In the supply station, Xu Jing didn't stay long.

After eating a hot pot.

Xu Jing immediately set off to continue his journey!

It didn't take long to go.

Xu Jing felt that he was not going to go like this~ It was not good.

A few hours to travel less than 20 kilometers -.

This speed is really not slow.

But it also depends on how big this labyrinth cave is!

The labyrinth cave is the size of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

What is 20 kilometers enough?

No, no, no!

After figuring this out.

Xu Jing gave up his idea of continuing to hike at that time, and was ready to travel in a different way!

It's not that he doesn't want to keep hiking.

It's more cost-effective to change the method!

- Hurry!

So here's the problem.

Inside the labyrinth cave.

The vast majority of passages are more than two zhang wide and two zhang high.

But in this little space, I can't stretch my hands, feet and wings even if I call out the fossil pterosaur, what should I do?

Don't panic!

Again, Menas!


Xu Jing told Gelaola and Lucario to stop.

Re-call Menas who had released one from the supply station.


Menas didn't know what his master was calling out again, his beautiful eyes blinking, and his pink brow fins fluttering at will.

"Menas, look around here, try to move here, it's not flexible enough for you. "

Xu Jing smiled and pointed around.

Menas looked at it, although he didn't quite understand what Xu Jing meant, but Xu Jing's words would always be the first to do it.

Illuminated by Geraora's flash skills, Menas's sea serpent-like body writhed.

Although Menas is several meters long, its agility allows it to move freely in the passage without any inconvenience.

Xu Jing was even happier when he saw that Menas was so flexible, and proposed, "Menas." Come, lie here, I'll ride on your back and see if you can afford it. "


The obedient Menas crouched in front of Xu Jing.

Menas's body has countless fine scales on its surface, and when it swims in the secret passages, dirt or dirt falls on its surface, and it will fall off at the first time.

So Menas kept clean everywhere and at all times!

Xu Jing, who was carrying a mountaineering bag, stepped away.

Sit steadily on Menas's back.

He put his hands around Menas and patted him, "It's okay!"

"Let's try again now, and feel if it's hindering your flexibility?"

It's important to save time and effort.

Safety is more important!

The solution Xu Jing thought of was to let Menas carry him.

Before he could do that, he had to make sure that Menas was carrying him around wouldn't affect his flexibility!

In the event of a danger.

Can you react as soon as possible?

Menas wandered again.

Flexibility is not compromised in the slightest.

"Okay, good, amazing~" Seeing Menas twist his head to his side, Xu Jing touched Menas's head and praised him, and then made up his mind and said: "Menas is taking me on the road, Geraola, Lucario, you two are still the same, don't fall behind." "

"Darkrai, Geng, so do you. "

A response came from the darkness.

After tightening his backpack, Xu Jing remembered that when he had just acted, he would unconsciously lean back because of inertia.

This is not good, I am afraid of falling.

And by this time the surrounding temperature had dropped again.

Looked at the wrist.

The temperature has come to -16.

Unlike before, at this temperature, even the rocks and dirt in the labyrinthine cavern passages began to form layers of frost.

Xu Jing finally felt the slightest coolness.

It's time to call out the little one Bigtini~


Do what you think.

Xu Jing said that Bictini called out from the Poke Ball.

The cold temperature around him made Bicktini subconsciously control the temperature of the fluff to rise a little after coming out, and in the pitch black environment around him, Bicktini's movements made his hair look extra red!


- What's the matter!

The little guy doesn't know what's going on yet.

Xu Jing explained what had just happened.

Then he said: "I will hold you in my arms, and you can use your superpowers to fix me on Menas's back and not fall." "

In your arms?

Hearing this, Bicchitini's eyes lit up.

It likes to be held by Xu Jing~

The blue glow in the jewel-like eyes is like a star.

A faint layer of superpower fluctuations appeared around Xu Jing.

Attach him to Menas's back.

In this way, Xu Jing can relax.

Don't worry about being thrown off by Menas's movements~

And there was Biktini little guy in his arms.

The cold temperature around can no longer "escape" the slightest.

Perfect, okay!

"Let's go, let's go!"

Except for the fossil pterosaur, the other elf companions were all outside, helping Xu Jing set off together!

Menas continued to walk at a fast pace!

Menas' body structure is special.

Obviously there are no wings and superpowers or anything like that.

But in the air, you can move as freely as in the water.

There are many similar ones.

Haklong or some other phantom beast or divine beast.

A lot of it is the same as Menas.

Being able to move freely in the air without wings and without superpowers has been studied by scholars of the elves for many years in the special case of Hackron and Menas.

I still can't figure out how it works.

It can only be explained that they have a special force field inside their bodies, and under the action of this special force field, they can also move freely in the air~

Many people think that this is just a forced explanation.

It's far away, back to business!

With Menas, he hurried away with Xu Jing.

Is this moving forward dozens of times faster?

This is not the fastest speed for Menas.

This particular adventurous party is led by Gera Ora who is the fastest and at the forefront, always acting as a "lighting tool" with his flash skills.

Menas and Lucario, who were carrying Xu Jing, were in the back.

In the dark, Darkrai and Gengar are waiting!

Lucario was in charge of probing with the power of the waveguide from time to time.

It will give a warning in any situation.

Everyone cooperates with each other.

The surrounding static environment was quickly left behind, and Xu Jing couldn't help but sigh when he saw this: "It would have been good if it had been like this earlier, the previous 5 hours were purely looking for guilt." "

Xu Jing hurried like this.

Constantly changing channels.

From time to time, he would take out his phone and play on Menas's back.

When it is necessary to determine the route.

He used the map he had downloaded offline in advance to name the route.

For a moment, Xu Jing surpassed one adventurer after another who was in front of him.

Some of the adventurer's elves sensed him when he caught up.

Remind yourself of the trainer.

It made the trainer nervous.

I thought some wild elf was catching up and fighting!

As a result, I saw Xu Jing hurrying by.

In a flash, you will surpass yourself.

The adventurer was directly dumbfounded!

An hour later.

Menas had already traveled 80 kilometers with Xu Jing in his car.

This is certainly far from Menas's extreme speed.

This is Xu Jing seeing that everyone is hurrying too fast. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Properly let everyone slow down!

He, the trainer "Weak Chicken", sat on Menas's back.

You don't have to travel, but you need to breathe!

As it gets deeper and deeper.

The ambient temperature has dropped to -25 []

If the speed is too fast, the "weak chicken" trainer Xu Jing takes a breath casually, and those cold air will go crazy into the nose!

Whoever sucks it knows what it tastes like......

Doze off?


Take a slight hard breath of -25 cold air.

I'm sure you'll not be sleepy.

Moreover, from the entrance of the labyrinth cave to the depths.

It's only 1,000 kilometers at most!

Menas had been on the road for an hour, and with Xu Jing's previous journey, he had already walked one-tenth of it!

There are 9 more that long to reach the Deep Zone!

Lucario's warning came.

Xu Jing shared through the waveguide, and clearly saw that there was a team of 4 adventurers in front of him.

Xu Jing looked at it on the offline map of his mobile phone.

"There is a supply station 3 kilometers ahead, and this adventurer team will most likely go to that supply station. "

Xu Jing pondered for a moment.

It was decided to let the elven companions rest in place for a quarter of an hour.

The supply depot will not be gone.

His plan was to take advantage of the fact that he was still in good spirits today, and let Menas take him half the way!

So, he took out some elven energy cubes and drinks from his backpack and fed them to his companions.

Everyone is in very good shape.

Even Menas, who was carrying Xu Jing on the way, did not look like he was panting at all, and with the treasure of leftovers playing a role in his body at all times, Menas's physical strength was still abundant.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.


Lucario probed around, and everything was normal.

"Okay, let's go ahead!"

Re-ride Menas.

Xu Jing's adventure team continued on their way.

After a minute, Lucario didn't spot the party again, apparently heading to the supply depot.

As it gets deeper and deeper.

The probability of encountering wild spirits has become more frequent.

But it's basically solved by Darkrai.

In the dark, Darkrai guarded Xu Jing.

Encountering some wild elves who are actively attacking, Darkrai in the dark does not hesitate to attack!

The exclusive qualifications of the Phantom Beast are reflected in Darkrai.

Its awareness and ability to fight independently are improving wildly!

Waves of Evil!

Congratulations to the host, your Darkrai defeated the Sound Blast and gained 1840 XP]

Strange winds!

Congratulations to the host, your Darkrai defeated the Panshan King and gained 1680 XP

Shadow Ball!

Congratulations to the host, your Darkrai defeated the Wandering Eidolon and gained 5,100 XP and broke through to LV.58!】

Experience is halved when defeating an elite elf.

Full XP can only be gained when defeating the Pavilion Master-level Elves.

So far.

Darkrai has yet to defeat the Quasi-Celestial Elves.

The main thing is that at this time, it is not the time for the quasi-heavenly king wild elves to appear.

You know, the history of trainers is only about 30 years.

But as soon as the elf secret realm appeared, in the secret realm of the corresponding level, the elves did not know how long they had been living.

Therefore, in the high-level secret realm, there are many wild elves whose strength is very strong, which is very normal!

Xu Jing only thought that he could quickly reach the range of the appearance of the quasi-heavenly king elf, so that he could activate the super good luck card.

After all, it's only 24 o'clock.

Maximize profits.

When did the quasi-heavenly king wild elves appear?

When does it mean that Xu Jing has arrived in the deep area of the labyrinth cave, and that is the time when the Super Good Luck Card is activated!

In addition, when Darkrai, who is only at the Pavilion Master level, defeats the Quasi-Heavenly King Wild Elf, he will gain more experience than if he defeats the Pavilion Master level of the same level.

Soon, Menas took Xu Jing and hurried 300 kilometers again!

At this time, the ambient temperature has dropped to -30!

In this low-temperature environment, Xu Jing felt more and more that Bicchitini was really good in his arms.

Warm, very intimate~

A natural oven.

The temperature around it is a little colder, so let Bictini raise the temperature on the hair a little more.

The cold air was directly affected by Biktini's fire attribute within half a meter of Xu Jing.

After all, after absorbing the fire-type pure crystal, Biktini had reached LV.81 level!

Champion-level elves have a row everywhere!

Xu Jing noticed that Menas was beginning to gasp slightly.

After a long time of traveling, even if Menas's physical exhaustion is not serious, it is a lot of consumption to accumulate.

As soon as the breath burst out of its mouth, it formed a smoothie and fell in front of it.

But fortunately, Menas also has two ice skills, and this level of temperature is not bad for it.

Rest again for a quarter of an hour in place.

After Xu Jing fed some energy cubes to his elf companions again, he was about to leave.

Lucario next to him suddenly warned that a wild spirit was rapidly approaching!


It is two feet away from Xu Jing.

At a fork in the road, a relatively strong king of the mountain appeared!

It sniffed towards Xu Jing.

Geraora's flash enveloped it.


Xu Jing thought to himself, is this already approaching the deep area?

Because the normal king of the mountain is only ground!

The whole body is yellow, and the spines on the back are also yellowish-brown.

But the king in front of him is ice white, and the thorns on his back are crystal blue, which looks much more handsome than ordinary king piercing!

[Elf: Panshan King (Ice +)]

【Qualification:Quasi-Heavenly King】

[Level: LV.60 (Quasi-Heavenly King Beginner)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (29) Attack (29) Defense (30) Special Attack (10) Special Defense (20) Speed (31)]

[Trait: Snow Hidden (In hail weather, it can better avoid local skills, and is immune to damage caused by hail weather skills)]

[Skills: Metal Claw (Genetic), Icicle, Metal Explosion, Icicle Crash, Split, Rounding, Ice Puck, Spin Ball, Hail, Ice Breath, ......]

This is a mountain king whose strength has reached the level of a quasi-heavenly king, and it is an ice system + system, which can be regarded as an alternative mountain king.


The King of the Mountains suddenly appeared, and when he saw Xu Jing, he didn't leave, obviously coming towards Xu Jing.

Xu Jing subconsciously thought that this king of the mountain was here to grab food!

As a result, I saw that the other party did not step forward.

A look of indecision.


"It came with a child?"

Wild elves aren't all brutal.

A considerable number of wild elves, even if they have been surviving in the wild, do not attack indiscriminately when they see the trainers.

Even some wild elves know how to turn to trainers for help!

Xu Jing gave Lucario a look.

Lucario understood.

Soon, Lucario, who has the power of a waveguide, knows what the king of the mountain on the other side wants to do.

Its baby was grazed by the poisonous claws of a powerful dragon king scorpion, and as a result, it was poisoned!

It wanted to seek Xu Jing's help, but it was afraid that Xu Jing, like other trainers, would think it had bad intentions, so it hesitated to step forward.

(The setting is that the energy between the attributes cannot be 100% immune, and can only greatly weaken the influence of the attributes, and the baby pangolin has steel attributes, which can greatly weaken the poison energy nine).

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