It probably took another ten minutes.

Fossil pterosaurs as the main force.

Lucario and Menas are supporters.

Everyone finally dug this piece of ground to the location that Xu Jing needed.


The fossil pterosaur roared and slammed into the rock layer again, knocking the last rock layer away!


This last layer of rock seems to be extraordinarily crisp.

After crashing away.

A distinct stream of warm air rises.

"Geng ghost. Xu Jing just shouted, and the Geng ghost next to him immediately understood what was going on, his eyes blinked, and the purple-black claws grabbed it casually, and this warm air flow obediently aside.

Xu Jing stood at the top and looked down.

The place where it was dug up was very deep, but there was a distinct red light at the bottom, the brilliance was faint, and it looked like a diamond-shaped crystal!

Don't think about it, this is that fire-based pure crystal!

One is worth more than 100 million!

"Geng, it's the glowing thing, help me get it out. "Even if Xu Jing still has more than 100 million alliance coins in his card now, he can't buy pure crystals.

So his voice was a little excited!

Under the control of the Geng.

The fire-based pure crystals in the pit slowly floated.

Slowly landed in Xu Jing's open palm.

The feeling of starting is as warm as jade.

It's such a small thing.

If it is made into a pendant, it is worn close to the body.

You just don't feel cold in any cold weather.




Lucario, Menas, Fossil Pterodactyl, and others all looked at the crystal in Xu Jing's hand, although they didn't know what it was, they knew that Xu Jing made them toss it for this thing.

"Haha, don't look at it, none of you can absorb this thing, you have to replace it with attributes that match you, I'll put it away first." "

Xu Jing laughed, took out a delicate small box from his backpack, put the fire-based pure crystal in his palm, which was only the size of his thumb, and covered the box and put it away.

"Alright, Geng, get the rubble back in. "

The thing he was looking for was found, and Xu Jing was in a particularly good mood.

Ask your elf companions to fill back the rubble.

Xu Jing used the power of the waveguide to sense the surroundings.

"Huh? This guy ......."

As soon as the power of the waveguide came out, Xu Jing knew what was going on nearby, but he didn't expect to see such a scene.


It didn't take long for Pu Qian, the stick of the Han country, to come back first.

"Captain, I'm so unlucky, there's nothing around here, alas, I don't know if the captain has gained anything?"

Pu Qian looked at Xu Jing with a depressed face, and glanced at the gravel not far away without a trace.

Although the gravel has been filled back by Geng.

But after all, it is dug up by skill brute force.

It is impossible for the ground to return to its original state.

"I'll rest here for a while, and when you two come back, we'll rest for a while before heading to the next destination." "

Xu Jing responded casually without moving.

Pu Qian nodded calmly.

In fact, he roared in his heart: "Axi, this Dragon Country man obviously dug up a fire-based pure crystal here, and even said that he just rested for a while?"

It turned out that Pu Qian hadn't gone far before.

Walking around the neighborhood, he immediately set his eyes on Xu Jing, the captain of the adventure team, who had formed an adventure team.

After all, Xu Jing named the place to come here.

Who would believe that there is no weirdness here?

So Pu Qian found a tall tree in the distance and used the technology telescope he bought to observe Xu Jing.

So, Xu Jing commanded the elf partners to dig up the ground, including defeating those wild elves, all of which were seen by Pu Qian!

Pu Qian also saw that Xu Jing had an elf that he had never seen before, that is, Flash Gera Ola!

In the end, when the fire-based pure crystal was taken out of the pit, Pu Qian was excited!

He thought that Xu Jing came here to look for treasures.

But what I didn't expect to find was a priceless fire-type pure crystal!

This Xu Jing is definitely not simple!

Park Qian's mind became active in an instant.

Before he entered the Chihe Secret Realm, he was alone.

After finding out the situation of the entire Chihe Secret Realm.

He felt that he was too slow to make a profit alone, so he decided to set his sights on the adventure squads.

Yesterday was the first day he changed his mind.

I met Xu Jing to form a temporary adventure team.

Although there is a difference between the temporary adventure team and the regular adventure team, Pu Qian thinks that he may be able to have unexpected gains by following the former who has the quasi-heavenly king spirit.

So Park Qian joined.

I didn't expect it to be really rewarding!

What an unexpected bonus!

Fire Crystal!

You have to find a way to get it!

After getting it, change it to elf resources, and you will definitely wait to get a team full of master level of the library!

It's not impossible to even get involved with the Quasi-Heavenly King!

The most straightforward way to do this is to......

Kill somebody to do away with a witness!

In the three-star level elf secret realm.

There is no internet on the phone.

There are no cameras in modern cities here, everything here speaks by strength!

As long as you don't get filmed by others with your mobile phone, no matter who is standing behind Xu Jing, everything is dead and unproven, and no one knows that he did it!

Pu Qian, who has seen Xu Jing's strength, knows it well.

Straight and hard.

His elves definitely couldn't beat Xu Jing's side.

After all, how powerful the quasi-heavenly king-level elf is, Pu Qian still knows, he came here to look for an opportunity to sneak attack, and he is not in a hurry to act at this time.

After roaring in his heart, Pu Qian secretly warned himself to endure and wait for an opportunity.

didn't know that he was peeping and had already been discovered by Xu Jing!

As soon as the power of the waveguide came out, Xu Jing saw Pu Qian in the distance holding a telescope to observe this side.

It doesn't matter if the fire-type pure crystal is known.

He estimated that when Pu Qian brought him to his final destination, it would be clear whether this Pu Qian would make a move.

He had already instructed the Geng ghost hidden in his shadow to pay attention to Pu Qian, if this Pu Qian didn't have the mind, forget it, Xu Jing was not a murderer, but just now he used the power of the waveguide to sense at close range, this Pu Qian has a strong malice towards him!

The two sides have never made enemies, but the other party has such a strong malice, there is only one explanation, the other party wants to kill him and swallow the treasure!

Then don't blame him...... Unload the mill and kill the donkey!

When he arrives at the place where Biktini, the star of victory, mentioned in the information of the god-level card, appears, Pu Qian's usefulness will be gone.

Since Park Qian has such strong malice towards him.

No matter how the other side makes a move, Xu Jing will not keep him.

Now, let's use waste first!

When Mao Sha came back, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Park Qian guessed that she should have gained something.

On the surface, he congratulated two sentences, but in his heart he actually mocked: "Hmph, when I get my hands on the fire-based pure crystal, this wool yarn will also be extinguished by then!"

Why is Park Qian so bold?

The first is that wealth is moving!

Second, he has three pavilion master-level elves, and in his opinion, he has a calculating intention to deal with Xu Jing, and the probability of a successful sneak attack will increase a lot!

Third, Xu Jing's age gave him the illusion that the hairy boy was just like that, and the elf with the strength of the quasi-heavenly king must be because of the family forces behind him!

The three of them had their own thoughts.

After half an hour's rest, we set off again!

Got on the flying elf and galloped out of the crater.

Because the fire-based pure crystal has already arrived.

Xu Jing was not in a hurry for the rest of the time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Along the way, he was asking Pu Qian, where are there more elf races, Xu Jing asked all this information in advance, so as not to waste it.

Ask the number of elven races, it is nothing more than leveling up!

Park Qian didn't hide it.

Even in order to win Xu Jing's favor.

Lower Xu Jing's vigilance against him. []

Pu Qian knows everything and speaks endlessly.

Locate some of the elven tribes you know.

All of them were told to Xu Jing!

Just take out a map.

This is a sketch map of the secret realm of Chihe, afraid that Xu Jing is not clear, Pu Qian marked some places for Xu Jingdu.

Thoughtful, he also wrote in Chinese.

But it looks a little crooked.

I can barely read what is written.

This is to the Mao Sha on the side is in a hurry, what is the matter with Pu Qian, these news should wait for Xu Jing to ask, they brought Xu Jing over, so that the role of their team members can be seen!

What's the matter with you saying it all at once?

But Park Qian said so.

It can't say that it knows the location of the elven race, right?

Forced to have no choice, she could only mark a few places she knew on the map.

Xu Jingle is happy.

I didn't expect this kind of harvest!

Along the way, the intimate Pu Qian took Xu Jing to pass by the locations of dozens of elf groups, large and small.

Park Qian's information is worthy of being the latest hand.

The elves he knew were located, and most of them had not migrated away.

Xu Jing wants to brush the level.

Just challenge them one by one!



As if a sign of something to come.

Xu Jing and his entourage flew at an altitude of 100 meters above the ground in a flying elf, looking ahead!

In front of him is a mountain that is much larger than the volcano Xu Jing saw before, probably 300 meters up!

Fly in front of this oversized mountain.

Xu Jing only felt majestic, heavy, and depressed!

From time to time, thick smoke rises from the crater.

It proves that there is magma flowing in this huge mountain!

Seeing Xu Jing's eyes showing this look of shock, Pu Qian on the side sneered in his heart, a little young is a little young, this is shocking?

However, he complimented: "Captain, I was also shocked when I saw this super mountain for the first time, such a huge volcanic mountain, if this erupts, what will it do?"

"It's not just me, it's a lot of people who think this way, but in fact, the largest volcano has never erupted. "

Hearing this, Xu Jing immediately knew.

It seems that there are many people who know about this volcano!

That's right, after all, this is probably the largest volcanic mountain in the Chihe Secret Realm, and anyone who has entered the Chihe Secret Realm may want to come and take a look.

This is the place where the Star of Victory Biktini appeared as proposed in the information of the god-level card!

On December 22nd, the Red River Secret Realm will merge with the new Secret Realm!

When the time comes, there will be a ruin here!

At the same time, there will also be a lot of super evolution stones in the Chihe Secret Realm!

This will be the first time that the Super Evolution Stone has been released!

It's going to be a sensation all over the world!

"Well, let's go, go down. "

Xu Jing gave an order, and the three elves slowly landed.

Not far from the volcanic mountain, there is a stream with boiling water, which is probably close to 100 degrees Celsius, and waves of fog rise in the middle of the flow, making the vegetation in the vicinity grow much more luxuriantly.

In the secret realm of the elves, it is not surprising that there are any strange phenomena, this is the wonder of the rules of heaven and earth!

"Mao Sha, you go around and find a place to rest. "Xu Jing is not ready to keep Pu Qian, a guy who is full of malice towards him.

Seeing that Xu Jing had arrived at his destination, Park Qian was thinking about how to find an opportunity to sneak attack and kill Xu Jing.

To kill Xu Jing, he thinks that the first thing to do is to only open the wool yarn.

Otherwise, after doing it.

Mao Sha and Xu Jing are both trainers of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is likely that he will be bad.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jing took the initiative to open the wool yarn.

That's great!

The overjoyed Park Qian's mind became active.

Mao Sha did not doubt that he had him, and left with the elf.

Standing beside the hot stream, Pu Qian's mind moved, his eyes rolled, and he said to Xu Jing diligently: "Captain, I won't tell you, the last time I entered the Chihe Secret Realm was near here, and I found a place that is very likely to have attribute secret treasures, but unfortunately it was blocked by a group of powerful lava snails, captain, are you interested in taking a trip? Let's four or six points, you six!"

It is too much of an exaggeration to say that the attribute is pure crystal.

Pu Qian said that it was a secret treasure of attributes, and he didn't believe that Xu Jing was not moved.

"Yes. Xu Jing looked at Pu Qian, his hand was not slow, and he called Lucario out.

Park Qian was really moved when he saw Xu Jing.

Call out all the elves.

But why did this Lucario stare at me when he came out?

Pu Qian: "Captain, then I'll lead the way?"

Xu Jing: "No, I don't need you to lead the way, I'll send you." "

Pu Qian: "What do you mean, you know...... Huh?"

Pu Qian suddenly came back to his senses!


Tentatively: "Captain, what are you talking about, why don't I understand?"

"Don't you understand, what about this?" Xu Jing took out the box containing the fire-type pure crystal, and when the box opened, a red fire-type pure crystal lay there quietly.

That's all for that.

Where didn't Pu Qian understand, it turned out that he was secretly peeping, this Xu Jing actually knew?

Now that he knows, he still asks this and that along the way...... Ah! Pu Qian suddenly understood!

His face changed wildly, and he immediately looked at the owl Nighthawk, and ordered sharply: "Take me away quickly!"

At the same time as giving the order, Pu Qian was about to reach out and call out several of his other elves, but found that he couldn't move no matter what......

A circle of purple-black energy fluctuations unconsciously appeared under his feet, and it was...... Ghost energy!

"Black ...... Night Shadow!?"

"Get it right, reward you for hitting the road. "

Xu Jing's Geng ghost suddenly appeared from the sky.

It has reached the strength of the Quasi-Heavenly King, and when it urges the Night Demon Shadow, it is simply too easy to control a person through the shadow!

"Wait!Wait!I do know that you obtained the Fire Pure Crystal, it's my fault to peep, you spare me......"


It all happened in the light of light!

Pu Qian's plea for mercy was not finished.

He also wished he could quibble.

Geng moved his fingers.

The neck of the Han Country stick snapped at a strange angle, and it hiccuped directly......

"Gollum !!"

The owl nighthawk in the sky rushed down frantically, wanting to avenge the dead owner, Xu Jing looked at the fossil pterosaur.

"Over to you. "

Call out Lucario, just in case.

A nightjar owl at the level of a curator, and he doesn't need Lucario to do it.

As for all innocent?

If Park Qianruo does it, all his elves are accomplices!

Xu Jing has the power of the waveguide and can feel the good and evil of others towards him, so he shot ahead of time and didn't give Park Qian a chance to do it! .

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