"Senior Brother Xu Jing, this is the treasure you need, I got it for you. "

At home in the military community, Long Jun was holding a small box in his hand.

In the box is the secret treasure of the evil system that Xu Jing needs.

- 2 black glasses!

The black glasses are a secret treasure that the evil spirits can absorb.

Xu Jing needs this thing for the sole purpose.

It's for Darkrai!


He hadn't let anyone else know about Darkrai's existence.

It's just that on the side of the National Defense Elf Academy, I and some seniors exchanged my attribute stones for 2 evil essence and evil stones.

The Evil Secret Treasure can't help it.

The seniors can't get the attribute treasure trade.

So Xu Jing told Senior Long Jun that he needed 2 evil secret treasures.

Senior Long Jun heard Xu Jing's needs on the phone.

In addition, he himself has to find Xu Jing to have something.

So he brought over what Xu Jing needed.

Xu Jing took the small box.

Hurriedly let Long Jun sit down at home.

The parents at home were also a little surprised when they saw Xu Jing inviting people to come to the door for the first time, and hurriedly made tea and other busy work.

Seeing that Senior Long Jun was wearing a mask, Xu Jing knew in his heart that the senior didn't want his parents to be pressured, so he removed the name from the title and only called the senior: "Senior, how is the Chihe Secret Realm?"

Long Jun looked at Xu Jing's busy parents and said in a low voice, "Thanks to your news, our Dragon Kingdom has collected the largest number of Super Evolution Stones in the Red River Secret Realm because the Flame Heavenly King and the Flying Heavenly King have turned the tide. "

"It's right that you haven't left Star City for a while, Tefergus on the United States side is angry, so don't go to the public secret realm abroad for the time being. "

Heard that the dragon kingdom took a big advantage.

Xu Jing smiled and said lightly: "Well, I just went to the Chihe Secret Realm on a whim, and who knew that I would find this situation over there." "

"Xu Jing, you should have gone to that relic space too, right?"

Hearing Long Jun talk about the ruin space where the black and white divine dragon was located, Xu Jing nodded and said suspiciously: "There should be an enchantment over there that makes people unable to get close, and I didn't stay long before I came out." "

The stakes are high in Biktini.

Before Xu Jing had enough strength.

He wasn't ready to reveal Biktini!28 "Well, that barrier is too strong for me and the elves of Tefergus to break, and I thought you kid had extra news." Long Jun shook his head with some pity.

"Don't talk about this, what are you going to do during the winter vacation?"

Long Jun asked about this, and Xu Jing came to his senses.

"Senior, I want to ask the elf egg I got before, and the elf egg I took from the elf treasury, where did they get it?"

Elf eggs?

Long Jun looked at Xu Jing in surprise, didn't think much about it, and replied: "That, that one was found from the Taiping Sea Secret Realm, the Taiping Sea Secret Realm is the only five-star level public secret realm in the world, don't think about it now." "

The secret realm of the Taiping Sea!

It is located in the middle of the Taiping Sea.

It was discovered 10 years ago when the Gate of the Secret Realm appeared.

The size of the four-star level secret realm is comparable to that of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

The five-star level secret realm is equivalent to half a world, and there are so many trainers in it!

It's super dangerous here, too!

"Okay. Xu Jing smiled.

It turned out to be in the secret realm of the Taiping Sea:

It seems that there is no way to do it for the time being.

He also thought that if it was in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.

You'll be sure of your next destination.

There's no way around the public secret realm.

Xu Jing has to become a little stronger!

After chatting for a long time, Xu Jing's mother Lin Huiying came over.

The two of them changed the subject appropriately.

It turned out that her mother Lin Huiying invited Long Jun to stay for dinner.

Where does Long Jun have time to stay.

Immediately said that he still had a lot of things to do.

and Xu Jing and his parents said goodbye.

Come fast and go fast.

Xu Jing got up to send him off.

"Senior, I wonder if I can ask my Lucario to sense it in front of those super evolution stones that I have collected?"

Xu Jing's Super Evolution Stone does not have Lucario Super Evolution Stone.

So I thought about going to the stone face collected by the Dragon Kingdom to have a look.

"No problem, come over when you have time. "

Others proposed this, and Long Jun definitely refused.

But Xu Jingmo, as I said before, Xu Jing's contribution is too great, and it is of great significance to the Dragon Kingdom!

It's just such a small problem.

So what's not satisfied?

Approved on the spot!

Back home.

The parents were discussing Long Jun, who had just left.

"I feel that this friend of my son is definitely not simple, and that kind of temperament does not feel like an ordinary person. "

"Xiaojing's talent is very strong, and it is normal for him to make friends with powerful people. Xu Zhiming, who has always been silent, expressed his opinion.

I saw Xu Jing come back.

Lin Huiying couldn't help but inquire about Long Jun's identity.

"Mom, that was one of my seniors just now. "

"I used to graduate from the National Defense Elf Academy. "

Xu Jingyou wanted to explain.

But on second thought, there is no need to explain.

Many people don't know the whereabouts of Senior Long Jun.

He tries not to let others know that nature has his reasons.

Xu Jing didn't discuss this topic with his parents for too long.

It didn't take long for the parents to divert their attention.

I spent a week at home with my parents.

Xu Jing couldn't bear his desire to progress.

In the computer in the room, he searched for the elven secret realm suitable for him to break into, a total of 4!

Two of them are on the side of the coastal cities.

One is called the Yamakawa Coast.

One is called the Sea of Clouds.

The two elven secret realms are dominated by mountains and rivers.

Of course, the environment doesn't matter.

Xu Jing mainly saw the level of the two elf secret realms.


The level 4 elf secret realm, the size of the internal space is equivalent to the entire dragon kingdom, and the chanceful treasures inside are all waiting for Xu Jing to explore!

The other two 4 secret realms are called Labyrinth Cave and Dragon's Lair!

The Labyrinth Cave is a secret place underground.

Most of the places inside are dark.

The environment is extremely harsh!

Dragon's Lair, as the name suggests.

The heart of this secret realm is home to many dragon spirits!

Many well-qualified dragon elf eggs are obtained in the dragon's lair, but the dragon elves are strong and belligerent, and they want to steal dragon eggs, and they are ready to hunt you down after being discovered!

"The environment of the mountains and rivers and the sea of clouds is better. "

"But because of this, these two 4-star secret realms have more trainers!"

Look at the information on the computer.

Xu Jing quickly had his own judgment in his heart.

Choose between the Labyrinth Cave and the Dragon's Lair!

"It's dark inside the labyrinth, and it may be dangerous for others, but it doesn't matter to me. "

Xu Jing is holding 2 Poké Balls in his hand.

That's Gengar and Darkrai's Poké Ball!

The labyrinthine cave mainly depends on the two of them. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Come to think of it.

Xu Jing called out both Geng and Darkrai.

"Bang Bang~"


Geng Ghost came out to say hello as always. []

Darkrai is a guy who likes to be quiet.

It's always cool and doesn't say a word, with two black paws often wrapped around its chest like Lucario.

"Darkrai, Geng, do you two want to go to a place that suits you very well, there should be a lot of evil and ghost spirits there. "

Evil and ghostly elves?

Geng Ghost Detective claws scratch his head, it doesn't matter.

Darkrai looked interested.

This month.

Darkrai absorbs 2 Evil Essences and 2 Evil Stones.

The strength level has reached LV.45!

It had heard a lot of things from its fellow elves about the elven realm, but it had never experienced it before.

So Xu Jing asked this question, and Darkrai raised his paw to show that he was interested.

"Well, since that's the case, it's decided!"

It is said that the old man is the most favored.

Although Xu Jing didn't agree with this, he still unconsciously leaned towards Darkrai's thoughts, after all, the other elf companions followed him to several secret realms.

Darkrai is the only one who hasn't experienced it.

[Elf: Darkrai (Evil) Genderless]

[Qualification: Phantom Beast Exclusive]

[Level: LV.45 (Elite Intermediate)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (31) Attack (31) Defense (31) Special Attack (31) Special Defense (31) Speed (31)]

[Trait: Nightmare (Darkrai-exclusive trait, if the opponent is asleep or has an absolute sleep trait, it absorbs the opponent's stamina without disturbing the opponent) (slightly changed)]

[Skills: Strange Wind, Immobilization, Lightning Flash, Hypnosis, Surprise Blow, Nightmare, Shadow Clone, Black Mist, Shadow Ball, Evil Wave]

[Exclusive Skill: Dark Hole (Uncontrolled)]

The above is the specific information of Darkrai now.

LV.45 level!

Now it can also absorb 2 Vicious Treasures.

1,600,000 XP!

This experience is enough to push Darkrai's level to LV.57!

Now, Xu Jing's other elf companions are leveled as LV.67 Lucario, LV.67 Geng, LV.60 Menas, LV.62 Gerala, LV.71 Fossil Pterodactyl, and LV.81 Biktini!

Menas was a bit miserable.

It was overtaken by Gera Ola and the fossil pterosaur.

That's the downside of having only one property.

But it doesn't matter, Xu Jing believes that sooner or later he will be able to take his elf companions to the top!

Thinking about it, Xu Jing took out the secret treasure of the evil system brought by Senior Long Jun.

The evil secret treasure is the appearance of black glasses under the appearance of the rules of heaven and earth, hence the name black glasses.

Xu Jing touched two black glasses to Darkrai.

The black glasses immediately turned into energy and was absorbed by Darkrai.

Congratulations to the host, your Darkrai has absorbed the Evil Secret Treasure - Black Glasses ×2, and the evil elemental energy in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 1.6 million experience points, and the absorption time is about 4]

4 time, then continue to wait!

4 Time flies.

February 2, 2024!

Today is a small year in the north of the Dragon Kingdom.

There is still a week to go until Chinese New Year's Eve.

Therefore, Xu Jing only planned to stay in the labyrinth cave until the day before Chinese New Year's Eve and then come out and go home for the New Year.

The Labyrinth Cave Secret Realm is located in Dongshan Province.

This month, most places in Dong Son province are already below zero, and the weather is very cold.

Xu Jing didn't wear any fleece and thick clothes and pants.

It's not just him, on the subway of the trainer's line.

Because everyone's physique is much stronger than normal, everyone only wears short-sleeved shorts or single-shirts and pants.

However, this kind of ability can only end up before entering the labyrinth cave, if you really enter the labyrinth cave and still wear it like this, there is only one end - frostbite!

That's right, the location of the Labyrinth Cave in Dongshan Province, because the cave is very cold!

In this season, it is normal for the coldest place in the labyrinth cave to have minus 50 degrees Celsius, and even the strongest trainer will be frozen into a dog in the environment of minus 50 degrees Celsius.

Therefore, when the radio of the trainer's special line shouted ahead to the labyrinth cave, all the trainers obediently went to the elf shop outside the secret hall to buy equipment.

"It's here, it's finally here. "

"Alas, it won't be long before the 427 New Year, I hope this time I can find something good before the New Year, and have a lively New Year!"

"Who's to say it isn't, I'm even ready to spend the New Year in the labyrinth cave. "

"No, no, if you have money or not, you have to go home for the New Year, this sentence is not only applicable to ordinary civilians, but also to us trainers, haha!"

"Labyrinth Cave, I'm here! Attribute Secret Treasure! I'm here!"

"Yes, another crazy one. "


Under the giggling of trainers.

Everyone walked out of the station, crossed a path that no one else walked, and came to the outside of the secret hall of the labyrinth cave.

The facilities and equipment outside the halls of other secret realms are similar.

The first is a huge square.

The square is surrounded by hotels, fairy hospitals, shops, supermarkets and other stores and buildings.

Xu Jing first came to the shop where he could buy all kinds of equipment related to the maze cave, he moved relatively fast, and he was the first batch of people who came to the shop to buy equipment.

I want to buy equipment.

First of all, understand what a labyrinth cave is like!

It's cold, so it's a must to buy a special winter jacket!

It is also necessary to have a special tent.

The environment is dark, so you must buy a powerful flashlight.

This powerful flashlight is also a special version.

It can be charged directly by connecting it directly to the electric genie body.

But for Xu Jing, it is dispensable.

Not only does he have Gera Ora to illuminate it, but he also has Bicchitini to provide the lighting conditions if necessary.

That's why it's best to have electric and fire spirits in the secret realm of the dark environment, and lighting is essential!

Having said that, Xu Jing obediently bought two strong flashlights, not for anything else, just in case.

"Little handsome guy, don't you want to look at the heating equipment? It's very cold in the labyrinth cave, and many people buy heating equipment for emergencies. "

The shop owner was curious about Xu Jing's age.

Although Xu Jing brought a mask.

But the well-informed shop owner still saw at a glance that Xu Jing's age was very young.

But he was smart enough not to ask what he shouldn't have asked.

Just give your own advice.

"No, make room for your backpack. "

Xu Jingxie is absolutely kind.

The shopkeeper didn't say more, but secretly thought that this young man would regret entering the labyrinth cave.

Xu Jing thought to himself, what kind of heating equipment do you want, not to mention occupying backpack space, what kind of heating equipment can have a good effect on my Biktini's fluffy and soft body?


Besides, Xu Jing's physical fitness believed that he had surpassed most of the trainers in the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if he goes to the core of the labyrinth cave, he can carry it without heating equipment.

ps: A new secret realm is about to appear, ask for flowers! ask for a monthly pass! ask for evaluation votes!.

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