"Have you heard, in the elf hatching room, the electric elf incubator with the energy of the thunder stone is the elf of Xu Jing's junior brother. "

"Well, yes, that elf egg is the elf egg that Senior Brother Xu Jing got after winning the national championship, because there is only one, and the other seniors have no share. "

"It should also be given to Xu Jing, after all, there is Xu Jing, except for Senior Sister Huayan and Senior Ouyang Su, I feel that the other few people are just making up the numbers, and they are completely lying to win, right?"

"Ahem, that's ...... It makes sense!"

"Don't talk about that, I don't know what kind of elf this elf egg can hatch, I'm really looking forward to it. "

"Xu Jing hasn't returned yet? I saw the elf eggs in the hatching room, and I feel that they will hatch successfully today. "

Inside the Defense Genie Academy.

There aren't many students who need to use the elf hatchery.

Tend to directly subdue the elves who have grown up for a while, and the students who tend to hatch elf eggs are half open.

However, usually everyone completes the elf hatching they need early, and only freshmen and a very small number of sophomores will use the elf hatching box.

The juniors and seniors have already decided on the elf partners they should cultivate.

After all, time is of the essence.

If you don't take advantage of the resources and conditions in the Elf Academy to cultivate early, after graduation, resources and conditions such as energy houses and training venues are not so easy to have!

A few freshmen came to hatch elf eggs in the elf hatching room today, only to see an elf egg hatching in the electric incubator, but there was no trainer guarding it.

I found out when I checked it on the National Defense Elf Academy APP.

This was actually incubated by Xu Jing here!

Having elf credits is heroic!

We are only willing to come when we are close to hatching.

You just leave it alone?


The news of the hatching of elf eggs in this elf hatchery had no meaning to hide, and this time it was even more spreading.

What elves do you have.

As long as you want to cultivate, you will definitely be known by everyone.

Secret cultivation?

Why did you come to the elf hatchery secretly......

Xu Jing is still on the way.

The three roommates in dormitory 105 have long been impatient.

One by one, Wei Xinqun asked him if he had arrived.

Remind that the elf egg is about to hatch, don't miss the first time the elf breaks out of the shell.

It was already noon when Xu Jing arrived at the hatchery.

"If you don't come back, I'm afraid you'll miss it, this elf egg will definitely hatch in the afternoon. Counselor Han Zhuang was also relieved to see Xu Jing coming back, he specially went in to help take a look and estimated the time of incubation.

When hatching elf eggs, it is best not to approach idle people to avoid accidents.

Wang Ming and the three of them stayed outside the hatchery with their eyes blank.

Xu Jing walked into the hatchery. 823


It seems to feel that the owner is nearby.

The elf eggs inside the incubator begin to shake slightly.

There was also a glimmer of golden lightning on the eggshell.

It looks very stylish!

"Little guy, let's hatch quickly~"

Xu Jing was a little impatient.

This is a phantom beast elf!

Rarer than quasi-god elves!

Not to mention that this is a 4V2U Terraola!

It's a flash, white hair!

However, the elven eggs are just shaking in the hatching box.

There are no plans to break the shell.

Xu Jing stayed here for two hours without breaking the shell.

Let's go out and get something to eat first!

Looking at this situation, it will not be able to break the shell for another hour.

I haven't had lunch yet!

Xu Jing opened the door of the hatching room.

The three roommates outside the door are still there!

I saw Xu Jing come out.

Wang Ming was the first to shout excitedly: "Brother Jing, Brother Jing, what is it, let me see!"

"I'm also very curious about what the electric elf will be rewarded for winning the national championship, the qualification will definitely not be bad, the type will never be bad, and the race value will definitely not be low!" Zhang Tao also speculated on the side, the gold content of winning the national championship is not low at all, and they are particularly curious about this reward!

Tong Chuan is also speculating: "I feel that it may be a series of small magnetic monsters with great qualifications, in addition to the electric and steel systems, the resistance is particularly outrageous, especially the self-detonating magnetic monsters in their final evolved form can learn self-destruct skills!"

Little Magneto?

"No, no, no, I feel like it might be the Electric Shock Monster series!" Wang Ming also made bold remarks, he preferred the Electric Shock Monster to the Little Magnetic Monster.

"Electric Shock Monster, it's not impossible, the normal characteristics of the Electric Shock Monster in the final evolved form are super effective at a certain moment!" After Wang Ming said this, Tong Chuan felt that the Electric Shock Monster was indeed possible.

Because the electric shock monster is also very strong, the race value is not low.

Even the race value of 540 is higher than that of the three royal families!

Statements about the value of race.

This is based on the information of the relics in some elven secret realms, and some special elven secret realms have buried ruins.

The resurrection instrument, for example, was found in a ruin.

This premise was initially rejected by some trainers.

In their opinion, elves are products under the rules of heaven and earth, but because of the influence of the rules of heaven and earth, they can be clearly distinguished from ordinary animals.

They can evolve and absorb the elemental energy of heaven and earth.

Forget it if there is a difference in qualifications. How can there be a racial value (CIEA)?

But later, as the ruins found in the secret realm became more and more complete and more complete, various related information and various studies also showed more and more that the race value definitely existed!

"Hey, what are the three of us guessing here, Brother Jing, Brother Jing, why did you leave, you haven't said what electric elves have hatched!"

The three roommates hurriedly followed.

"A lightning bird has hatched!"

Xu Jingyu is not shocking, and he is endless.

Casually it is the king fried.

"Damn!?really fake!?Brother Jing, you really hatched a lightning bird!?lightning bird!?"

Wang Ming screamed, and the decibel of his voice made the stern warning voice of the building administrator hear: "Which class! What is the name of the ghost!?"

Zhang Tao and Tong Chuan are going crazy with laughter.

Xu Jing was speechless and choked, and walked away by himself.

Zhang Tao and Tong Chuan followed.

"Eh, why did you three go, Taozi, Chuanzi, aren't you two curious about Brother Jing's lightning bird?"

Eat a big meal at the cafeteria!

Return to the Elven Hatchery.

Wang Ming is still thinking about what happened just now.

"Okay, you Taozi, you actually played tricks on me with Brother Jing?"

"Chuanzi, you too, when are you wearing a pair of pants with Taozi? Wait for Brother Jing's elf to hatch out, let's go head-to-head in the afternoon!"

"Whoever is afraid of whom, go alone. "Tong Chuan is not to be outdone.

Time flies.

Another two hours passed.

Just when Xu Jing was complaining in his heart about how Jiela Ora hadn't broken the shell, finally, the elf egg moved again!


Finally, there was movement, and Xu Jing hurriedly leaned over.

Staring intently at the elven eggs in the incubator.

Sure enough, a sharp claw gently pierced the eggshell.

That's how the crisp clicking sound just came from.

"冾...... Woo ......"

Through the incubator.

Xu Jing even heard the sound of milk coming from the incubator, which was made by the Jielaola.

"Little one, see how long it will take you to break free of the elven eggshell. After the shell has begun to break, Xu Jing is not in a hurry.

Just stand here and watch.

After thinking about it, he turned on the camera of his phone.

Take a video of the Gerala hatching and breaking free from the eggshell.

The little one struggled inside the elf egg for a moment before suddenly stopping.

Xu Jing thought it was resting.

As a result, a few seconds later.

A small white paw violently hammered through the entire eggshell!

The eggshell could no longer withstand the toss.

The whole split from it and shattered in half.


A white-haired little guy broke free from the elf egg and shook his head~

"Haha~" Xu Jing couldn't help but chuckle.

The sound attracts the attention of the little one.


Xu Jing opened the incubator.

Slowly reach out and approach Geralaura. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The newly hatched Gerala is very small.

Like a kitten.

The incubator opened, and Xu Jing's breath came.

The more the elf egg is about to hatch, the more the breath of the trainer it comes into contact with will be remembered, and at this time, if the first thing you see after hatching is the trainer with the same breath, then there is a high probability that it will be regarded as the closest person.

Now, Xu Jing and Jieraola are like that. []

After smelling Xu Jing's breath.

Gerala wasn't afraid.

The white hair trembled, and a bunch of gold in the middle of the forehead made it look small, but it was also mighty and handsome!

The little guy blinked with big eyes, looking at Xu Jing's close palm, which obediently rubbed its head on it.


My eyes narrowed!

It seems to be very comfortable and enjoyable.

"Gerala, come with me in the future~"

Xu Jing put his phone away.

Take out the 50,000 worth of premium balls that have been prepared long ago.

proposed to accept it, Xu Jing was a little nervous.

After all, this is a phantom beast, not an ordinary elf.

Who knows if the Phantom Beast Elves can be subdued in the same way as ordinary Elves?

However, Xu Jing was obviously worried.

Jielaola rubbed the back of Xu Jing's hand.

looked at the high-grade ball next to it that was stained with Xu Jing's breath.

Without hesitation, the little paw touched the high-level ball.

The premium ball opens with a "click".

Took Jalaora in.


Very good!

Xu Jing clenched his fists.

Successfully subdued the Phantom Beast Elf.

Still shining, Geraola!

That's cool!

After accepting it, Xu Jing immediately released the little thing again.

Take out a small bottle of moo milk from your pocket.

"Come on, come on, try this~"


Gelaora held the bottle with her little paws, sniffed her nose, and then opened her mouth to bite the pacifier and suck it with an "ah-ah" sound.

- Wow! This one is so good (_)

As soon as he drank it, he was on his head.

Sucking with relish.

A bottle of 200m1 moo moo milk quickly bottomed out.

I had a burp after drinking.

My stomach is a little bulging.

Xu Jing was looking at its details.

[Elf: Jieraora (Electric) Genderless]

[Qualification: Phantom Beast Exclusive]

[Level: LV.1 (Normal Beginner)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (31) Attack (31) Defense (30) Special Attack (31) Special Defense (30) Speed (31)]

[Trait: Unawakened]

[Skill: Grab, Electric]

"Because it's a phantom beast, it doesn't have genetic skills. Xu Jing looked at the only two skills in the skill column.

Catch, electric light!

Both are physical attacks.

Of course, in fact, Gera Ola is its double attacker.

The physical attack race value is 112, which is 10 points higher than the special attack, but the special attack of 102 is still not low.

Similar to Lucario.

However, Geraola's speed race value is much faster than Lucario's!

An elf who can compete with the speed of Jaraola.

There are only a handful of them in the entire elven world!

"Look at this physical talent, 4V2U is really too C!"

Xu Jing is in a good mood!

Take the eggshells of the incubator away.

Take Jieraora away as well.

Xu Jing walked outside, and the eyes of the three roommates brushed over together, obviously wondering what kind of electric elf partner Xu Jing had newly subdued.

"I'm going to have dinner tonight, and everyone is open to eat!"

The subtext is to tell the buddies to stop staring at the elves.

All three were stunned.

It's just that this hatched electric elf disappointed Xu Jing, so Xu Jing is changing the topic?

The most responsive is Wang Ming, this kid.

He gave Zhang Tao and Tong Chuan a look, and hurriedly laughed, teasing the autumn wind of Brother Jing today.

Zhang Tao and Tong Chuan also came back to their senses.

Then change the subject.

Xu Jing also did this with a purpose.

Geraola, after all, is an elf who has never appeared yet!

Although there have been occasional people over the years who have subdued elves that they haven't found before, they are basically race-based.

Geraola is still a little different.

More than ten minutes later.

Xu Jing appeared in Chen Lin's office again.

"What? You said that elven egg hatched an elf that had never been found before?"

Chen Lin was drinking tea.

Hearing Xu Jing say this, he was stunned.

"Show me, hurry!"

"You kid, it's really my lucky star, even if you win the national championship, and now you're doing this kind of thing?"

Chen Lin laughed, but he didn't think it was outrageous, there were still people who accepted new elves last year.

After all, the Elven Secret Realm has only appeared for thirty years.

Occasionally, new types of Mysteries are popping up.

It's normal for someone to subdue a new type of elf.

But this at least proves that Xu Jing's luck is really powerful, the special power of the waveguide, and the subjugation of new elves, all of which represent ethereal luck in Chen Lin's opinion!

Xu Jing is obviously this kind of person with good luck!

Xu Jing pondered for a moment, then called out Jieraora and showed it to Chen Lin, the little guy had just fallen asleep after drinking.

"Yo, it's pretty handsome. "

Chen Lin looked at it for a while, but didn't think much about it.

"You accept it, you have the right of first signature, don't forget to draft a document for me when the time comes. "

"After this little guy is cultivated for a period of time, see if there is an evolutionary form or something, and then report it to the alliance headquarters. "

If Dean Chen Lin knew that this was not an ordinary elf, but a phantom beast that was rarer than a quasi-god elf!

I'm afraid it won't be so calm!

But this is exactly what Xu Jing wants.

Xu Jing proposed that he was not going to make a big show at this stage to see if he could cultivate secretly, and Dean Chen Lin understood it as soon as he heard it.

With a big wave of his hand: "Well, your kid has indeed been in the limelight lately, and it doesn't hurt to be appropriately low-key." "

"You go to Lao Liu and ask him to arrange a special energy house and training ground for you, and I will greet him. "

"It's not too late to announce it when it's done. "


When you don't decide to find Dean Chen Lin, it's right.

As soon as Dean Chen Lin opened his mouth, he solved everything for Xu Jing!

Violations? No, no, no.

Special treatment for special talents!

Xu Jingke doesn't think there is anything wrong with this.

"By the way, the fossil pterosaur elf egg you have in mind will start hatching tomorrow evening, and the resurrection instrument over there at Qingbei Elf Academy will be in place tomorrow evening. "

The resurrection apparatus is coming?

Good, good, good.

Double happiness is coming!

In this way, the fifth elf companion is almost done!

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