wear sunglasses for 1~7 days, which is used to give your eyes and brain a time to adapt..........

Lin Huiying didn't understand either, but when she heard Xu Jing's words, she was immediately shocked and frightened, and Xu Jing hurriedly said that she was exaggerating and there was no problem.

As always, when Xu Jing went home, it was time for his father Xu Zhiming to show off his cooking skills!

The treasure in the backpack was casually placed in the corner of the room by Xu Jing.

Take your elf companion and your parents to eat together.

Xu Jing sat with his mobile phone and talked to his roommates.

Xu Jing: Little ones, I'm back!

With a black picture.

This picture was taken by Xu Jing in the labyrinth cave.

Although it was pitch black, nothing could be seen.

But it's also a souvenir.

The fastest reply was Tong Chuan.

Tong Chuan: Are you back? Brother Jing, where have you been?

Xu Jing suspects that this kid has been chatting with his girlfriend all the time, otherwise why would he be so fast?

Tong Chuan, Tong Chuan, women will only affect the speed at which you throw Poke Balls, do you know it!

Xu Jing thought so in his heart.

Two thumbs to quickly tap on the open nine-square grid input method to reply。

Xu Jing: I went to a secret realm and just returned to Star City.

Soon, Zhang Tao and Wang Ming appeared when they smelled it.

You don't know that you didn't team up with us, the three of us teamed up with a few sophomores, and we were super lucky to find some attribute essences!

Zhang Tao: Yes, Brother Jing, each of us made a small profit of more than one million!


Xu Jing looked at the backpack that he casually threw in the corner.

Without further ado, I took out 2 Ice Stones from my backpack.


Take a picture, confirm it, send it, and you're done!

Xu Jing: I don't think attribute essences are as good as attribute stones, why don't you collect attribute stones?

Why not minced meat?

When this sentence is issued.

Just in time, the Ice Stone ultra-high-definition close-up photo was sent.

Tong Chuan: ......

Zhang Tao: ......

Wang Ming:!

The three roommates felt the world's strong malice towards him, Xu Jing casually had 10 million attribute stones, and the dimensionality reduction blow was simply it!

"Take a bath!"

Xu Jing put down his phone.

Didn't stay in the labyrinth cave for a few days.

But he still feels comfortable with the outside world.

This time in the bath, Xu Jing took an unprecedented 20 minutes of washing before coming out, walked into the bedroom and fell asleep.

I woke up again on February 5, and it was close to noon.

Mom and Dad have already gone out.

Xu Jing took a look.

On the table are meals prepared in advance by my parents.

There is also a message from my mother in the mobile phone, which is a 58-second long voice.


The sound of the door pushing made Lucario, who was meditating on the sofa in the living room, look at him.

"Well, morning~ Brush your teeth with me. "

Xu Jing put his arms around Lucario.

Take it with you and go to the bathroom

Lucario is very smart, just learn to brush his teeth, although it doesn't need to brush his teeth, and the energy in his body can easily help it clean things like dust inside and outside the body, but the owner needs it, and the dog naturally does not 3.6 refuse to accompany it~

After washing up, let's start eating!

"I've had a good night's sleep!"

After eating and drinking, lunch for the elves was arranged.

Next, take a nap!

That's right, Xu Jing slept again......

It's late when I wake up again.

Xu Jing was woken up by his mother Lin Huiying's knock on the door.

After waking up and eating dinner.

Xu Jing felt completely alive now!

And then there's the gacha!

is still the same sentence, the sense of ritual is indispensable.

Xu Jing began to take a bath!

This time, it was done in a few minutes.

Back in the bedroom, Xu Jing called out Biktini.


The little guy doesn't know why.

But after seeing Xu Jing, it posted it affectionately.

Holding Xu Jing's face.

Use it to stick to its fluffy and greasy face and Xu Jingjiao_

Biktini loves to play with stickers!

"Hey, okay, come on, Bicchitini, put your power of victory on me, let me feel it!"

Who is Bicquitini?

Victory Star!

Xu Jing had a whim.

Before drawing a card by himself, what will happen if he asks Bictini to apply the power of victory to himself, and is there a buff bonus?

Get your feet wet!

The little guy hugged Xu Jing's arm and obediently gave Xu Jing the power of victory.

In a flash.

Xu Jing felt a sense of explosive power from head to toe, from the inside out!

"Okay, good, this time you should be able to draw good things, Tongzi, draw cards!

Premium gacha pool emerges!

Virtual premium gacha pools.

Two premium cards were drawn by Xu Jing!

Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Golden XP Crit Card ×1]

Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the superpower card ×1].

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